Abbreviations start with W


Abbreviations by alphabet W

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List of abbreviations start with W
Abbreviation Definition
W.E.F. World Economic Forum
W.I.L.L. Women's Integrated Learning for Lift
W.T.O. World Trade Center
W3C World Wide Web Consortium
WA Wait
WABA World Antarctic Base Award
WABA Wyoming Agricultural Business Association
WACAAA Wisconsin Association of County Agricultural Agents Awards
WACIP West Africa Cotton Improvement Program
WACM Women's Army Corps Service Medal
WAE Warranty Administration Expert
WAEA Western Agricultural Economics Association
WAFF Western Australia Farmers Federation
WAFS Wide-area File Sharing
WAGF Wisconsin Agricultural Growth Foundation
WAI Web Accessibility Initiative
WAIC Washington Agriculture in the Classroom
WAIS Wide-Area Information Server
WAIS Wide Area Information Server
WAK Wearable Artificial Kidney
WAL World Assembly Language
WAM Warranted Archery Marshal
WAN Wide Area Network
WANJ Worked All New Jersey award
WANO World Association of Nuclear Operators
WAP Wireless Application Protocol
WAP Wireless Access Protocol
WAPCOW Water and Power Development Consultancy Services (India) Limited
WARN Write formatted error message to standard error Function
WAS ARRL Worked All States Award
WAS Ward Atmosphere Scale
WASME World Assembly of Small and Medium Enterprises
WASP Write All Stored Passwords
WATS Web-based Assessment And Testing Systems
WATS Wide Area Telecommunications System
WAVE Weyerhaeuser Active Volunteer Employee
WaveRT Wave Real Time
WAW Write After Write
WAWG Washington Association of Wheat Growers
WAY World Assembly of Youth
WAZA World Association of Zoos and Aquaria
WB Write Back
WB Write Binary
WBC Western Bean Cutworm
WBCD Write Bootstrap
WBCSD World Business Council For Sustainable Development
WBCT Water Balance and Chemical Transport
WBED World Bank Executive Director
WBEM Web - Based Enterprise Management
WBFC Western Barley Futures Contract
Total Records: 367