Approved By: UGC NAAC
Duration: 1 Years |
Eligibility: Post Graduation |
Course Structure
End of Semester - I
End of Semester - II
Paper III Elective:
Course Syllabus
Paper I-Group Theory And Spectroscopy
Unit I : symmetry and group theory
Symmetry elements and symmetry operations. Properties of a group. Point groups. Representation of groups. Reducible and irreducible representations. Group multiplication and character tables.
Unit II : Chemical applications of group theory
Symmetry properties of molecular orbitals. Selection rules for iR, raman and electronic transitions. Vibrational modes and symmetry types. Application of symmetry in MO calculations of simple molecules.
Unit III : Electronic absorption spectroscopy
Term symbols for molecules. Electronic spectra of diatomic and polyatomic molecules. Principle and method of electronic absorption spectroscopy. Selection rules. Assignments of transitions. Oscillator strengths. Intensity of transitions. Correlation of electronic absorption spectra with molecular structure. Charge transfer transitions.
Unit IV : Vibrational and rotational spectroscopy
Harmonic and anharmonic vibrations. Force constant. Infrared spectroscopy: theory and method. Selection rules. Normal coordinate analysis and band types. Group vibrations. Raman spectroscopy: Polarized and depolarized raman lines. Rotational raman spectra. Applications of infrared and raman spectroscopy. Microwave spectroscopy: determination of bond angles and bond distances. Measument of dipole moments.
Unit v : Resonance spectroscopy
Nmr spectroscopy: sampling techniques. Chemical shifts. Shielding. Spin-spin splitting. Spin-spin coupling. Applications. Nqr spectroscopy: theory and applications. Esr spectroscopy : presentation of spectrum. Hyperfine splitting. Zero field splitting. Kramer’s degeneracy. Applications. Mossbauer spectroscopy: qudrapole interactions. Magnetic interactions. Applications.
Paper II –Analytical Methods
Unit I : Treatment of Analytical Data
Accuracy and precision. Mean and standard deviation. Variance and coefficient of variation. Classification and minimization of errors. Significant figures and statistical treatment. Student ‘t’ test. Methods of averages and least squares.
Unit II : Separation Methods
Chromatographic methods: classification. Theories, methods and applications of paper, thinlayer, column, gas, liquid, and HPL chromatographic methods. Ion exchange and solvent extraction methods: Principles and applications.
Unit III : Electroanalytical Methods
classifications. Principles, methods and applications of potentiometry, electrogravimetry, coulometry, amperometry, conductometry and polarography.
Unit IV : Mass and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
Ionization techniques. EI, CI and soft ionization methods. Mass analyzers.
Application of MS. MS-Chromatography interfaces. MS-MS. Instrumentation for aas. Atomizers and hollow cathode lamps. Applications of aas.
Unit V : Thermal methods
Classification. Principles and instrumentations of TG, DTA and DSC. Complementary nature of TG and DTA. Factors affecting TG curves. Difference between DTA and DSC. Applications of thermal methods in analytical chemistry and in the study of minerals, polymers and coordination compounds.
Paper III- Elective (a) : Selected topics in Inorganic Chemistry
Unit I : Bonding in metal Complexes
Theories of metal complexes: VBT, LFT and MOT. Splitting of d orbitals in different ligand fields. LFSE. Jahn-Teller distortion. Spectrochemical and nephelauxetic series. Ligand types and classifications. Stability of metal complexes. Substitution reactions. Trans effect. Electron transfer reactions.
Unit II : Spectral and Magnetic Properties of Complexes
Electronic spectra of metal complexes: Selection rules. Term symbols. Orgel and Tanabe-Sugano diagrams. Calculation of Dq values. Effect of coordination on IR spectra of organic molecules. Changes of symmetry upon coordination of NO3, ClO4, SO4 groups. Magnetic moment. Orbital contribution to magnetic moment. Spin-orbit coupling. Temperature independent paramagnetism. Application of magnetic moments to structure elucidation of metal complexes.
Unit III : Bioinorganic Chemistry and Organometallics
Oxygen carriers and oxygen transport proteins. Hemoglobin, myoglobin, and hemocyanin. Iron storage and transport in biological systems. Ferritin and transferrin. Heme proteins in redox reactions. Cytochromes. Peroxidases and catalyses. Vitamin B12, Nitrogenases. Homogeneous catalysis involving organometallic compounds. Olefin hydrogenation. Wacker process. Ziegler- Natta process. Olefin metathesis. Monsanto process for the synthesis of acetic acid. Metallocenes: classification, synthesis and physical properties.
Unit IV : Lanthanides and Actinides
Characteristics of lanthanides. Electronic configurations. Oxidation states and stabilities of ions. Spectral and magnetic properties of lanthanides. Physical methods used for the investigation of lanthanide complexes. Synthesis of actinides. Characterisation of actinides. Electronic configurations. Oxidation state and stability. Toxicity of actinides. Spectral and magnetic properties of actinides. Coordination chemistry of actinides. Synthesis and properties of elements above 103.
Unit V : Solid State Chemistry
Various types of lattice defects. Point defects, line defects and plane defects. Order-disorder transitions. Semiconductors. Thermodynamics and kinetics of solid state reactions. Mixed oxide systems. Ceramics. Superconductivity. BCS theory of superconductivity (No mathematical details needed). Magnetic properties of superconductors. High temperature superconductors.
Paper III –Elective (b) : Selected Topics in Organic Chemistry
Unit I : MO Theory of Organic Compounds
Variation method. LCAO-MO method. Huckel MO method. Application of MO theory of ethylene, allyl, cyclopropenyl, butadiene, cyclobutadiene and benzene systems. Application of perturbation theory to organic structure. Reactivity predictions based on FMO method.
Unit II : Organic Spectroscopy
Introduction to Ft Nmr, NOE, pulse techniques and two dimensional methods. 1H-1H and 1H-13C correlation spectroscopy. Introduction to mri. Soft ionization techniques in ms. FAB, Electronspray and MALDI. Mass analyzers, MS-MS and FTMA. MS chromatography interfacing. Structure deduction based on UV, IR, NMR and MS spectral data.
Unit III : Organic synthesis
Synthetic planning. Retrosynthetic analysis and disconnection method. Functional group protection. Stereoselective synthesis. New C-C bond forming reactions. Murray, Heck and Petersen reactions. Sharpless epoxidations. Enzymes in synthesis. Molecular recognition and synthesis of supramolecules and dendrimers.
Unit IV : Concerted and Photochemical Reactions
Symmetry controlled reactions. Woodward Hoffmann rules. Application of pericyclic reactions. Chemistry of excited states. Photoreactions of alkenes, arenes, carbonyl and nitro compounds. synthetic organic photochemistry. Photorearrangements.
Unit V : Macromolecules
Polymer characterization by spectroscopic methods. Determination of functionality. Polymer stereochemistry by NMR. Polymer modification methods. Polymer analogous reactions. Polymer as reagents, substrates and catalysts in organic synthesis. Liquid crystalline polymers. Polymers for electronic and photonic applications.
Paper III- Elective (c) : Selected Topics in Physical Chemistry
Unit I : Surfaces and Interfaces
External and internal surfaces. Porous and non porous solids. Classification of pore sizes. Particle size distribution. Evaluation of microporosity. Interstice between particles. Effective solid density.
Unit II : Thermodynamics of Surfaces
Definition of surface thermodynamic functions. Surface free energy. Integral and differential heat of adsorption. Evaluation of heat of adsorption. Monomolecular film. Nucleation. Surface potential measurements.
Unit III : AdsorptionEquilibria
Adsorption forces. Analysis of isotherms. General purpose and classification of adsorption isotherms. Reversible hysteresis. Adsorption kinetics. Solution factors affecting adsorption. Thermodynamics of chemisorption. Mass-transfer coefficients. Sticking probability curve.
Unit IV : Electrochemical Cells and Metallic Corrosion
Types of electrodes. Reference electrodes. Galvanic and electrolytic cells. Cell voltage and currents. Efficiency in electrochemical processes. Metallic corrosion and its prevention. Mechanism and classification of corrosion. Corrosion inhibitors. Anodic and cathodic protection.
Unit V : Electrochemical Techniques
Current voltage relationships. Principles of polarization techniques. Principles of voltametry, cyclic voltametry and chronopotentiometry.