Wed, Dec 23, 2009December 22
According to a communic from the Universities authorities they have introduced a new challenge evaluation system for those students who think that they have secured considerably less marks then they expected. These students can reevaluate their answer sheet in the presence of their own selected evaluated by paying evaluation fee of Rs. 2500 per paper. In case their marks increased more then 25% then the marks obtained by them in the orignal evaluation their fee will be returend and the university evaluated will be debarred from evaluating the answersheet hence forth. But if their marks increae lesser then 25% then though their marks will be increase but there will not be any refund of the fees.
However only those students will be allowed for the challange reevaluation who have secured at least 25% marks in their previous evaluation and they have to apply for the reevaluation within fifteen days of declaration of their result.