1 Years
Course Detail
Group-A : Core Course
- A -1 Education in Emerging Indian Society
- A -2 Teaching Learning Process
- A -3 Learner and Learning Process
- A -4 Educational Evaluation
- A -5 Educational Administration and School Management
Group-B : Methodology of Teaching
- Methodology of Teaching School Subject-1
- Methodology of Teaching School Subject-2
Group-C : Practice Based Areas of Study
- C -1 CALT
- C -2 Educational Guidance and Counselling
- C -3 Educational Technology
Note: C -1 is compulsory & every student has to select either C2 or C3.
Group-D : Socially Useful Productive work (SUPW)
- Preparation of improvised material
- Preparation of one artistic, skilled material bandhej, regzine work, doll making, use of waste material etc.
- Making useful material using locally available resources.
- Organisation and maintenance of school library.
- Any suitable activity/ activities decided by the Department
- Practical experience in preparing them
- Providing training to school children in preparing atleast one kind of material.
Group-E :