Kalapurnam is a reputed brand in the fields of Animation, Multimedia, Art and Design, since 2006. Kalapurnam Institute aims at grooming individuals by exposing them to creative environment.
Kalapurnam offers schooling duly supported by live projects, seminars by Industry professionals and innovative workshops organized time to time. Each one of our courses such as Visual Effects / 2D - 3D Animation / Multimedia / Graphics / Audio Video Editing / Digital Photography / Fashion Designing / Interior Designing / Architecture Designing / Digital Film Making is designed to help achieve the creative potential of every learner. Over the past 11 years we have helped thousands of students to achieve their goals in various industries. We feel immense pleasure in saying that our students are working with major national and international Companies and studios. At KALAPURNAM our prime focus is to deliver high end education clubbed with professional assistance with the state-of-the-art infrastructure that will surly help students to be employed or become entrepreneur as soon as they finish studies.
About School:-
Animation, Multimedia, Art and Design all four fields are based upon creativity and integrity and at Kalapurnam we strive for both along with perfection. Since year 2006, we are into training animators and designers. Our aim is to shine the talents of the people through sensible and innovative strategies in order that they sparkle out as successful animators and designers in near future. Both short and long term courses are being offered here. All courses are designed in accordance with the current trends and latest developments. “You walk in with your dream, you walk out with your future”.
Kalapurnam means ‘Perfection in Arts’. We over the past 12 years, with the help of experienced and able faculties have developed a very practical and comprehensive course structure which we revise, modify and restructure year after year. Internships and Placement Assistance is guaranteed, Portfolio Making, an entirely Audio Visual Curriculum, Site Visits, Workshops, Participation in Competitive shows/ Activities, are some of the features that add to the value of our course.
PG Facilities
Student Mentor Program