CBSE Class X examination pattern Changed

Fri, Feb 14, 2014


CBSE Class X examination pattern Changed 
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has made quite a few changes in the pattern of its Class X examinations. 
Now on the final marks would be given on the basis of the combined scores of the assessment that held throughout the year and that overall evaluation will denote the final marks student secured in Class 10, under Continuous and Comprehensive Evolution (CCE) 
The Class 10 assessment for the academic year is segmented into 2 parts  i.e  Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment. 
Only summative assessment will be based on exam marks, with SA1 having been completed under first term, and the final upcoming examinations, board or internal will be assessed as SA2.  The final result of a student of Class 10 will be 60% on the basis of summative assessment (SA1 and SA2) and 40 % on formative assessment.
In case the student wants to switch school after 10, only Summative Assessment marks will be considered.
The student weather appearing in Class 10 external board or internal examination, CBSE only will issue the same certificate to both type of candidates.

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has made quite a few changes in the pattern of its Class X examinations. Now on the final marks would be given on the basis of the combined scores of the assessment that held throughout the year and that overall evaluation will denote the final marks student secured in Class 10, under Continuous and Comprehensive Evolution (CCE).

The Class 10 assessment for the academic year is segmented into 2 parts  i.e  Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment. Only summative assessment will be based on exam marks, with SA1 having been completed under first term, and the final upcoming examinations, board or internal will be assessed as SA2.

The final result of a student of Class 10 will be 60% on the basis of summative assessment (SA1 and SA2) and 40 % on formative assessment.In case the student wants to switch school after 10, only Summative Assessment marks will be considered.The student weather appearing in Class 10 external board or internal examination, CBSE only will issue the same certificate to both type of candidates.