Abbreviations start with Z


Abbreviations by alphabet Z

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List of abbreviations start with Z
Abbreviation Definition
Z.B.B. Zero Based Budgeting
ZANU Zimbawe African National Union
ZAP Zeros Aren't Permitted
ZAPU Zimbawe African People's Union
ZAW Zero Administration For Windows
ZBB Zero-Based Budgeting
ZCAV Zoned Constant Angular Velocity
ZD Zap Directory
ZD Zoned Decimal
ZETA Zero Energy Thermonuclear
ZG Zero And Go
ZHC Zajdela Hepatoma Cell
ZJS Zenographics ZjStream printer driver
ZJSTREAM Zenographics ZjStream printer driver
ZNP Zoram Nationalist Party
ZP Zero Padding
ZPG Zero Population Growth
ZPI ZaP Immediate
ZS Zoological Society
ZSI Zoological Survey of India
ZUPO Zimbabwe United People's Organisation