
TSPSC released the answer key of AEO Exam 2017


The Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) has released the preliminary answer key of the Agriculture Extension Officer Grade-II exam 2017.

The written examination (objective type) was held on November 22.

All those candidates who have taken this exam can visit the official website and follow the instructions given there to check their results.

Selection process:

The selection of the candidate will be done on the basis of marks of the online or OMR based (objective type) examination. Those candidates who qualify in the examination in order of merit will be called for verification of certificates, community and category wise for the vacancies available as required.

How to raise objections?

Candidates can raise objections to the answer keys online from November 29.

They can submit their objections only in English and only as per the order of questions appearing on the screen with the question numbers allotted by TSPSC.