You must register with to participate in the contest. To register now please click here.
We will upload a youtube video once in a month which contains all the questions related to the contest. So make sure you have subscribed to our channel and enabled the bell icon in order to get the notification so that you could reply all the question as quickly as possible to win the first prize.
There will be 5-10 questions in the contest and candidates with all the correct answers will be eligible to win prizes.
There will be a total of 3 prizes.
First prize of Rs.1500 will be given to the candidate who will give all correct answer first.
Two prizes of Rs.1000 will be given to two candidates by randomly choosing a candidate from the list of all eligible participants.
To win the first prize you must try to submit all the correct answers as soon as possible.
Each contest will be open only for 24 hours.
You must watch complete youtube video carefully to get a list of all the questions.
Terms and Conditions of the contest can be changed by target study management as and when required without any kind of prior notification.
The contest can be cancelled at any time without any prior notice to the participants.