The SIPS Nechhwa, An English Medium Co-educational School, came into existence in 2009 with a noble objective of transforming the rural societies by imparting Value Added Education to grown-up children of the region and further opening its doors for other educationally neglected areas. The school creates a climate conducive to learning, wherein both teachers and students look forward to getting back to the school after their holidays. The school has a strong Student-Parent - Teacher-Partnership and only purpose of the Partnership is to prepare students to become responsible citizens. The versatile Sunrise Team Kindles the fire of learning and creates a congenial and effusive learning atmosphere for students to develop a constructive outlook. Sunrise is committed to assisting the students to get updated education through innovative techniques.
Labs (Science, Computer), Smart Classroom, Transport, Hostel
Admission Procedure:
The school announces admissions in the month of April. The number of vacant seats in every class is advertised by posters/pamphlet and local newspapers. The desiring/willing parents can contact in the office during the school hours with required documents.