Contact Information

Gurukul World School is a temple of learning where each child's uniqueness is respected and an Equal Platform is endowed to them to know and grow.

We at Gurukul believe that the children should Invent, Experiment, Grow, Take Risks, Break Rules, Make mistakes their own way whilst having Fun and Learning.

Our Mission

We in collaboration with academia and community at large aim to provide a conducive and challenging learning environment that maximises learning through use of technology, student engagement and establishing relevance and real life connections.

To lay equal stress on physical fitness, intellectual development and personality development of the students.

To inculcate life skills like effective communication, problem solving ability, critical thinking and collaborative working so that students are equipped to excel in the real world after school.

Our Vision

We envision about an Education system that breeds Inspiration and Innovation which will ignite the quintessential drive in each and every of our student to provide the right ingredients for the making of a Holistic Persona.

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