location_on Chandralok Market Complex, Chandrasekharpur, Niladrivihar Bhubaneswar, Orissa 751021, India
phone 2720310
phone_iphone 9938310115, 7008218538
mail_outline Fax: 2720310
email [email protected]
S-3, 61 and 62, Sector A, Zone- B, Mancheswar Industrial Estate
Near Tankapani Road, Campus, Bankual
A/17, Sec-A, Zone-A, Mancheswar Industrial Estate, Rasulgarh
NH-42, Pancha Mahala Angul
P.O. Patrapada
Chandralok Market Complex, Chandrasekharpur, Niladrivihar
3/B, Sector A, Zone- B, Mancheswar Industrial Road
Plot No. 15, Sector A, Zone B, Mancheswar Industrial Estate, Near Almico, Working Women's Hostel, Mancheswar Industrial Estate
Post- Nayapalli, Unit 8
Plot No. 561 and 562, Ekamra Vihar
Ananta Vihar, P.O. Pokhariput, Khurda
Post- Nayapalli, Unit- 8