
GSHSEB results: 92.53% pass HSC science exam


The Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSHSEB) declared on Monday a bumper 92.53 per cent HSC (science) result-the highest ever in its four decade long history. In 2012, the board had declared 67.70 per cent result.

Ironically, while the number of students who passed the exam jumped significantly, there was a drastic drop in the meritorious students. In 2012, 302 students had scored A1 grade- these students had scored over 90 per cent marks. This year, only 162 students scored A1 grade.

Education minister Bhupendrasinh  Chudasama attributed the jackpot result to the semester system which was introduced for the first time in 2011 from class XI (science). The final HSC (science) result declared is the aggregate of the marks scored by the students in four semesters, two of which were subjective and two were objective in nature.

He said that of the 14 lakh students who had appeared for the Joint Entrance Exam (JEE), 96,000 students were from the state board. "From Gujarat, 10,787 students have qualified to appear for the prestigious JEE advance exams", the minister said.