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M.Sc. (Aquatic Biology and Fisheries)


2 Years



Course Detail

Course Code

Course Title

Semester - I



Instrumentation in Biology


Aquatic Biology-1 (Freshwater Biology)


Fish and Shellfish Biology


Cell and Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics


Aquatic Biology-2 (Marine Biology and Oceanography)


Algology and Planktonology

Semester - II



Research Methodology, Biostatistics and Computer Application in Aquatic Sciences


Fish and Shellfish Taxonomy


Aquatic Biology-3 (Estuarine Biology)


Capture Fisheries-1 (Inland Fisheries)


Aquaculture-1 (Inland Aquaculture)

Semester - III



Fish Physiology and Biochemistry


Capture Fisheries-2 (Marine Fisheries)


Aquaculture-2 (Mariculture and Seed Technology)     


Fishery Economics, Marketing, Extension and Policies


Fish Processing Technology

Semester - IV



Aquatic Microbiology and Marine Biotechnology


Fish and Shellfish Pathology and Immunology and Fish Health Management


Aquaculture-3 (Ornamental Fish Culture and Aquarium Management)          


Study tours to National Fisheries/Aquatic Sciences Institutes and Report


Project Work

Elective Courses

AQB-501 *

Application of Remote Sensing in Aquatic Sciences

AQB-502 **

Histological Techniques

AQB-503 *

Fish Haematology

AQB-504 *

Harmful Algae

AQB-505 **


AQB-506 **

Environmental Education and Sustainable Development

AQB-507 # 

Aquarium Management

Note : 

  • * Internal
  • ** Internal & Extra-departmental
  • #   Extra-departmental


Course Syllabus

AQB-511        Instrumentation in Biology

Unit 1


Retrospect. Optical theory. Lens aberrations.

Simple microscope. Compound microscope: Magnifying system, Illumination system, Image formation. Qualities of microscope. Oil-immersion microscopy. Handling and care of microscope.

Inverted microscope. Stereoscopic dissecting microscope (SDM). Phase-contrast microscope: Principle, Phase accessories, Defects of phase microscopy. Dark-field microscope. Transmission electron microscope (TEM). Scanning electron microscope (SEM).

Working Principles of: Interference microscopy. Polarization microscopy. UV microscopy. Fluorescence microscopy. Laser scanning confocal microscopy. Photomicrography.

Drawing using microscopes.

Unit II

Electrochemical techniques

General principles. Buffers. Measurement of conductivity of solutions. Electrodes. Measurement of pH using electrodes.

Unit III


Introduction. Retrospect. Principle of chromatographic separation. Partitioning. Phases. Retention time. Chromatogram. Column efficiency. Chromatographic retention. Chromatographic resolution.

Modes of chromatography: Adsorption chromatography. Partition chromatography. Ion-exchange chromatography. Size exclusion chromatography. Affinity chromatography.

Techniques of chromatography: Liquid chromatography – Paper chromatography (PC), Thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Column chromatography (CC). High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Gas chromatography – Gas-liquid chromatography (GLC), Gas-solid chromatography (GSC).

Unit IV


Principle. Factors influencing electrophoretic mobility. Typical electrophoresis system. Techniques of electrophoresis: Moving boundary electrophoresis. Paper electrophoresis. Cellulose-acetate electrophoresis. Gel electrophoresis (starch gel, agarose gel and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis-PAGE). Disc electrophoresis. Immuno-electrophoresis. Isoelectric focusing.

Unit V


Electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Absorption of EMR by atoms/molecules. Molecular energy states and transition. EMR spectra: Electronic spectrum. Vibration-rotation spectrum. NMR spectrum. ESR spectrum. Absorption of EMR – theoretical considerations. Spectrophotometric spectra: Absorption spectrum. Action spectrum. Difference spectrum. Binding spectrum. Excitation spectrum. Emission spectrum.

Instruments used in spectroscopy: Colour comparator. Colorimeter. Spectrophotometer. Spectrometer. Techniques of spectroscopy: UV-visible spectrophotometry. Fluorescence spectrophotometry. IR and Raman spectroscopy. Flame spectrophotometry: Principle. Techniques – Flame emission spectrophotometry (FES). Atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). Flameless AAS. Atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry (AFS). Plasma emission spectroscopy.

Spectroscopy-like techniques: Luminometry. Densitometry. Turbidometry. Nephelometry.

Unit VI

Instrumentation in Molecular Biology

Thermocycler – PCR technique (Brief account). DNA sequencer (General account).


  • Familiarization with different types of microscopes.
  • Use of oil-immersion objective.
  • Phase-contrast microscope.
  • Measurements using microscopes.
  • Drawing using microscopes.
  • Demonstration of : TEM, SEM, Photomicrography
  • Operation of: Microanalytical balance. Centrifuge. Conductivity meter. pH meter. Oxygen meter.
  • Separation and identification of serum proteins by paper chromatography.
  • Demonstration of TLC and column chromatography
  • Separation and identification of serum proteins by paper electrophoresis.
  • Quantification of glucose in solution by visible spectrophotometry.
  • Demonstration of AAS.
  • Demonstration of bomb calorimeter.
  • Demonstration PCR, Agarose gel electrophoresis and gel documentation.


AQB-512        Aquatic Biology-1 (Freshwater Biology)

Unit I

Limnology: Introduction. History. Present status of limnology. Definition of limnology. Other terms. Essential nature of limnology.

Unit II

Freshwater environments: Extent and distribution of fresh waters. Lotic environments. Ideological classification of freshwater biota. Freshwater communities. Wetlands: Definition and classification of freshwater wetlands – natural and man-made.

Unit III

Ponds: Classification of ponds. Origin. Physicochemical properties of pond water. Primary production.

Unit IV

Swamps and marshes: Types of swamps. Permanent and seasonal swamps. Physicochemical conditions. Nutrient cycling. Biotic components.

Unit V

Lakes and reservoirs: Origin. Characteristics. Classification. Vertical distribution of oxygen in lakes. Eutrophication and pollution of lakes. Ramsar sites (lakes) in Kerala.

Unit VI

Rivers: Origin and characteristics of river. Functions. Biological productivity. Concept of watershed.

Unit VII

Major threats to freshwater systems, including pollution and sand mining. Impact of large dams and fragmentation on river ecology and fishery. River continuum concept.


  • Estimation of pH, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, hardness, carbon dioxide and nutrients.
  • Determination of flow rate.
  • Study of ecological characteristics of a stream, pond, lake, reservoir and marsh.
  • Visit to any one of the Ramsar wetland site in Kerala and preparation of field report.
  • Mapping of a wetland/stream


AQB-513      Fish and Shellfish Biology

Finfish Biology

Unit I

Scope and utility. Natural history of fishes. General classification of fishes. Classification of selected orders.

Unit II

Morphology and anatomy: Body forms, fins, scales, colouration. Digestive system. Circulatory system. Respiratory system.  Excretory system. Endocrine system. Nervous system and sense organs. Reproductive system. Electric organs and luminous organs. Accessory respiratory organs. Air bladders in fishes. Weberian ossicles.

Unit III

Food and feeding: Natural fish food. Types of feeding. Structural modifications in relation to feeding habit. Fullness of stomach and feeding intensity. Relative gut length. Gut content analysis.

Unit IV

Reproductive Biology: Sex determination. Maturity stages and preparation of maturity keys. Maturity index. Ova diameter study. Estimation of fecundity.

Unit V

Age and growth: Principles of age determination. Scale method. Otolith method. Other skeletal parts as age indicators. Length-frequency method.

Shellfish Biology

Unit VII

Biology of Crustacea: General organization of decapod crustaceans, with special emphasis on crabs, prawns and lobsters. Morphology and anatomy. Feeding and breeding biology.


Biology of Mollusca: General organization of Mollusca. Morphology and anatomy. Feeding and breeding biology.


  • External morphology and anatomy of teleosts and elasmobranchs.
  • Comparative studies on gills, scales and pharyngeal teeth of fishes.
  • Gut content analysis of fishes and molluscs.
  • Determination of maturity stages, fecundity, GSI and ova diameter.
  • Demonstration  of Weberian  ossicles, accessory respiratory organs, air bladder and skeletal system (Alizarin preparation).


AQB-514        Cell and Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics

Cell and Molecular Biology

Unit I

DNA, Polymorphic DNAs and RNAs. Replication of DNA. Enzymes involved in DNA replication. Unscheduled DNA.

Unit II

Regulation of cell division in normal cell and malignant cells. Molecular change in DNA associated with cell cycle. Control of cell cycle. Control of sequence events. External and internal mitotic inducers. Cell death.

Unit III

Genetic engineering. Cloning. Major steps in gene cloning. Sources and isolation of gene: Shotgun method. Reverse transcriptase method. Synthetic gene. Genomic and DNA library. Vectors: Properties of ideal vector. Plasmids: Isolation and kinds. Cutting and joining of DNA. Restriction endonucleases: Types. Ligation. DNA probes. DNA finger printing. Homopolymer tailing, linkers and adapters. Host cells. Gene transfer techniques: Calcium chloride transformation. Calcium phosphate coprecipitation. DEAE. Dextron. Electro-poration. Protoplast fusion. Microinjection. Lipofection. Retrovirus.

Unit IV

Animal cell culture: Primary culture, cell lines. Media culture systems. Fish cell lines. Hybridoma technology. Diagnosis of genetic disorders. DNA probes. Gene therapy (brief account).


Unit V

Definition. Nature and scope of bioinformatics. Bioinformatics versus computational biology. Branches of bioinformatics. Basic concepts.

Unit VI

Computational genomics and proteomics. DNA sequence data formats. Sequence alignment algorithms. Scoring matrices (PAM and BWSUM). BLAST software. Molecular visualization software. Basic amino acid sequence.

Unit VII

Computational phytogenetics – various approaches. Phylip software. Microarray bioinformatics – Experimental design and overview of data analysis.


Basic concepts of systems biology. Overview of computer-aided drug design.


  • Extraction of DNA.
  • SDS-PAGE separation of proteins.
  • Demonstration of (i) PCR amplification, (ii) Rapid amplification fo polymorphic DNA (RAPD), (iii) Cloning, (iv) Western blotting, (v) ELISA.
  • Familiarization with bio-databases (DDJB, OMIM, NCBI, EMBL).
  • Basic sequence analysis of DNA and amino acid sequences (ORF finding. Gene finding. N-mer analysis. Transmembrane region analysis).
  • Alignment experiments – Dot Plots (Dot-let) and Glebal alignment (GCG). BLAST searches. MSA using ClustalX.
  • Molecular visualization practical: Simple visualization. Energy minimization. Ramachandran Plot.
  • Phytogenetic analysis. Simple example using Phylip. Molecular docking using Hex.


AQB-515        Aquatic Biology-2 (Marine Biology and Oceanography)

Marine Biology

Unit I

Intertidal ecology: Environmental factors. Adaptations. Intertidal community – Rocky shores: Environmental factors. Zonation. Tropical and Temperate rocky shores. Community structure. Tide pools.

Unit II

Sandy shores: Environmental factors. Adaptations. Feeding Biology. Community structure. Muddy shores: Environmental factors. Adaptations. Trophic structure. Zonation and community structure.

Unit III

Coral reefs: Origin. Global Reef distribution. Status of coral reefs. Environmental factors. Structure of corals. Reef zonation and composition. Biology of hermatypic corals. Octocorals. Species infraction. Reef conservation.

Unit IV

Deep Sea Biology: Environmental characteristics. Adaptations. Sampling strategy.  Midwater community. Ecology of benthic community. Hydrothermal vents.

Unit V

Symbiosis: Origin. Types of associations. Composition. Microbial symbiosis. Plant-animal symbiosis. Symbiosis among animals. Value of association. Significance.

Unit VI

Human Impact on the sea: Fisheries. Mariculture. Pollution. Harmful Algal blooms. Global warming and sea-level rise. Drugs from the sea.


Unit VII

Earth arid ocean floor: Origin. Structure of earth. Plate tectonics: theories. Transform faults. Paleomagnetism. Classification of marine environment: Continental shelf. Submarine canyons. Ocean trenches. Mid Ocean Ridges. Seamounts. Gyots.


Properties of sea water: Temperature. Salinity. Density. Light. Pressure. Colour. Surface tension.  Distribution of Temperature, salinity and density. Heat budget.

Unit IX

Ocean circulation and water masses: Surface ocean circulation. Wind-driven currents. Human spiral. Deep ocean circulation. Upwelling and Downwelling. Eddies. inertial currents. Longmuir circulation. Thermohaline circulation. Water masses. TS diagram. Tracers.

Unit X

Waves: Characteristics. Classification. Forces. Wave refraction. Breakers. Tsunami. Internal wave. Storm surges, Seiche. Wave energy.

Unit XI

Tides: Generating forces. Characteristics. Equilibrium theory. Dynamic theory. Tides and marine organisms. Power generation.

Unit XII

Mud banks of Kerala coast: Classification. Terminology. History. Locations. Natural Environmental factors. Theories.


Composition of sea water: Origin and distribution. Biogeochemical cycles. Constant composition. Dissolved chemicals. Nutrient cycles: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Silicon.


  • Familiarization with oceanographic instruments.
  • Sampling of seawater and marine organisms.
  • Quantitative and qualitative study of the fauna and flora of rocky, sandy and muddy shores.
  • Coral reef and associated organisms.
  • Study tour to oceanographic institutions, intertidal environments.


AQB-516       Algology and Planktonology


Unit I

Introduction to algae. Morphology. Taxonomy. Life history.

Unit II

Economics aspects of algae. Algal culture.

Unit III

Seafood Poisoning. Paralytic shellfish poisoning. Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning. Amnesic shellfish poisoning. Ciguatera poisoning.


Unit IV

Introduction to plankton: General considerations. Definitions. Methods of sampling and preservation: Types of nets. Preservatives. Methods of storage.

Unit V

Primary productivity: Methods of measurement. Factors affecting primary production (light, temperature, nutrients, grazing). Phytoplankton: Morphology, Life history. Taxonomy. Phytoplankton culture.

Unit VI

Zooplankton: Standing crop. Biomass estimation. Major taxa. Indicator species. Phytoplankton-zooplankton relationship. Vertical migration. Deep scattering layer. Plankton and fisheries.


  • Use of devices for collecting plankton.
  • Collection, estimation of biomass, preservation and identification of phyto- and zooplankton.
  • Collection, preservation and identification of commercially important aquatic algae.


AQB-521         Research Methodology, Biostatistics and  Computer Application In Aquatic Sciences

Unit I

Research Methodology

Research. Discoveries. Inventions. Biological Problems for Research: Identifying and defining research problems.

Scientific Information: Importance, collection and compilation of existing information. Literature Survey and Review:  Types and Sources of References. Reference card and indexing. Card Bibliography System. Sorting and Sifting of References.

Objective of Research: Defining the objectives. Research Hypotheses – Importance and testing. Title of research.

Materials and Methodology for Research: Variation and testing of variation. Significance of statistical analyses of variation. Variables and parameters.

Data: Population and sample. Collection and analysis. Presentation of observations (Descriptive. Tabular. Illustrative). Scientific language. Redundancy. Scientific plagiarism.

Research conclusions: Comparing and contrasting existing vs new information. Deriving valid conclusions.

Referencing: Reference citation in running text. Reference section.Basic principles of experimental Design.

Unit II


Significance of statistical analyses of biological data. Types of biological data. Accuracy and precision. Significant figures. Population. Sample. Random Sampling. Parameters and Statistics. Frequency distribution.

Measures of Central Tendency: Mean. Mode. Median. Measures of dispersion and variability: Range. Mean deviation. Variance. Standard deviation. Coefficient of variation. Indices of diversity.

Distribution of data: Normal. Binomial. Poisson. Circular.

Testing of hypothesis. Null and alternate hypotheses. Types of errors. Concept of statistical significance. Level of significance. Critical region. One-tailed and two tailed tests. Testing of significance. Large and small sample tests.

Parametric and non-parametric statistics.

Application of some of the commonly employed statistical tests in biology: Goodness of Fit Testing: Chi-Square analysis. Paired-Sample t test. Paired-Sample testing by Ranks. F-test. ANOVA. ANCOVA. Linear correlation. Linear regression.

Data collection. Primary and secondary data. Organisation of data: Editing, classifying and tabulating. Presentation of data: Graphs, diagrams and charts.

Unit III

Computer Application in Biological Research

Finding information on the World Wide Web. Genomics on the World Wide Web. Internet News (USENET).

Common software for data analysis in fisheries. Biodiversity indices: Species richness, dominance, evenness, Shannon-Wiener indices. Modeling studies using computer.  FISAT.

Environmental and biological Databases.

Useful websites for biological research and INTERNET surfing.


Data analyses and presentation using Microsoft Office Excel.

Statistical packages.

PowerPoint presentation.


  • Preparation of tables.
  • Graphical representations: Bar diagram. Histogram. Pie diagram. Frequency polygon.
  • Calculation of Standard Deviation, ANOVA and Correlation using EXCEL
  • Application of different statistical tools on data collected in the areas of aquatic biology and fisheries.
  • Length-weight relationship and other applications using FISAT.
  • Preparation of biodiversity indices using appropriate software.
  • PowerPoint presentation.


AQB-522          Fish and Shellfish Taxonomy

Unit I

Systematics. Taxonomy and classification. The history of taxonomy. Taxonomy and its importance.

Unit II

Kinds of classification: Downward, Horizontal, Vertical, Natural, Cladistic/Phylogenetic, Phenetic, Evolutionary, Biological and Hierarchical. Units of classification. Process of ranking. Taxa and species concepts. Phylogenetic groups: monophyly, polyphyly and paraphyly.

Unit III

Identification using keys. Dichotomous key. Types of Keys: Simple dichotomous, Bracket, Indented, Serial, Branching, Circular, Box, Pictorial keys. Multi entry key. Computer key.

Unit IV

Approaches in taxonomy: Embryological, anatomical, biochemical, karyological, numerical, ecological and ethological approaches. Molecular taxonomy and DNA Bar coding.

Unit V

Collection, preservation, labeling and curation of aquatic phyla. Collection and preservation methods of major phyla: Sponges, annelids, molluscs, arthropods, echinoderms, fishes and amphibians.

Unit VI

International Code for Zoological Nomenclature. Binomial Nomenclature. Infraspecific names, synonyms and homonyms. Tautonyms. Nomen novum. Nomen nudum. The law of priority. Kinds of types.

Unit VII

Taxonomic publications. Preparation of taxonomic papers.


Taxonomic characters of molluscs, decapod crustaceans (prawns and crabs) and fishes. Classification of fishes up to families. Classification of prawns. Classification of crabs.


  • Collection and preservation of crustaceans, molluscs and fishes
  • Identification of common finfishes using dichotomous keys (Selected orders).
  • Identification of common crabs using dichotomous keys (Selected families).
  • Identification of common prawns using dichotomous keys (Selected families).
  • Taxonomic description of selected fish, prawn and crabs species.


AQB-523        Aquatic Biology-3 (Estuarine Biology)

Unit I

Estuaries: Definition. Structure. Classification.

Unit II

The estuarine environment:  Dynamics of estuaries. Biodiversity of estuarine systems. Major estuaries of India. Backwaters and estuaries of Kerala.

Unit III

Mangrove ecosystems: Definition. Origin. Adaptations of mangrove flora and fauna. Major mangrove ecosystems in India and Kerala.

Unit IV

Estuaries and mankind. Estuarine fisheries. Estuary restoration and maintenance.


  • Estimation of chlorinity and salinity of backwaters and estuaries.
  • Visit to an estuary and rapid assessment of biodiversity – Filed Report.
  • Preparation of herbarium of mangrove flora.
  •  Study of estuarine benthos, plankton.
  • Visit to a mangrove ecosystem and study of its biodiversity, with special reference to adaptations.


AQB-524        Capture Fisheries-1 (Inland Fisheries)

Unit I

Major inland waters of the world and of India, their fish fauna. Theories of distribution of freshwater fishes in India.

Unit II

Inland fisheries development in India, Freshwater fisheries research institutions in India (CIFRI, CIFA, NRCCWF).

Unit III

Riverine fisheries: Ecology of river fisheries: fish fauna - size, abundance, subpopulation, migration, movements, feeding and reproduction. Characteristics of fisheries: use, types of fishermen and gear, preservation of fish, effects of other uses of river basins on fisheries. Assessment: fishery potential, fishery and fish stock. Management of river systems for fisheries. Development of new fisheries. Major river systems of India and their fisheries.

Unit IV

Reservoir fisheries: Introduction. Ecology and classification of reservoir fish fauna. Crafts and gear. Cage and pen culture. Pollution in reservoirs. Exotic fishes and their role in reservoir fisheries of India. Reservoir fisheries of Kerala. Management of reservoir fisheries.

Unit V

Lacustrine fisheries: Fish fauna of natural lakes. Management and conservation of fisheries of lakes.

Unit VI

Cold water fisheries of India. Management of cold water fishery.

Unit VII

Estuarine fisheries: Introduction. Estuarine fishery resources of India in general and their management. Fisheries of major estuarine systems in India (short account). Fisheries of Hooghly-Matlah estuary. Brackishwater fishery resources of Kerala.


Swamps, marshes and rice fields fishery potential with special reference to mangroves.

Unit IX

Brief history of Inland fishery management. Management and conservation of inland fishery resources. Fisheries legislation.


  • Collection and identification of fishes from rivers, reservoirs, lakes, estuaries and ponds.
  • Study of crafts and gear used in inland fishing.
  • Field visits to different types of inland aquatic habitats.


AQB-525        Aquaculture-1 (Inland Aquaculture)

Unit I

Introduction to aquaculture. History of aquaculture. Need for aquaculture development Aquaculture – Global Scenario. Development of aquaculture in India.

Unit II

Selection of site for aquaculture. Design and construction of farm and hatcheries.  Equipments in farm and hatchery. Management of aquafarms: eradication of pests and predators, weeds and their control. Liming. Manuring. Water quality management and monitoring.

Unit III

Culture practices. Selection of species for aquaculture. Exotic species and indigenous species under culture. Types of aquaculture: monospecies culture, polyculture, monosex culture, composite fish culture, integrated fish farming; cage and pen culture, recirculatory systems. Sustainable aquaculture.

Unit IV

Traditional aquaculture practices in India - Pokkali culture. Culture of carps in India: Composite fish culture, recent advances in carp culture. Culture practice of important finfish species of the world and India. Breeding programs. Culture of freshwater prawns, monosex culture, advances in prawn culture. Wastewater aquaculture. Impact of exotic fish species on Indian aquaculture.

Unit V

Seed production of Carps: Wild collection and transportation. Bundh Breeding. Brood stock maintenance. Chinese Hatchery. Hypophysation. Ovulating agents like Ovaprim, Ovatide, etc. Seed production of exotic carps. Design of carp hatchery. Seed production of freshwater prawns: water quality requirements, feeding, health management, design of prawn hatchery. Seed production and culture of catfishes and air breathing fishes: Magur, Singhi, Channa, Pangasius.

Unit VI

All India Coordinated Research Project on Aquaculture of ICAR. Agencies promoting aquaculture: ADAK, FFDAs and BFFDAs.


  • Identification of aquatic weeds, pests and predators. 
  • Measurement of water quality parameters.
  • Identification of culturable species.
  • Field visit to “Chemmeen Kettu”.
  • Field visit to shrimp hatchery and farm.
  • Field visit to fish hatchery and farm.
  • Identification of carps brooders and seeds
  • Model Carp hatchery
  • Economics of carp hatchery and farm
  • Identification of freshwater prawn
  • Model prawn hatchery
  • Identification of Magur, Singhi, Channa etc.


AQB-531        Fish Physiology and Biochemistry

Fish Physiology

Unit I

Swimming and buoyancy in fishes. Muscle physiology: body waves, energetics. Physiological aspects of dynamic and static lift. Mechanism of gas exchange in air bladder.

Unit II

Physiology of respiration: mechanism of gas exchange. Branchial pump. Gill ventilation. Respiratory pigments. Aerial respiration.

Unit III

Osmoregulation and ion balance: salt balance in marine and freshwater fishes. Chloride cells. Osmoregulation in elasmobranchs.

Unit IV

Endocrine control of growth and reproduction in fishes and crustaceans.

Unit V

Sense organs in fishes: lateral line system, acoustic system, vision, electro-receptors, electric organs. Physical nature and chemical basis of bioluminescence

Unit VI

Environmental adaptations of fishes. Physiological effects of toxicants.


Unit VII                                                                     

Nutritional requirements of fin- and shellfish. Nutrient metabolism and bioenergetics.


Digestive enzymes and their kinetics. Antimetabolites. Antinutritional factors.

Unit IX

General characteristics of hormones. Chemistry and function of growth and reproductive hormones in fish and shellfish. Attractants and stimulants.


  • Effect of temperature and salinity on respiration.
  • Estimation of chloride and ammonia excretion.
  • Observations on the effect of light on colour change.
  • Estimation of proximate composition and ash content of plants and animals.
  • Histochemical demonstration of glycogen, lipids, amino acids and enzymes in fish tissues.
  • Assay of digestive enzymes in herbivorous and carnivorous fishes.


AQB-532        Capture Fisheries-2 (Marine Fisheries)

Unit I

Introduction to marine fisheries of the world. Major fishing zones. Trends in fish production. Introduction to marine fisheries of India. Pelagic and demersal fishery resources of India. Marine capture fishery of Kerala.

Unit II

Pelagic fisheries of India: sardine, mackerel, anchovies, white baits, tuna, seer fish, carangids, ribbonfish, Bombay duck. Features and trends in production of pelagic fisheries.

Unit III

Demersal fisheries of India: sharks, major perches, threadfin, breams, sciaenids, silver belly. Features and trends in production of demersal fisheries. Impact of trawling. Conservation.

Unit IV

History of deep sea fishing. Oceanic and deep sea fisheries of India. Potential resources. Deep scattering layer fish biomass. Deep sea fishing policy.

Unit V

Crustacean fishery of India: Prawn fishery. Lobster fishery. Crab fishery.

Unit VI

Molluscan fishery of India: Mussel fishery. Clam fishery. Cephalopod fishery.

Unit VII

Crafts and gear.


Principles of fish population dynamics: Recruitment. Growth. Mortality. Catch per unit effort. Population studies and stock assessments: Population structure: Age-length and sex composition. Estimation of population size. Marking and tagging. Population dynamics. Population models. Stability of exploited population – Maximum Sustainable Yield. Assessment of fish stocks.


  • Collection and identification of marine food fishes.
  • Collection and identification of commercially important shellfishes.
  • Biometric studies on fin- and shellfishes.
  • Visits to landing centres (Reports).
  • Demonstration of crafts and gear.


AQB-533    Aquaculture-2 (Mariculture and Seed Technology)


Unit I

Brackish water fish culture. Culture of marine fish and shellfish – Principles. Aquaranching.

Unit II

Seed production and culture of brackishwater fishes: Mullet, Milkfish, Sea bass. Shrimp seed production: brood stock maintenance, larval stages, feeding, water quality requirements, health management, packing and transportation, design of shrimp hatchery.

Unit III

Culture of shrimps: stocking, water quality, feeding, health management, harvesting.

Unit IV

Seed production and culture of crabs and lobsters.

Unit V

Seed production and culture of mussels, oysters and clams. Pearl production.

Unit VI

Culture of sea cucumbers (short account).

Unit VII

Seaweed culture. Live feed culture: Skeletonema, Chaetoceros, Isochrysis, Artemia, Brachionus, Moina.


Aquaculture genetics. Sex determination and sex reversal in fishes. Chromosomal manipulation in fish and shellfish. Gynogenesis, triploidy, polyploidy, hybridization. Production of transgenics. Cryopreservation.


  • Identification of Mullet, Milkfish, Seabass
  • Identification of cultured shrimps and different larval stages.
  • Model shrimp hatchery
  • Economics of shrimp hatchery and farm
  • Identification of crabs and lobsters
  • Identification of culturable sea weeds and products extracted from them
  • Culture of live feed organisms: Artemia, Skeletonema
  • Controlled rate freezer and its use in cryopreservation


AQB-534    Fishery Economics, Marketing, Extension & Policy

Unit I

Fishery Economics

Principles of economics as applied to aqua-products. Law of demand and supply. Consumer surplus. Law of returns. Bio-economic model of the fishery. Regulation of commercial fisheries. Importance of fisheries in the World and Indian economics. Fishery resources of India and production. Economic aspects of aquaculture. MPEDA.

Unit II


Market and prices. International trade. Export promotion. Foreign exchange regulations. Existing systems of fish marketing. Use of modern marketing and transportation. Role of cooperatives in marketing. Advertising and modern selling methods.

Unit III


History of fisheries extension in India. Extension education. Concept and principles of fisheries extension. Different extension methods and approaches. Fisheries extension and development. Transfer of technology. Trickle down system of aquaculture extension. Participatory fisheries management. Use of modern technologies: VSAT. GPS. GIS. RS. Use of ICT technologies. National and international organizations, institutions and agencies involved in fisheries extension.

Unit IV

Fisheries Policy

Fisheries legislation in India. Fisheries policy of India and Kerala. The MPEDA Act and Rules 1972. The Marine Fishing Policy 2004. The Coastal Aquaculture Authority Act 2005. The Kerala Marine Fisheries Regulation Act. Law of the Sea. CITES. TRAFFIC. FAO Code of conduct for responsible fisheries. Trawl ban.

AQB-535    Fish Processing Technology

Unit I

Importance of fish in human diet. Nutritional quality of Fish. Spoilage of fish. Prevention of spoilage. Handling and preparation of fish for processing. Equipment required for fish processing. Hygiene in processing plants.

Unit II

Preservation Technology

Drying: Basic principles, natural drying packing and storage of dried fish. Salting: principles, quality of salt, Kench salting, brine sailing. Smoking: Principles of smoking, cold smoking, hot smoking, fuel, packing and storage of smoked fish. Chilling: Manufacture and storage of ice, quality of ice, methods of chilling. Freezing: Basic principles, methods and application of chilling, Block freezing, Individual quick freezing (IQF), storage of chilled and frozen fish. Thermal processing. Canning. Other methods of processing and preservation.

Unit III

Quality Control

Fundamental aspects of quality control in sea food. Inspection of sea food quality. Different aspects of sea food quality. National agencies for sea food inspection. Problems in quality of sea food: Black spots in shell of shrimp. Bacterial defects in frozen seafood. Discolouration in canned food. Packing materials. HACCP.

Unit IV

Microbiological Aspects

Bacteriology of fish and shellfish. Microbial hazards and spoilage in fish and fishery products - E. coli, Salmonella, Faecal coliforms. Pathogens and faecal indicator organisms. Primary sources: soil and water, plant and plant products, intestinal tracts of organisms, food handlers, air and dust. Sanitary significance of faecal indicators. Food poisoning organisms: Staphylococcus, Salmonella, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Clostridium perfringens, Shigella, Tolerance for bacteriological quality in Indian standards. Quality for ice manufacturers. Coliform bacteria index in water and plate count.


  • Visits to fish processing plants for familiarising with fish processing technology (Reports).
  • Preparation of commercial fishery products.
  • Characterization and identification of microbial contaminants.


AQB-541      Aquatic Microbiology and Marine Biotechnology

Aquatic Microbiology

Unit I

General introduction to microbiology. Aquatic microbiology - importance and significance. Environments of aquatic microorganisms: Subterranean water, surface waters.

Unit II

Bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes and viruses: Description and systematics. Enumeration and isolation of microorganisms.

Unit III

Characterisation of bacteria and actinomycetes - physiological and biochemical characteristics.

Unit IV

Microbial nutrition. Influence of environmental factors on bacterial growth and activity. Influence of physicochemical factors on the distribution and abundance of aquatic microorganisms. Competition for nutrients. Role of microorganisms in the cycling of nutrients - phosphorus, sulfur, nitrogen and carbon.

Unit V

Microorganisms and water pollution. Pathogens: Distribution. Indicators of pollution. Faecal coliforms. Decomposition of organic matter - agar, cellulose, chitin and hydrocarbons.

Unit VI

Microbial association with aquatic plants and animals: Commensals and pathogens. Prevalence of diseases. Influence of biotic and abiotic factors.

Unit VII

Marine Biotechnology

Microbes as tools in marine biotechnology. Marine bacteria. Screening of marine bacteria for metabolites. Biopolymers. Isolation and characterization of useful compounds from marine organisms. Drugs from the sea: present status and prospects. Bioremediation, genetically modified microbes in bioremediation. Marine nanotechnology.


  • Preparation of culture media - plates, slants, broth.
  • Sterilization of media and glassware.
  • Enumeration of microbial population: Quantification of microbial load in water, sediment and aquatic organisms.
  • Study of colony characteristics.
  • Characterisation and identification of bacteria: Separation of mixed bacterial cultures. Isolation and purification of bacterial cultures. Maintenance of bacteria in agar slants. Staining of bacteria.
  • Demonstration of: Motility test. Gas and acid formation from carbohydrates. Hydrolysis of starch. Hydrolysis of casein. Hydrolysis of Tween 80.


AQB-542     Fish and Shellfish Pathology, Immunology and Disease Management

Fish & Shellfish Pathology

Unit I  

General principles: Concepts of health, stress and disease. Theories on diseases. Classification of diseases. Fish diseases – An overview. Retrospect. Importance.

Unit II  

Finfish diseases: Communicable diseases (Viral. Bacterial. Fungal. Protozoal. Parasitic). Non-communicable diseases (Environmental. Nutritional. Genetic). Neoplasia: Concept. Theories. Classification. Aetiology. Fish Neoplasms (Major categories. Specialties).

Unit III  

Shellfish diseases: Major microbial and parasitic diseases of prawns, crabs and molluscs of culture importance.

Unit IV  

Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS). Zoonotic diseases of fish and shellfish.     

Fish Immunology

Unit V  

General Principles of Immunology. Concept. Retrospect. Theories. Types and nature of immune mechanisms. Phylogeny of immune system. Current problems in immunology.

Unit VI  

Internal Defence Mechanisms in Vertebrates – Non-specific Defence. Organs of immune system in vertebrates. General defence cordons: Anatomical and physical. Physiological. Endocytosis and phagocytosis. Inflammation. Cellular transformations.

Cellular non-specific defence: Neutrophils and phagocytosis. MPS. Humoural non-specific defence: Humoural factors in non-specific defence (Lysozyme. Complement. Interferon. CRP. Transferrins. Lectins. Properdins. Other humoural factors)

Unit VII  

Specific Defence Mechanisms in Vertebrates: Cellular specific defence: Lymphocytes (Origin. Structure. Surface receptors. Surface enzymes. Surface proteins. Lymphocyte mitogens. T and B cells). Graft rejection. Tumour immunity. Humoural specific defence: Antigens (Essential features. Epitopes. Cross reactivity). Antibodies (Properties. Structure of immunoglobulins. Immunoglobulin classes. Immune complex. MAB.

Unit VIII  

Comparison of mammalian and fish immune systems. Vaccines and vaccination. Vaccines in fish disease control. Adjuvants and probiotics in fish health.

Disease Management

Unit IX  

Management of fish and shellfish diseases: Diagnostic methods (Clinical and molecular diagnostics). Prophylaxis and therapy of fish diseases.


  • Visit to fish disease diagnostic centre for familiarizing with the diagnostic methods.
  • Isolation and characterization of bacterial pathogens (Demonstration).
  • Collections and identification of fungal pathogens (Demonstration).
  • Collection and identification of parasites.
  • Collection, packing and dispatch of diseases specimens to diagnostic lab. 
  • Dissection of teleosts and elasmobranchs for studying organs of defence.
  • Study of blood cells of teleosts and elasmobranchs.
  • Preparation of imprints of defence organs.
  • Immunoelectrophoresis (Demonstration).
  • ELISA (Demonstration)


AQB-543     Aquaculture-3 (Ornamental Fish Culture and Aquarium Management

Unit I

Introduction to ornamental fish culture. Scope. Prospects of ornamental fish industry. Economic importance.

Unit II

Common ornamental fishes: Freshwater ornamental fishes. Marine ornamental fishes. Ornamental aquatic plants.

Unit III

Breeding of common ornamental fishes: Construction of breeding tanks. Larval rearing. Commercial farming technologies.

Unit IV

Packaging, transportation and marketing of aquarium fishes.

Unit V

Feeding and nutrition of ornamental fishes: Larval feeding. Live feed culture. Formulated feeds.

Unit VI

Health management of aquarium fishes.

Unit VII

Genetic improvement in ornamental fishes. Pedigree maintenance. Ornamental fishes as a biotechnological tool.


Principles of setting up and maintenance of aquaria: Construction of aquarium. Aquarium accessories.  Ornamental aquarium plants and their importance. Aquarium keeping as a hobby. Public aquaria. Oceanarium. Biotope aquarium.


  • Identification of common ornamental fishes and ornamental aquarium plants.
  • Preparation of feeds and practicing feeding schedules.
  • Setting up and maintenance of home aquaria.
  • Breeding trials on selected aquarium fishes.
  • Culture of live feed organisms.
  • Therapeutic methods applicable to aquarium fishes.


Elective Courses

AQB-501     Application of Remote Sensing in Aquatic Sciences

Unit I

Introduction. Principle. EMS. Interaction of EMS with atmosphere and earth surface. Remote sensing satellites. Sensors. Multispectral, multisensor and multitemporal information. Resolution. Fundamentals of digital image processing. Basics of GPS. GIS

Unit II

General application of RS in agriculture, forestry, geology and mapping.

Unit III

Application of RS in hydrology, oceanography and fisheries.


AQB-502    Histological Technique

  • Microscope mounts. Processing of tissues for paraffin sections – theoretical aspects. Theory of fixation and fixatives.
  • Theory of staining and biological stains.
  • Processing of tissues for electron microscopy – theoretical aspects.
  • Principles of Histochemistry.
  • Frozen sections – principles and procedure.



  • Preparation of whole mounts, blood smear and imprints.
  • Preparation of paraffin sections.
  • Staining of paraffin sections.
    • Single staining with Harris’ haematoxylin.
    • Double staining with Iron haematoxylin and eosin.
    • Triple staining with Mallory’s triple stain.
  • Negative staining with India ink.
  • Vital staining of fish blood cells.
  • Theoretical aspects of histochemical demonstration of-
    • Protein in paraffin sections (Hg-Bromophenol blue method).
    • Amino acids in paraffin sections (Tyrosin by Millon’s reagent and Tryptophan by ignition test).
    • Glycogen in paraffin sections (by Bauer-Fuelgen technique and PAS reagent).
    • Lipids in paraffin sections (by Sudan Black B).
    • Nucleic acids in paraffin sections (by MG-PY technique)
    • Phosphatases in paraffin sections.
  • Preparation of frozen sections (Demonstration).


AQB-503    Fish Haematology

  • Significance of fish haematology. Factors influencing peripheral haematological make­up.
  • Peripheral haematological parameters and haemogram.
  • Blood cell types. Erythrocytes. Leucocytes. Thrombocytes.
  • Haemopoietic organs and haemopoiesis. Cell lineages.


  • Collection and preservation of blood.
  • Determination of peripheral corpuscular haemogram: Total counts of blood cells, Hb, Hct, ESR, RBC/WBC ratio, Erythrocyte constants and indices.                                                                          
  • Determination of leucogram of peripheral blood.                                                            
  • Cytomorphology of cell types in peripheral blood.                                                          
  • Cytomorphology of cell types in haemopoietic organs.


AQB-504      Harmful Algae

Marine Diatoms: General characteristics. Classification. Morphology. Terminology. Description of taxa.

Marine Dinoflagellates: General characteristics. Terminology and morphology. Classification. Identification of species. Sampling Techniques and estimation: Equipments. Techniques. Strategies.

Seafood Poisoning: Paralytic shellfish poisoning. Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning. Amnesic shellfish poisoning. Ciguatera poisoning. Toxin analysis. Algal toxins. Bioassay methods.

Ecology of harmful algal bloom: Environmental factors. Aquaculture. Cultural eutrophication. Unusual climatological conditions. Ships ballast water.

Monitoring and management. Environmental monitoring. Monitoring seafood. Seafood safety regulation. Management of fishery resources.


AQB-505      Biodiversity

Definition. Determinants of diversity. Methods used in diversity estimates.

Biodiversity of the various aquatic ecosystems - coastal waters, estuaries, mangroves, wetlands, inter-tidal zone (rocky shore, sandy beaches, mud flats, marshes), lentic and lotic inland waters (in general and of Kerala).

Biological diversity and international conventions. Conservation of biological diversity. Measures to protect particular habitats, particular species. Biological diversity and International Environmental Law.


 AQB-506    Environmental Education and Sustainable Development

Environmental education: concepts and application. History of environmental education. Environmental education in India.

Development and its impact on environment. Global environmental issues. UN conference on environment and development. Health summit. WSSD.

Sustainable development: origin of concept and philosophy. Convention on biological diversity. Education for sustainable development. Concept of Sustainable development in Indian context.


AQB-507   Aquarium Management

Introduction to ornamental fish culture. Scope. Prospects of ornamental fish industry. Economic importance.

Common ornamental fishes: Freshwater ornamental fishes. Marine ornamental fishes. Ornamental aquatic plants.

Breeding of common ornamental fishes: Construction of breeding tanks. Larval rearing. Commercial farming technologies.

Health management of aquarium fishes.

Principles of setting up and maintenance of aquaria: Construction of aquarium. Aquarium accessories.  Ornamental aquarium plants and their importance. Aquarium keeping as a hobby. Public aquaria. Oceanarium. Biotope aquarium.


  •  Identification of common ornamental fishes and ornamental aquarium plants.
  • Preparation of feeds and practicing feeding schedules.
  • Setting up and maintenance of home aquaria.
  • Breeding trials on selected aquarium fishes.
  • Therapeutic methods applicable to aquarium fishes.