M.D.S. (Oral Pathology and Microbiology)
3 Years
Course Content
First Year
1. Biostatistics n Research methodology
- Basic Principles of Biostatistics and study as applied to dentistry and Research
- Collection /organization of data/ measurement scales presentation data and analysis.
- Measures of central tendency
- Measures of variability
- Sampling and planning of health survey
- Probability, normal distribution and indicative statistics.
- Estimating population values.
- Tests of significance (Parametric/nonparametric qualitative methods).
- Analysis of variance.
- Association, correlation and regression.
- Didactic lectures on Biostatistics an discussion on Research methodology.
- Two day Post graduate orientation course including General approach PG course ,library , Main dissertation, journal club topics selection and presentation, seminars, clinicopathological meetings, teaching technology and use of audiovisual aids.
2. Applied Gross Anatomy of Head and Neck including Histology:
- Temporomandibular Joint
- Trigeminal nerve and Facial nerve.
- Muscles of Mastication.
- Tongue
- Salivary glands
- Nerve supply, blood supply, lymphatic drainage and venous drainage of Orodental tissues
- Embryology
- Development of face, palate, mandible, maxilla, tongue and appliedaspect of the same.
- Development of teeth and dental tissues and developmental defects of oral and maxillofacial region and abnormalities of2 teeth.
- Maxillary sinus.
- Jaw muscles and facial muscles
Introduction , mode of inheritance, chromosomal anomalies of oral tissues and single gene disorder.
- To be covered as didactic lectures.
- Posting in department of Anatomy for demonstration of dissection of Head, face and neck.
3. Physiology (General and Oral)
- Saliva
- Pain.
- Mastication
- Taste
- Deglutition
- Wound healing
- Vitamins (Influence on growth, Development and structure of Oral soft and hardtissues and para oral tissues.)
- Calcium metabolism.
- Theories of mineralization
- Tooth eruption and shedding
- Hormones((Influence on growth, Development and structure of Oral soft and hard tissues and para oral tissues.)
- Blood and its constituents.
To be covered as didactic lectures.
4. Cell Biology:
- Cell structure and function (Ultra structural and molecular aspects), intercellularjunctions, cell cycle and division, cell cycle regulators, cell to cell extra cellularmatrix interactions.
- Detailed molecular aspects of DNA, RNA and intracellular organelles, transcriptionand translation and molecular biology techniques.
To be covered as seminars.
5. General Histology:
Light and electron microscopy considerations of epithelial tissues and gland, bone, hemopoietic system, lymphatic system, muscle, neural tissue, endocrinal system(Thyroid, pituitary, parathyroid)
- Topics to be covered as didactic lectures.
- Postings in the dept of Anatomy and histology for slide discussion.
- Record book to be maintained.
6. Biochemistry:
- Chemistry of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.
- Methods of identification and purification.
- Metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.
- Biologicaloxidation.
- Various techniques- cell fractionation and ultra filtration, centrifugation,electrophorosis, spectrophotometry and radioactive techniques.
- Topics to be covered as didactic lectures.
- Posting I the dept of Biochemistry to familiarize with various techniques.
- Record book to be maintained.
7. General Pathology:
- Inflammations and chemical mediators, thrombosis, embolism, necrosis, repair,degeneration , shock, hemorrhage, pathogenic mechanisms at molecular level and blood dyscrasias, carcinogenesis and neoplasia.
To be covered as seminars and didactic lectures.
8. General Microbiology:
- Definitions of various types of infections.
- Routes of infection and spread.
- Sterilization, disinfection and antiseptics.
- Bacterial genetics.
- Physiology and growth microorganisms.
- To be cover as didactic lectures.
- Record book to maintained.
9. Basic Immunology:
- Basic principles of immunity, antigens, and antibody reactions.
- Cell mediated immunity and humoral immunity.
- Immunology of hypersensitivity.
- Immunological basis of autoimmune phenomenon.
- Immunodeficiency with relevance to opportunistic infections.
- Basic principles of transplantation and tumour immunity.
To be covered as didactic lecture.
10. Systemic microbiology /Applied microbiology:
Morphology, classification, pathogenicity, mode of transmission, methods of prevention, collection and transport of specimen for laboratory diagnosis, staining methods, common culture media, interpretation of laboratory reports and antibiotic sensitivity tests.
- Staphylococci
- Streptococci
- Cornybacterium diphtheria
- Mycobacteria.
- Clostridia, bacteroids and fusobacteria.
- Actinomycetales.
- Spirochetes.
- General properties: structure, broad classification of viruses, pathogenesis, pathology of viral infections.
- Herpes virus: List of viruses included, lesions produced, pathogenesis, latency principles and
- laboratory diagnosis.
- Hepatitis virus: List of viruses, pathogenesis, mode of infection, list of diagnostic tests an their interpretations, methods of prevention and control.
- Human Immunodefiency Virus: Structure with relevance to laboratory diagnosis, types of infection, laboratory tests and their interpretation, universal precautions, specific precautions and recent trends in diagnosis and prophylaxis.
- General properties of fungi, classification bases of diseases, superficial subcutaneous and deep opportunistic infections.
- General principles of fungal infections, diagnosis, rapid diagnosis method collection of sample and examination for fungi.
- To be covered as seminars and didactic lectures.
- Posting in the dept of microbiology to familiarize with relevant diagnostic methods.
- Record book to be maintained.
11. Oral Biology (Oral and Dental Histology)
- Structure and functions of oral, dental and paraoral tissues including their ultra structure, molecular and biochemical aspects.
- Study of morphology of permanent and deciduous teeth.(Lectures and practicals to be given by P students)
- To be covered as seminars and didactic lectures
- Record book to be maintained.
12. Basic molecular biology and techniques.
Experimental aspects – DNA extraction , PCR, Western blotting.
- To be covered as didactic lectures.
- Posting in the centres where facilities are available for demonstration of routine,molecular biology techniques.
- Record book to be maintained.
13. Basic Histotechniques and microscopy:
- Routine hematological tests and clinical significance of the same.
- Biopsy procedures for oral lesions.
- Processing of tissues for paraffin embedding.
- Microtomes and principles of microtomy.
- Routine stains, principles and theories of staining techniques.
- Microscope and principle of microscopy.
- Light microscopy and various other types including electron microscopy.
- Methods of tissue preparation for ground sections, decalcified sections.
- Topics to be covered as seminars.
- Preparation of ground and decalcified sections, tissue processing , sectioning and staining.
- Record book to be maintained.
Academic Activities:
- Submission of synopsis of dissertation in the 10 month of first year.
- Journal clubs and seminars to be presented by every post graduate student by turn.
- To attend the interdepartmental meetings.
- To attend dental camps based on survey to be done.
- Part 1 year ending examination to be conducted by college/university at the end of the academic year in optional subjects.
Second Year
Oral Pathology
- Developmental defects of oral and maxillofacial region and abnormalities of teeth.
- Dental caries(Introduction, Epidemiology, microbiology, cariogenic bacteria including properties, acid production in plaque, development of lesion, response to dentine-pulp unit, histopathology root caries, sequelae and immunology)
- Pulpal and perapical diseases.
- Infections of oral para oral regions (bacterial, viral and fungal infections)
- Non neoplastic disorders of salivary glands.
- Bone pathology
- Hematological disorders.
- Physical and chemical injuries, allergic and immunological diseases.
- Cysts of odontogenic origin
- Dermatologic diseases.
- Periodontal diseases.
- Oral manifestations of systemic diseases.
- Facial and neuromuscular disorder including TMJ disorders.
- Regressive alteration of teeth.
Clinical Pathology:
- Laboratory investigations-hematology, microbiology and urine analysis.
- Posting in clinical pathology to relevant training.
- Record book to be maintained.
Specialized histotechniques and special stains:
Specialized staining technique for different tissues. Immunohistochemistry. Preparation of frozen sections and cytological smears.
- Training to imparted in the department or in the institutions having facility. Record book to be maintained. Recording of case history and clinicopathological discussions:
- Posting to the department of Oral Medicine, Medicine and Radiology and Oral and Maxillofacial surgery for 15 days. Record book to be maintained.
- Study of selected mucocutenous lesions-etiopathogenesis, pathology clinical presentation and diagnosis.
- Posting to dept dermatology of medical college for 15 days.
- Topics to be covered as seminars.
- Record book to be maintained.
Oral Oncology
- Detailed study including pathogenesis, molecular and biochemical changes of various tumours, tumour like lesions and premalignant lesions affecting the hard and soft tissues of oral and paraoral tissues tumour markers.
- To be covered as seminars..
- Posting in cancer centres to familiarize with the pathological appearances, diagnosis radiodiognosis and treatment modalities.
Oral Microbiolgy and Immunology
- Normal Oral microbial flora
- Defence mechanism in the oral cavity
- Microbiology and immunology of dental caries and periodontal diseases.
- Tumour immunology
- Infections of pulp and periapical and periodontal tissues.
- Oral sepsis and bacterimia
- Infections of oral and paraoral regions (Bacterial,viral and fungal infections)
To be covered as seminars.
Forensic Odontology:
- Legal procedures like inquest, medicolegal evidences, post mortam examination of violence around mouth and neck, identification of deceased indivisuals–dentalimportance bitemaks, rugae patterns and lip prints.
- To be covered as seminars.
- Histopathology slide discussion
- Record book to be maintained.
Other topics in Oral Pathology
- Detailed description of diseases affecting oral mucosa, teeth supporting tissues and jaws.
- Cysts of oral and paraoral regions.
- Systemic diseases affecting oral cavity.
- Seminars and slide discussions. Record book to be maintained. Training in histopathology slide reporting. Experimental aspects of oral diseases.
- Approach: Posting desirable in the centres where animal experimentation is carried out to familiarize with laboratory techniques , upkeep and care of experimental animals.
Academic activities:
- Library assignment to be submitted at the end of 6 months.
- Commencement of dissertation work.
- Journal club and seminars to be presented by every PG students turn by turn.
- Clinicopathological discussions once in a month by every PG student.
- To attend the interdepartmental meetings.
- Lectures and practical classes and slide discussion to be taken for ii BDS students in oral anatomy and histology, physiology.
Third Year
- Non neoplastic disorders of salivary glands.
- Bone pathology
- Physical and chemical injuries, allergic and immunological diseases.
- Cysts of odontogenic origin.
- Oral manifestation of systemic diseases.
- To be covered as seminars
- Slide discussion of the same.
- Record book to be maintained.
Academic activities:
- Visit to centre where animal experimentation is carried out to familiarize with laboratory chniques, upkeep and care of experimental animals.
- Completion of dissertation work and submission of the same six months before the finaluniversity examination.
- Study of journals, internet browsing and group discussion to update knowledge in recent advances in oral pathology.
- Lectures and practical demonstration for third BDS students in oral pathology.
- Reporting of histopathology slides.