New Delhi: The UPSC has announced the final result for Engineering Services Examination, 2011 on Monday. The written examination was held in May 2011 and the interviews for Personality Test in January - February 2012.
The number of candidates who have been recommended for appointment to various streams is as under:
A total number of 693 candidates recommended for appointments in these four lists include 317 General, 209 Other Backward Classes, 113 Scheduled Castes and 54 Scheduled Tribes (including 44 candidates belonging to Physically Handicapped category).
Appointments will be made according to the number of vacancies available and keeping in view the amended Rules and with due consideration to the provisions contained in rule 5(b) and 16 of the rules for the examination relating to restrictions on the eligibility of candidates admitted to the examination under age concession and allotment of candidates to various services according to ranks obtained and preference of services expressed by them. The number of vacancies reported for Group 'A' posts' to be filled in are as below :
Candidates can obtain any information regarding their Examination/ recruitment on working days between 10:00 A.M. and 05:00 P.M. in person or over Telephone Nos.23385271 and 23381125 from UPSC's 'Facilitation Counter' near Examination Hall Building in its Campus.
The result is available on the U.P.S.C. website and the mark sheet is also expected to be available on the same website within fifteen days from the date of publication of results that will be available for a period of thirty days. Candidates can access the mark sheet after keying in (i) their Roll Number and (ii) the Date of Birth. Printed copy of the mark sheet can be issued to the candidate on a specific request received with self-addressed envelope duly affixed with postage stamps, within a period of thirty days.