JEE Advance 2018: Huge Drop in Qualifiers

Mon, Jun 11, 2018

JEE advance 2018 result has been declared with a big shock. The merit list of qualifying candidates has come down to 2/3rd than that of last year.  There has been a sharp drop in the number of qualifying candidates from 50455 candidates to mere 18138 in 2018. According to the sources qualifying scores were already pre-defined and authorities found that fewer candidates had score 10% in each subject and 35% in aggregate (qualifying criterion).

Thus only 1.6 time the number of candidates to the seats available in all the IITs. The IITs have 11279 seats in all. A lot of students who don’t get the top ranks or seats in courses of their choice drop ou, thereby leaving so many seats vacant in various engineering branches.

IIT JEE Sum up

  • 10.44 lakh took the IIT JEE (Main) Exam.
  • 1.55 lakh made it to JEE (Advanced)
  • 18,138 qualified but only 11,279 seats are available

Gender Sum up

  • 16,062 boys i.e 13% of total boys and
  • 2,076 girls i.e 7% of total girls qualified

The First
800 more seats have been created specifically for female candidates to improve gender balance in IITs.

Qualifying marks
Minimum marks in each subject varied from 12 for general category to 3 for some reserved categories.
Minimum aggregate marks for general category was 126 and 32 for some reserved categories.