
Telangana State Board releases TS POLYCET 2018 result


Telangana State Board of Technical Education and Training has released the result of TS POLYCET 2018. All those candidate who  have taken this exam can visit the official website of the board i.e and follow the instructions given there to check their results.

TS POLYCET 2018 was held on 21st Apr, 2018 and the result was supposed to be declared on April 28 but got delayed by three days.

The rank cards had to be released after the TS POLYCET result, within a week.

TS POLYCET 2018: Selection Process

The minimum marks required for qualifying TS POLYCET is 36 out of a total of  120 marks.  The exam is conducted for candidates seeking admissions to Polytechnic Diploma programmes in the state's government, aided, private unaided polytechnics and polytechnics in private unaided engineering colleges of the state of Telangana