

Abbreviations by alphabet

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A shortened form of a word or an expression formed usually by cutting off letters from the end and usually followed by a dot/Period (.) is known as an abbreviation. It may consists of first few letters of a word like “abbreviation” a complete world in itself is written as “abbr.” and a group of words like “United Nation Organisation” is abbreviated as UNO. In common parlance these are also known as acronyms but acronyms are combinations of the first letters/syllables in a group of words to form a new grouping of letters that can be pronounced as a word. Employed to reduce the time required for writing or speaking abbreviations began to proliferate in the 19th century and have been prevalent since then but credit of its mass use in daily communication  goes to  the advent of internet. Now these are being used very commonly by the net user as these help to reduce the time period and efforts by shortening the word to a few alphabets thereby speeding up the process of communication.

The last decade of the twentieth century and the first decade of the twenty-first century have also brought with them new abbreviations phenomena. With the advent of text messaging on cellular phones there is an increase in the use of abbreviations in communications. This has caused alarm amongst educators as they worry about the original language and confusion created by the multiple expansion of same acronyms/abbreviation. But this worry is little over reacted as these abbreviations are easily accepted after few initial hiccups as and when they become prevalent in masses. Once these abbreviation become popular they become a part of the communication just like vocabulary of that particular language. To make our users familiar with commonly used and highly accepted abbreviation in very refined manner through abbreviation section of the site.