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AHPS is one of the most prominent secondary schools of India which has become the hallmark, in the field of education. The school is well known for its innovative teaching, methodologies, academic and cultural achievements. Its aim is to lay the foundation of students’ life and spread the divine light of education by nurturing all its students.

AHPS also endeavors to transform the entire education scenario of the nation by incorporating extensive measures in shaping the young brains on contemporary and futuristic issues.

We believe that Excellence in learning should not be limited within the classroom but should reach beyond it. That is why, we want our students in a learning mode throughout their life. They should grow up into knowledgeable and compassionate adults so that they become professionals well versed in modern technology.We think that the progress in today's world can be achieved through active participation, to be passionate about their goals and to value excellence.



The library of the school is stocked with variety of fiction and non-fiction books. Reading is an art that is supported at the school and students learn to appreciate literature. Many children thus develop the passion for reading which helps them stay dedicated towards everything else in life and they do not find studying or reading a cumbersome task.

Medical Room

To take care of any and all minor injuries and sickness of the students, a medical room has been provided. A Medical Incharge is always there to look at the injuries and take care of students if they are not feeling well.


Physical fitness is as important as education. Special periods have been allotted in school so students can partake in sports. In sports, a person learns to not feel bad after losing and learns to try harder next time. It is this intention of taking a loss as a motivation is what sports teach us.

CCTV Surveillance

To maintain a proper decorum and for the safety of children, CCTV Cameras are installed in the classrooms. We look over children and make sure classes are being conducted properly.

Medical Room

The school also has a Medical Room, attended by well-qualified staff, to take care of medical needs of students. From a minor headache to small injuries, students will stay healthy and safe in the Medical Room.


AHPS provides transport facility and is well-equipped with a first-aid box in case of emergency. Every bus has staff member in duty. Our main aim is to provide safe, comfortable and efficient service our students.

Fitness Classroom

Physical fitness is greatly emphasized in the school curriculum. Besides a comprehensive gymnastics program along with yoga, aerobics and karate ensure the all round development of a child. The well-equipped fitness classroom encourages students to spend some time on exercising.

Indoor / Outdoor Games

we have provided the facilities for indoor and outdoor games. The school has a separate playground with slides, swings, ladders and other park equipments. Apart from this, outdoor games like cricket, volleyball, etc are also played.                                    

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