NBSE-Nagaland Board of School Education

The NBSE was set up through an Act by the Nagaland Legislative Assembly and received the assent of the Governor on the 15th of November 1973. It started functioning from the 1st October 1974, and in March 1975, the Board held its first High School Leaving Certificate Examination at 6 (six) centres, for 2008 (two thousand and eight) candidates. The NBSE ( Amendment ) Act 1990 empowers the Board to conduct the higher secondary school leaving certificate examination under the three streams- science, arts and commerce.

One unique aspect of JEE examination conducted by NBSE is that the candidates are allowed to self evaluate the carbon copy of the scoring sheet and enter the marks secured in the mark register compulsorily as soon as the examination is over. They are also allowed to bring to the notice of the Board any discrepancy in the marks declared by the Board within the specified time. This innovative system adopted by NBSE may be one of the first in the country and for which it has been appreciated by all.

It is put on record that the Board receives full co-operation and assistance from the Ministry of Education and the Civil Administration of the State in the conduct of its examinations. The Civil Administrative Heads in their capacity as Administrators, Magistrates and Chairmen of the Local Examination Centre Committees, ensures that the examinations are conducted smoothly. This kind of involvement may be quite rare elsewhere in the country.

Board Pattern

The Board conducts the following examinations in accordance with the prescribed curricula and syllabi of the Board:-

1. HSSLC Examination.

2. Class -11 Promotion Examination.

3. HSLC Examination.

4. Class - 9 Promotion Examination.

5. National Talent Search Test (State level)

6. Joint Entrance Examination for technical lines.

The HSSLC and HSLC examinations are two years course which are bifurcated into two-one year course and the examinations are held at the end of each year.

1. Centralised Examination: The HSSLC and HSLC examinations are conducted in selected centres at the end of class 12 and class 10 respectively. The evaluation is centralised and the results are declared through gazette, print media and internet.

2. Decentralised Examination: Promotion examinations for classes 9 & 11 are held in the registered institutions of the Board. Question papers are set and supplied to the institutions by the Board, while evaluation and declaration of results are done internally by schools/ colleges after it is approved by the Board.

3. NTS and JEE: The Board conducts the State Level NTS Examination for talented students of class 10.

Board Composition
  • The Board is composed of ex-officio members, members nominated by the Government and co-opted members.
  • There is a full time Chairman who is the chief executive.
  • The different sections of the office are examination, academic, administration, computer and accounts.
Objectives Of The Board

The Nagaland Board of School Education is basically instituted to achieve certain objectives such as:

1. To prescribe courses of instruction for examinations,

2. To prescribe conditions of examinations, conduct examinations and be responsible for making necessary arrangements for the same,

3. To publish the results of external examinations,

4. To prepare the curricula, syllabi and textbooks in accordance with the approved courses of study.

Since its inception, the Board has been carrying out functions like:

a) giving guidance to the State Government on development of school education;

b) adopting reforms in examinations and evaluation practices;

c) inspecting schools to ascertain attainment of standards;

d) organizing seminars, workshops for teachers and heads of institutions.
For more details : http://www.nbsenagaland.com