CBSE allowed for revaluation for 12th class.

Tue, Jun 03, 2014

The Central Board of Secondary Education has introduced introduce the provision for “Revaluation” at the Senior Secondary level  from this year.

The whole procedure of evaluation entails a three-step interlinked processes  ie. candidates applying for verification of marks will only be eligible to apply for obtaining photocopy of evaluated answer book and those obtaining photocopy of answer book will only be eligible to apply for revaluation. This means thereby that no candidate will be permitted to make a request for providing of photocopy (ies) without following the procedure of verification of marks and in the same way no candidate would have a right to challenge the answer(s) without verification of marks and getting photocopy of the evaluated answer book.

For verification of marks, applications should apply through online application available on the CBSE’s website within seven days with effect from 30 May 2014 to 05 June 2014. This process accrues a fee of Rs. 300/- per subject that need to be paid through e-challan/electronic payment gateway.

Only those candidates who have applied for verification of marks will be eligible to apply for obtaining photocopy of the evaluated answer book(s) on remitting the requisite fee of Rs.700/- per subject. They can submit their requests for this from 20 June 2014 to 23 June 2014.

Only after then, a student would be eligible to apply for revaluation or challenge the marks awarded to any question(s), if s/he is not satisfied with the evaluation.

The subjects for which revaluation is allowed are English Core, English Elective, Functional English, Hindi Core, Hindi Elective, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Business Studies, Economics, and Accountancy.

The request for revaluation/challenge for particular question(s) only in theory paper is allowed and it should be made only online from 28 June 2014 to 04 July 2014. Also, the request for maximum 10 questions shall be entertained only for theory portion of the subject (s) @Rs.100/- per question.

Students please make note that the entire application process is online.