Abbreviations start with R


Abbreviations by alphabet R

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List of abbreviations start with R
Abbreviation Definition
R and D Research and Development
R&D Research and Development
R&M Renovation and Modernisation
R.C.E. Regional College of Education
R.P.E. Railway Protection Force
R.S.D.P. Ranjit Sagar Dam Project
RA Return All
RA Return Address
RA Respect Authority
RA Residential Assistant
RA Resident Advisor
RA Royal Armorer
RA Residental Advisor
RA Residential Advisor
RA Royal Academician
RA Registered Accountant
RAA Residential Accredited Appraiser
RAA Relative Azimuth Angle
RAAB Remote Amplifier and Adaption Box
RAAB Remote Application and Advisory Box
RAAD Roll Attitude Anomaly Detection
RAAM Roll Attitude Acquisition Mode
RAATE Recovery Attitude and Treatment Evaluator
RAB Risk Assessment Board
RABMN Remote Area Business Message Network
RAC Recruitment and Assessment Centre
RAC Reliability Analysis Center
RAC Risk Assessment Code
RACE Recorded Activity Compared To Expectations
RACS Rotation Axis Coordinate System
RACS Reliability Action Center
RACT Reasonably Available Control Technology
RACU Remote Automatic Calibration System
RAD Rapid Application Development
RAD Reactive Airway Disease
RADAR Radio Detection and Ranging
RADAR Radio Detecting and Ranging
RADCC Radiation Control Center
RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
RAE Radio Astronomy Explorer
RAF Rapid Action Force
RAF Royal Air Force (UK)
RAF Requirements Analysis Form
RAFC Regional Area Forecast Centre
RAFC Regional Agricultural and Fisheries Council
RAG Research Animal Holding Facility
RAHF Roll Attitude Indicator
RAI Retailers Association of India
RAI Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
RAI Radar Altimeter Indicator
Total Records: 792