Management of pregnancies complicated by medical,surgical or gynaecological diseases, in consultation with the concerned specialities by team approach.
Recent advances in medical and surgical management.
Infections in pregnancy.
Malaria, Toxoplasmosis, viral infections ( Rubella, CMV, Hepatitis B, Herpes) syphilis and Other sexually transmitted infections including HIV, Leptospirosis.
Parents to child transmission of HIV infection. (PPTCT)
Evaluation of the fetal and maternal health in complicated pregnancy by making use of available diagnostic modalities and plan for safe delivery of the fetus while safeguarding thematernal health. Identification of fetus at risk and management.
High risk pregnancy - Post caesarean pregnancy, prolonged gestation, preterm labour, fetal growth restriction, premature rupture of membranes, blood group incompatibility, recurrent pregnancy wastages. Imaging techniques, CTG
Prenatal diagnosis of fetal abnormalities and appropriate care. Fetal therapy. PNDT Act and its implications.
Partographic monitoring of labour progress, early recognition of dysfunctional labour and appropriate interventions during labour including active management of labour.
Obstetrical analgesia and anesthesia.
Induction and augmentation of labour.
Management of abnormal labour : Abnormal pelvis, soft tissue abnormalities in birth passage, Malpresentation and malpositions of fetus, abnormal uterine action, obstructed labour and cervical dystocia. Third stage complications - PPH including surgical management, retained placenta, uterine inversion, post partum collapse, amniotic fluid embolism.
Neonatal sepsis - prevention, Early detection & management.
Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, investigation and management.
Birth trauma - prevention, early detection & management.
Detection of congenital malformations in new born and make timely referrals for surgical corrections.
Management of the common problems in neonatal period.
Gynaecology :
Basic sciences
Development of genital tract and associated malformations. Basics of breast diseases related to ob/gy
Applied anatomy of female genital tract, abdominal wall and urinary tract.
Physiology of menstruation and ovulation
Physiology of spermatogenesis
Endocrinology - hypothalamus pituitary, thyroid and adrenal glands Neurotransmitters
Common menstrual disorders and their management
Diagnosis and surgical management of clinical conditions related to congenital malformations of genital tract. Reconstructive surgery in gynaecology
Chromosomal abnormalities and intersex. Ambiguous sex at birth
Reproductive Endocrinology : Evaluation of primary and secondary amenorrhoea, management of hyperprolactinemia, Hirsutism, chronic anovulation and PCOD,. Thyroid dysfunction.
Endometriosis and adenomyosis - medical and surgical management.
Infertility evaluation and management. Use of ovulation induction methods and Tubal microsurgery, Assisted reproduction techniques , management of immunological factors in infertility. Adoption law, medico-legal and ethical issues.
Screening for genital malignancies - cytology, colposcopy and biochemistry. Management of premalignant lesions
Benign and malignant tumors of genital tract – Early diagnosis and management.
Principles and practice of oncology in gynaecology - chemotherapy, radiotherapy, palliative treatment.
Supports of pelvic organs , genital prolapse,surgical management of genital prolapse.
Common urological problems in gynaecology - SUI, voiding difficulties, VVF, urodynamics, surgical repair of genital fistulae, ureteric and bladder injuries.
Management of menopouse, prevention of complications, HRT, cancer screening - genital, breast.
Recent advances.
Newer diagnostic aids - USG, interventional sonography, other imaging techniques, endoscopy.