Abbreviations start with H


Abbreviations by alphabet H

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List of abbreviations start with H
Abbreviation Definition
H&E Hemorrhage And Exudate
H&E Hematoxylin and Eosin (stain)
H&P History and Physical
H-PFQ Hierarchical Packet Fair Queueing
H.C.F. Highest Common Factor
H2O Water
HA High Altitude
HA Hazard Analysis
HAA HaloAcetic Acid
HAA Hepatitis Associated Antibodies
HAA High Altitude Abort
HAA High Altitude Airship
HAA Hearing Aid Amplifier
HAARP High Altitude Auroral Research Program
HAART Highly Active Anti Retroviral Therapy
HAART Highly Active Anti Retroviral Treatment
HAB Haberdasher
HABF Hepatic Artery Blood Flow
HABIT Hips, Abdominals, Butts, and Incredible Thighs
HABT Habitability Technology
HAC Heading Alignment Cylinder
HAC Heading Alignment Cone
HAC Heading Alignment Circle
HAC Heading Alignment Center
HAC Humanitarian Action in Crises
HACA Human Antichimeric Antibodies
HACB Housing Authority of the County of Beaver
HACB Housing Authority of the City of Beaumont
HACB Housing Authority of the County of Butte
HACBSS Homestead and Community Broadcasting Satellite Service
HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
HACCP Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
HACR High Accuracy Cryogenic Radiometer
HACS Health And Community Studies
HAD Help Desk Analyst
HAD Heat Actuated Device
HAE Hereditary Angioedema
HAE Hearing Aid Evaluation
HAEC Human Aortic Endothelial Cell
HAER Historical Architectural Engineering Report
HAFB Holloman Air Force Base
HAFE High Altitude Flatus Expulsion
HAGS Herpes, AIDS, Ghonorrea, Syphilis
HAH Halt And Hang
HAI Health Action International
HAI Hospital Acquired Infection
HAINS High-Accuracy Inertial Navigation System
HAINS High Accuracy Inertial Navigation System
HAK Horizontal Access Kit
HAK Hamster Kidney
Total Records: 968