We at Manchester International School are very proud to introduce you to this tantalising glimpse of the purposeful and varied life at Manchester. Our aim is to guide each individual towards a confident, resourceful, independent and happy adulthood well qualified in every way.
If you share that vision for your child, this is the school for you. To do this we offer a broad and balanced education- academic, artistic, practical and physical - so that all our students can fully explore talents and interests in their formative years.
Our dedicated teachers, for whom nothing is too much trouble, enthuse and challenge their students to teach them that rewarding work combines hard work and fun; they support them while gradually teaching them the skills to learn from each other and to study independently. We are also an inclusive school, where every pupil is equally important to us.
The balance of learning support, physical development and pastoral care is tailored to the needs of the individual child. Sport, Music, Art and Drama are all renowned strengths of the school, and a glance at our term calendar reveals the wealth of activities, trips and events which provide so many opportunities for our students to shine.We lead each of them, not only to achieve their highest academic potential but also to enjoy learning itself.
Junior School: - No. 12, Sathyamurthy Road, Ramnagar, Coimbatore 641009, Tamilnadu, India.
Tel: - +91 422 6555551, 2, 3, 4
Mobile No. - 92445 55557, 9244655557
Email: [email protected]