We Gurukul Public School, situated very near to Nanded Ho, pawdewadi, Nanded, Maharashtra believe in providing academic excellence to our students. In order to achieve this we have a team of dedicated and well experienced teachers who channelize their energy and resources towards child-centered qualitative learning. We help students to gain a strong foundation and develop into holistic beings. During these years, the smooth transition from childhood to adolescence is facilitated by value-added education. We are the first private school of nanded in semi English medium having total infrastructure facility. We develop our own modules, systems to educate the students. School locates in a very natural atmosphere.
Admission Procedure & fees:-
Admission procedure starts from May 1st
Starting fees for pre-primary from 14,000/-Starting fees for Std. 1st 18,000/- (every year 1000/- increased as per class level.)
School has extensive infrastructure for academic and non-academic pursuits of students. Some of the highlights are as follows:
Principal’s Message:-
I extend a warm welcome to you and your family. I am very proud to be the Principal of this wonderful school. It is a privilege for me to work with our students, our staff and our families to make our school they very best it can be. My aim is to lead our school community to enable us to work together to achieve our goals.
We aim to create a safe, nurturing yet challenging environment that is built on positive relationships; developing the whole student – emotionally, socially and academically. We care for and appreciate each of our students as the unique individuals that they are, each with distinct talents, interests and needs, and each with differing learning styles.