CBSE to introduce vocational course in food production

Wed, Jan 02, 2013

Central Board of Secondary Education plans to introduce a new vocational course in food production, food and beverage services, front office management, bakery and confectionary and travel and tourism under Hospitality and Tourism Sectors from the next academic year.

In a letter to the school principal, the Board has said, " With the onset of globalisation, the hospitality industry in India is witnessing a burgeoning growth throwing open ample opportunities for employment. Recent statistics reveal that India is likely to witness a further increase in both domestic and international tourists' strength".

Interested schools have also been asked to seek financial support in form of grants from the Ministry of Tourism for the successful implementation of these courses.

With Kerala being an established tourist destination for both Indians and non-Indians alike, there is huge demand for trained personnel’s in the tourism and travel industry in the state and schools here believe that there may be many takers for the course.