Goa board to declare Class XII results by May 15

Wed, Feb 27, 2013

The Goa board has decided that Class XII results will be declared any day between May 10 and 15 evenbefore the beginning of the exam.

The board wants to keep pace with developments nationally where NEET is being held for the first time for centralized admissions to medicine and dentistry courses. The state wants to declare its results in time for the drawing up of the merit list for admissions.

Goa board chairperson Jose Remedios Rebello said that  states have been warned that their students may have to forfeit seats if the Class XII scores are not sent on time.

Admissions to the National Institutes of Technology and Indian Institutes of Technology will be based on one test- the JEE-main. For NIT admissions, results of state boards will be processed centrally in a method called standardization, these scores will then form 40% of the marks in the NIT selection process," Rebello explained.

Rebello informed that in case of IITs, top 20% students from each board and those that form part of the top 1.20 lakh students from across the country will be chosen to answer the second round of exams for IIT entrance.