JIPMER to introduce course on Palliative Care

Wed, Jan 22, 2014

Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research- Puducherry's famous medical school - is all set to start a specialized course in palliative care.

Palliative care help the patient to ease the suffering of the patient and improves the quality of life of those afflicted with chronic and incurable diseases such as AIDS, cancer, heart problems and dementia. Palliative care is undertaken by responding to the patient's physical, emotional, social, psychological and spiritual needs and by continuing to offer him/her support as well as to patient’s family in bereavement.

The Palliative care course is shortly to be structured and introduced in the JIPMER institution and for the same inputs from global syllabi on palliative care will be studied and considered.

 JIPMER will also consult and seek inputs from international institutions such as the Harvard School of Public Health. The faculty of one of the strongest Palliative care units in the world - The Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centre, US will also be invited to contribute in the framing the course curriculum.