Approved By: UGC NAAC
Duration: 2 Years |
Eligibility: B.Sc. |
Course Structure
Course Code |
Course Title |
Semester - I |
GOL.511 |
Physical Geology & Remote Sensing |
GOL.512 |
Physical Geology & Remote Sensing Practical0 |
GOL.513 |
Environmental Geology |
GOL.514 |
Igneous Petrology |
GOL.515 |
Igneous Petrology Practical |
GOL.516 |
Ore Genesis |
Semester - II |
GOL.521 |
Sedimentology |
GOL.522 |
Sedimentology Practical |
GOL.523 |
Structural Geology |
GOL.524 |
Structural Geology Practical |
GOL.525 |
Metamorphic Petrology |
GOL.526 |
Metamorphic Petrology Practical |
GOL.527 |
Engineering Geology |
Semester - III |
GOL.531 |
Exploration Geology |
GOL 532 |
Exploration Geology Practical |
GOL.533 |
Geochemistry |
GOL 534 |
Stratigraphy |
GOL 535 |
Crystallography & Mineralogy Practical |
GOL.536 |
Optical Mineralogy Practical |
GOL.537 |
Palaeontology |
Semester - IV |
GOL.541 |
Hydrogeology |
GOL.542 |
Hydrogeology Practical |
GOL.543 |
Economic Mineral Deposits |
GOL.544 |
Economic Geology Practical |
GOL.545 |
Modern Sedimentary Environments |
GOL.599 |
Dissertation |
Internal Electives |
GOL 501 |
Surveying |
GOL 502 |
Meteorology & Oceanography |
GOL 503 |
Watershed management |
GOL 504 |
Petroleum and Coal geology |
GOL.505 |
Geoinformatics |
GOL 506 |
Field Geology |
GOL.507 |
Precambrian Geology |
GOL 508 |
Field geology |
GOL 509 |
Term paper |
GOL 5010 |
Computational Geology Practical |
GOL 5011 |
Term Paper |
GOL 5012 |
Field Geology |
GOL 5013 |
Structural Analysis |
Extra Departmental Course |
GOL 51A |
The Earth |
GOL 51B |
Remote Sensing |
GOL 51C |
Geoinformatics |
Course Syllabus
GOL. 511 Physical Geology And Remote Sensing
Introduction: Approaches to Geomorphology, Morphologic evolutionary systems, morphogenetic land forms, climatic change and polygenetic land forms.
World climate: climate and climate classification. Seasonal patterns of precipitation, climate types, description of climates. World soils - Soil classification system. Soil orders. Soils and altitudes. Soils of humid, tropical, arid and semi arid climate.
Rivers - drainage system, morphometry, channel pattern, channel geometry, stream discharge, stream gauging. Fluvial landforms - fluvial process, normal and accelerated erosion. Land use and sediment yield base flow and overland flow. Flood, flood prediction, River metamorphosis, lakes and ponds. Saline lakes and salt flats. Dessert irrigation and salinisation.
Stream transportation, suspended sediment load of world rivers. Channel changes in flood. Evolution of graded rivers. Aggradation and alluvial terraces. Denudation rate. Beaches and coasts -waves, marine erosion. Beaches and beach profiles, littoral drifts, wage refraction in embayed coasts, Littoral drifts and shore protection. Tidal deposits, common kinds and development of coasts.
Igneous activity and landforms – Intrusive Constructional forms, Extrusive Constructional forms. Lithology and landforms – Aranaceous landform, Argillaceous landform, Calcareous landform, Metamorphic landform.
Hill slopes – Classification of slopes, Origin of hill slopes, Hill slope erosion, Evolution of hill slopes.
Coastal geomorphology - Shore line process and depositional forms, Erosional coast, Sea level variation.
Seismology and the internal structure of the earth. Earth’s age, Thermal and electrical properties. Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism. Geodynamics - Isostacy, Rheology, Plate dynamics.
Concept and foundations of remote sensing: Introduction, energy interaction in the atmosphere. Energy interaction with earth surface features data acquisition and interpretation, reference, data, characteristic of remote sensing system, elements of photographic system - colour films, filters, types of aerial photographs.
Air photo interpretation - fundamentals, Geologic and soil mapping, land use/land cover mapping, Agricultural application, forestry application, water resource application, wet land mapping.
Thermal and multispectral scanning:- Sensing radiant temperature, radiation from real material, thermal energy detector. Thermal scanners - FLIR system. Multispectral scanners, Microwave sensing - radars, SLAR system, spatial resolution of SLAR, interpretation of SLAR - passive microwave sensors
Earth resource satellite - orbit characteristic of land sat 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Land sat MSS image interpretation, Meteorological satellite., Ocean monitoring satellite.
GOL. 512 Physical Geology & Remote Sensing Practical
GOL. 513 Environmental Geology
Fundamental concepts of Environmental Science.
Scope of Environmental Geosciences, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Nature of earth’s resources - Renewable and non-renewable resources, Sustainable management of resources.
Alternatives energy sources and its significance
Waste Management – Waste disposal methods, Waste recycling, landfills, secure landfills, Hazardous wastes, chemical wastes, deep well disposal, ocean dumping, waste water treatment. Environmental impact of mining, mine site decommissioning
Radioactive wastes, disposal and management – types of radioactive wastes, methods of low-level, intermediate level and high level radioactive waste disposal.
Ground water pollution, sources of ground water pollution, saline intrusion, acid mine drainage, sources of contamination, harmful effects, ground water protection, and ground water management.
Surface water pollution – Sources and impacts of surface water pollution, point and non-point sources, transport mechanism of contaminants, effective management strategies
Geological Hazards – Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Floods, Tsunamis, coastal erosion, land subsidence, landslides.
Disaster Management – Planning activities, hazard prediction and warning.
Air pollution: Different sources of air pollution, indoor air pollution, cause of air pollution including health hazards and management practices
Global changes, tools to study global changes, earth’s atmosphere and energy balance, Green house gases and Global warming, climatic change, Environmental effects of global warming, Ozone depletion- cause and impacts.
GOL. 514 Igneous Petrology
Igneous process - Phase rule and its application in the study of silicate systems - phase diagrams, primary phase diagrams and liquidus projections. Equilibria involving two solids + liquid. Eutectic crystallization – Solid solution series – Incongruent melting.
Course of crystallization in typical binary systems. Reaction principle and reaction series. Modal composition and Normative mineral composition. CIPW Norm. Textures and their genetic significance.
Equilibria involving three solids + liquid. Co-precipitational, monoresorptional and biresorptional relations. Equilibrium crystallization and melting paths in ternary and quarternary systems.
Igneous process and diversity in igneous rocks. Compositional variation in magmas. Variation diagrams – binary and ternary diagrams. Trace elements in igneous process – melting and crystallization models – application of trace elements to petrogenesis. Radiogenic tracers.
Classification of igneous rocks. Granites and granitic rocks. Ultramafic rocks. Alkaline rocks. Kimberlites and ultrapotassic rocks. Anorthosite and carbonatite.
GOL. 515 Igneous Petrology Practical
Preparation of binary phase diagrams
Magascopic and microscopic identification of granite, syenite, diorite, gabbro, dolerite., basalt, lamprophyre, dunite.
Normative mineralogical calculations of acid, intermediate, basic and ultrabasic rocks (3 each)
GOL. 516 ORE Genesis
Diamond deposits in Kimberlites and Lamporites; Carbonatite - Alkaline igneous ore environments; The pegmatitic environments; Orthomagmatic deposits of Cr, Pt, Ti, Fe, Cu, Ni deposits associated with basic and ultrabasic rocks.
Disseminated sulphide, Oxide and sulphate deposits of sedimentary and volcanic environments, hydrothermal deposits.
Stratabound deposits, sedimentary deposits; role of metamorphism in ore genesis.Ore deposits associated to weathering & weathered surfaces.
Mineralization in space and time.
Global distribution of ore deposits; Metallogenic provinces and epochs; plate tectonic controls in mineralization; ore mineralization through geologic time. Principles and applications of ore microscopy.
GOL. 521 Sedimentology
Geologic Cycle – Geochemical cycle in Ocean, Modern rates of erosion, Rate of Uplift and Subsidence, Total mass of Sedimentary rocks – Rate of Sediment recycling.
Sedimentary Textures – Frequency distribution, Grain size, Grain shape. Interpretation of size and shape.
Primary Sedimentary Structures – Classification, Origin of stratification, Bedform and Flow regimes, Ripples, Sandwaves, Dunes, Antidunes. Structures formed by Scour. Structures formed by wind. Penecontamporaneous deformation. Biogenic Sediementary structures.
Mineral Composition of Sandstone. Cementation and deep diagenesis of sandstone. Classification of Sandstone.
Origin of Limestone – Mineralogy, Carbonate mud and Mud carbonate frame work, Organic matter, Sedimentary process, Sedimentary structures, Deep sea carbonate sediment, Classification of Carbonate rocks. Limestone diagenesis and dolomitisation. Diagenetic process, Cement Vs neomorphism, Silicification, Dolomites – Primary Vs Secondary. Mechanism of dolomitisation. Dedolomitisation. Evaporties and Native Sulphur.
GOL. 522 Sedimentology Practical
Techniques and procedures used in the study of sediments and sedimentary rocks.
Collection, analysis and interpretation of data on size, sorting, roundness and sphericity and application of the same in sedimentary environmental studies.
Collection, graphic and numerical analysis and interpretation of data and current generated structures.
Identification of clays, other sedimentary particles and rocks using standard techniques.
GOL. 523 Structural Geology
Faults and fractures - Brittle and shear failure. Fault geometry and nomenclature. Deep fractures. Joints. Analysis of fractures. Stress and strain ellipsoids and their use in the study of faults and joints.
Folds - cylindrical, non-cylindrical and conical folds. Geometry and classification of cylindrical folds. Canoe fold and inverted canoe fold. Minor folds and their use in determining the major fold structure. Mechanics of folding. Fold classifications of Donath and Parker and Ramsay. Superposed folding. Fold interference patters -dome and basin, mushroom and boomerang patterns and Ramsay's classification.
Tectonites - classification, tectonic fabric, Foliation - axial-plane foliation and its origin, fracture cleavage, crenulation cleavage and transposed foliation. Use of axial plane foliation and fracture cleavage, in the determination of major structure. Lineation - types, classification and origin.
Geologic bodies and scale, structural co-ordinates. Fundamentals of geometric analysis. Stereographic and equal area projections in structural geology.
Geometric analysis of folds.
GOL. 524 Structural Geology Practical
Interpretation of Geological maps. Application of stereographic projection in solving structural problems.
Beta diagram and Pi diagram.
Stereographic projection in structural analysis: Practical strain measurements using different techniques. Shear sense determinations. Solving problems of faults and shear zones.
GOL. 525 Metamorphic Petrology
Concepts of metamorphism:
Classification of metamorphic rocks: Mineral facies classification of Eskola, Fyfe Turner and Verhoogen, Grade classification of Winkler. Baric types, Facies series.
Graphical representation of metamorphic mineral assemblages, composition paragenesis diagrams. ACF and AKF diagrams and representation of metamorphic assemblages. significance of tie lines.
General characteristics of metamorphic domains – contact metamorphism, Regional metamorphism, Paired metamorphic belts, Orogeny and Metamorphism
Retrograde metamorphism.
Metamorphism of carbonate rocks, pelites, mafic and ultramafic rocks.
Granulitic rocks of South India, Migmatites.
GOL. 526 Metamorphic Petrology Practical
Megascopic and microscopic identification and description of the metamorphic rocks Structures and textures of metamorphic rocks and AKF diagrams.
GOL. 527 Engineering Geology
Role of Geology in Civil Engineering.
Engineering properties of rocks: Specefic gravity, porosity, Sorption, Strength of rocks, compressive strength, tensile strength, Compression and shear tests on rocks.
Dimension and decorative stones. Building stones of India and Kerala.
Soil profile, Soil particles, Soil structure, Plasticity and swelling, concrete aggregates, cement aggregate reaction.
Dams: Classification of dams, Types of dams, spill ways, types of spill ways, parts of normal spill ways, emergency spill ways. Problems and failures of dams, Sliding failures of masonry dams, Sliding problems, Uplift problems, Settlement and Rebound problems, Reservoir problems, seepage and leakage, ground water abutment, reservoir and channel section problems. Foundation work: Preparation of foundation, Grouting, grouting materials, grouting equipments, low-pressure grouting, high pressure grouting, Grouting materials Geological investigation for a masonry dam.
Tunnels – classification and nomenclature, Ground, supports, Tunnels in rocks, Arching around a tunnel, Influence of rock stratification on lining pressure, Tunnels in faulted zones, Temperature in tunnels, Water and moisture in tunnels, Contamination of tunnel water, Gases in tunnels, Bridging capacity of rocks, Pressure problems in water tunnels. Geological survey prior to tunneling.
Land slides – Stability of slopes, Minor soil and rock displacement, causes of landslide, Types and causes of landslides. Prevention of landslides.
GOL. 531 Exploration Geology
Trenching and Pitting
Drilling:- Design of programme drilling methods. Vertical and inclined holes. Types logging of boreholes, borehole deviations.
Sampling: Sampling pattern of exposures. Mine working trenches, pits, drill holes, channels, and placers, Bulk sampling.
Geophysical prospecting: Gravity survey: Principles, Bouger anomaly, correction methods and interpretation.
Magnetic Survey - Principles, Earth's magnetic field, methods, interpretation and applications.
Seismic survey: - Generation, propagation and sensing of seismic waves, wave types, travel time graphs for different media and interfaces. Seismic velocities in geological materials. Seismic surveys source, recorders, reflection and refraction surveys and interpretation of profiles.
Electrical surveys: Electrical properties of rocks, theory of current flow in different media, resistivity survey, Application and interpretation of data. Self-potential survey, applications and interpretation.
Geochemical exploration: Principles, Geochemical anomalies, relief, indicators and pathfinder elements, geochemical environment, dispersion and mobility, trace element studies.
Sampling and sampling methods, Sample Variability: Appropriate sampling.
Important sampling techniques - Grab/Chip sampling, Channel or Groove Sampling: Bulk sampling, Placer sampling, Subsurface sampling, Borehole samples, Check samples
Geochemical sampling/prospecting - Pathfinder Elements, Geochemical field techniques, Methods of geochemical prospecting - Rock Sampling: Soil sampling, Stream sediment samples, Water and Vegetation sampling, Vapour Sampling, Field and laboratory procedures Biogeochemical prospecting, Geo-botanical prospecting - Techniques used in geo-botanical survey:Surface and underground mapping Radioactive method – Geiger Muller Counter and Scintillation Counters:
Geophysical logging - Electrical Logs, Radioactive logging: Gamma Ray Logging: Neutron-Gamma ray logging: Temperature logging: Sonic Logging and Caliper Logging
GOL. 532 Exploration Geology Practical
GOL. 533 Geochemistry
Geologically important elements: Alkalis, Alkaline earths, Hydrogen, Aluminium, Carbon, Silicon, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Sulphur, Chemical weathering: General nature of weathering reactions, changes in rock composition, sequence of mineral alterations, agents of chemical weathering, solution and hydration, weathering of carbonates, oxidation, hydrolysis of silicates and environments of weathering.
Basic principles in geochemistry: Geochemical Environment, Geochemical cycle, Dispersion, Association of elements, patterns of geochemical distribution, geochemical anomaly. Geochemical drainage survey, Geo-botanical indicators Equillibrium in geological systems: Mineral stability; Systems, Phase diagram and phase rule and Components; Law of mass action; Le Chatelier's rule.
Enthalpy and change in enthalpy; Free energy and free energies of formation.
Stable Isotope geochemistry: Physical and chemical properties of isotopes; study of stable isotopes of C, O & S.
Electrons and atoms; Periodic classification; Bonding in minerals; Goldschmidts geochemical classification, distribution of elements in igneous, sedimentary & metamorphic rocks.
GOL. 534 Stratigraphy
Development of Stratigraphy:
General study of the following systems in their type areas - Cambrian, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary.
Brief study of Caledonian, Hercynian and Alpine-Himalayan Cycles.
Gondwana Super-group and Siwalik Supergroup of India.
Deccan Traps.
Pleistocene ice ages.
GOL. 535 Crystallography And Mineralogy Practical
Crystallography - crystalline state - Repetition theory. Translation periodicity of crystals. Basic rotational symmetries and possibility of simultaneous rotational symmetries in different directions of crystals. Symnmetrical plane and symmetrical space lattices. Crystal projection - Stereographic, spherical and gnomonic. Crystal calculation, Law of anharmonic ratio, Napiers rule, Zone symbols.
Physical properties of minerals, Radioactivity, Significance of chemical analysis, Metamict minerals, pleochroic haloes, fission track dating, discoloration, Isomorphism, Polymorphism, Solid solution- interstitial and omission solid solution, Exsolution.
Chemical bonding in minerals – ionic, covalent, metallic, Vander Vaals, Hydrogen and crystals with more than one type of bonds.
Application of X-rays in the study of crystals
Classification and structure of silicates
Clay Minerals - Classification and structure of clay minerals. Clay mineral identification by X-rays and DTA. Different methods of clay mineral separation.
Application of modern techniques - XRD, DTA, XRF, ICP.
Distinctive chemical and optical characters of the minerals of the following groups: Olivine, epidote, garnet, alumino-silicates, pyroxene, amphibole, mica, feldspar and feldspathoid
GOL. 536 Optical Mineralogy Practical
Refractive index and birefringence. Interference colours, optical accessories - Unit retardation plate, quartz wedge, mica plate, Berek compensator, Biquartz wedge and Bertrand ocular. Indicatrices. Dichroism and pleochroism, conoscopic study and interference figures. Optic orientation, extinction angle, optic axial angle, optic sign and optic anomalies.
Dispersion and dispersion types. The 4 axis universal stage and its basic principles. Adjustments of the universal stage and the use of the Wulff's net. Method of determining the following:
Optic axial angle, optic sign, optic orientation, extinction angle, birefringence, scheme of pleochroism and anorthite content and twin laws of plagioclase feldspar.
GOL. 537 Palaeontology
Nature of fossil record. Ecological concepts and Palaeo-ecology. Use of fossils in palaeoclimatic and palaeogeographic studies.
Theory of organic evolution and the factors in the Darwinian theory. Patterns of evolution.
Theory of Punctuated Equilibria
Evolutionary trends, Stratigraphic importance and Classification of the following invertebrates: Brachiopoda, Arthropoda and Mollusca
Vertebrates - General characteristics, classification and evolution of Pisces, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals (Horse and Man).
General Classification of microfossils. Collection of microfossils and preparation of slides for study.
Evolution of life in the Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras.
GOL. 541 Hydrogeology
Hydrology : Hydrological cycle and global distribution of fresh water. Hydrometeorology. Hydrological measurements - Precipitation, Evaporation, soil moisture, soil infiltration and river flow.
Physical Hydrogeology : Zones of aeration and saturation, water table and potentiometric surfaces, Porosity, Permeability, Darcy’s law, Aquifer, Aquiclude, Aquitard, Aquifuge, types of aquifers – confined and unconfined, hydraulic head and groundwater flow directions. Aquifer parameters - Transmissivity, Storativity, Specific yield and Hydraulic conductivity. Pumping tests - objectives, layout of the test and measurements.
Chemical Hydrogeology : Chemical composition of groundwater, groundwater sampling and graphical presentation of hydrochemical data.
Contaminant Hydrogeology : Water quality standards, groundwater pollution, Transport of contaminants in groundwater, Sources of groundwater contamination, Saline water intrusion in coastal aquifers.
Groundwater Exploration : Groundwater Investigation Techniques - Electrical resistivity method and Self potential method; Well logging, Use of satellite-imageries and GIS in groundwater exploration. Drilling techniques and well development.
Groundwater Management : Dynamic and Static resources, Water balance equations, Artificial recharge and recovery schemes, Conjunctive use, Role of Geoinformatics in groundwater management.
National Groundwater Status : Status of groundwater resources in India, Groundwater provinces of India, Hydrogeochemical provinces of India, Groundwater conditions in Kerala.
GOL. 542 Hydrogeology Practical
GOL. 543 Economic Mineral Deposits
Mineral resources of the sea – sources of sea minerals, sea water, Extraction of elements, continental shelves, Deposits under the surficial sediments of the continental shelves, deposits in the deep sea floor Law of the sea – Exclusive economic zone, International sea bed area.
National mineral policy
Strategic, Critical and Essential minerals of India.
Clay Deposits: Origin and Mineralogy, china clay deposits of Kerala
Iron deposits – Mineralogy, classification of iron-ore deposits, grades of iron ore, geological distribution in India, Iron deposits of Kerala.
Manganese deposits – types, grades, mineralogy, uses, origin and type of deposits, Occurrence of manganese ore deposits in India
Bauxite deposits – specifications, bauxite classification based on shape and origin, Salient features of the bauxite occurrence in India.
Lead and Zinc deposits – Varieties, Origin and occurrence
Copper deposits – Origin and classification of ore, Distribution of copper deposits in India.
Nuclear fuels – Uranium, Thorium
Placer deposits of Kerala – General geologic and geomorphic setting, Ilmenite and rutile, monazite, Zircon, Sillimanite, Garnet, origin of Chavara Placer deposits, silica sands
GOL. 544 Economic Geology Practical
Megascopic study of ore minerals.
Various mining methods: Alluvial mining, Open Cast mining , Underground mining, Coal mining, Sea bed mining.
Maps of mineralisation.
Fundamentals of ore dressing: Crushing, grinding, sizing, concentration by washing, scrubbing, jigging, tabling, floatation. Magnetic and Electrostatic separation.
GOL. 545 Modern Sedimentary Environments
Facies – Facies construction. Interpretation of facies. Factors controlling nature and distribution of facies.
Alluvial Sediments – Present day Alluvial fans.
Present day Pebbly braided rivers and Humid fans.
Present day Sandy low sinuosity rivers.
Present day Meandering streams.
River Channel areas, Ancient Alluvial Sediments.
Changing Alluvial Systems and their control.
Lakes – Present day lakes, Ancient lake Sediments.
Desert – Present day desert, Ancient desert sediments.
Deltas – Conceptual framework, Delta model, Facies association in modern deltas, Ancient deltaic succession.
Clastic Shore lines – Modern beaches and barrier islands, Cheniers, Modern estuaries – Modern tidal flats. Ancient estuaries and tidal flat associations.
Shallow Siliciclastic Seas – Modern Siliciclastic Shelf Models.
Sequence Stratigraphy
Tectonic Significance in basic fill.
GOL. 599 Dissertation
GOL.501 Surveying
Introduction : Processes involved in Surveying, Objectives of survey, Different units of measurement
Sextants : Determination of angles by using sextants. Chain Survey : Running the survey line, Plotting the survey, Chain surveying.
Plane Table Survey : Different Plane Table survey methods, Plane Table Surveying.
Levelling : The Dumpy level : Permanent and temporary adjustments of the Dumpy. Dumpy Level surveying
The Theodolite : Parts and components, Theodolite adjustments.
GOL.502 Meteorology And Oceanography
Atmosphere : Composition and thermal structure of the atmosphere, Insolation and Heat Budget, Temperature distribution, Air pressure and Pressure belts.
Wind: Fundamental forces affecting wind, Atmospheric circulation patterns.
Weather : Air masses, Monsoon systems, Cyclones, Anticyclones.
Cloud: Formation and classification, types of atmospheric precipitation, Artificial precipitation.
Composition of sea water: Major, minor and trace elements in sea water.
Waves : Wave characteristics, Small amplitude ocean waves, Wave height, Wave period. Origin, growth and propagation of wind waves, tidal waves, standing waves and internal waves.
Ocean Currents : Formation of currents, Thermohaline circulation, Ekman spiral and Ekman transport, Upwelling and sinking.
Tides : Formation and different types, Measurement of Tides.
GOL.503 Watershed Management
Philosophy and Concept of Watershed: Ecosystem management and Cumulative effects, Effects of watershed on the community, Major objectives of watershed management.
Principles of watershed management : Delineating the Watershed, Natural processes at work in Watershed, Multi disciplinary approach in watershed management, Participatory Resources Mapping and Appraisal, Benefits of Watershed approach.
Engineering measures for soil conservation: Rain fall parameters, Types of soil erosion, Contour bunding, Surplusing structures, Contour and Staggered trenching, Gully control structures, Graded bunding, Bench terracing, Land leveling and Grading, Water Conservation and Harvesting : Water conservation methods for crop land, Treatment of catchments, Small storage structures, Developing groundwater, Water harvesting, etc.
Monitoring and Evaluation : Designing a watershed monitoring system, Designing a watershed evaluation system, Various monitoring tools – ecological, technical and economic.
GOL.504 Petroleum and Coal Geology
Petroleum - Geographic and stratigraphic distribution of petroleum, Petroleum Classification, Physical properties of petroleum, Chemistry of petroleum, Organic Origin of petroleum, source beds, Transformation of organic matter to petroleum Migration - Primary and Secondary migration,Accumulation of oil Reservoir rocks - Classification of reservoir rocks, Cap rocks or roof rocks, Oil Traps – Structural traps, Stratigraphic traps and Combination traps, Salt domes. Petroleum accumulation as related to marine transgression and regression. Geology of the important petroliferous basins in India – Bombay, Cauvery, Assam.
GOL. 505 Geoinformatics
Digital Image Processing: Image rectification and restoration, image enhancement, contrast manipulation, multi-image manipulation, image classification, data merging.
Global Positioning System : Overview of GPS and its applications.
Fundamentals of GIS : Basic concepts, Spatial data and non spatial data, Components of GIS.
Spatial Data : Spatial entities, Spatial referencing, Topology, Raster and Vector data.
Data Input and Editing: Data Sources, Scanning, Digitizing, Georeferencing, GCPs, Coordinate Conversion, Data Editing – Detecting and correcting errors, transformation & Generalization, Edge matching and rubber sheeting.
Spatial Data Modelling: Raster data structures, Vector data structures, layer based approach.
Data Analysis : Measurements in GIS, Queries, Reclassification, Buffering and neighbourhood analysis, Integrating data by map overlay.
GOL.506 Field Geology
3 to 4 sessions of field visit s to sites of geological interest relevant to courses.
GOL. 507 Precambrian Geology
The concept of the Precambrian. Distinguishing features and classification of the Precambrian. The Problem of the base of the Cambrian.
Rarity of fossils in the Precambrian and its reasons. Models for the origin and early stages of evolution of life. Evolution of Precambrian atmosphere. Precambrian stromatolites, their status as time markers and classification of the Late Proterozoic. Organic remains in the Precambrian rocks of S. India.
Principles of isotope dating. Uranium - thorium - lead methods. Concordia and common lead methods. Potassium - argon method. Argon gain, argon loss and their effects. Ar40 - Ar30 method. Rubidium - strontium method. Whole rock and isochron methods. Strontium loss. Samarium - neodymium method. Rubidium - Strontium and Samarium - neodymium ratios and their significance. Fission track dating. 14C dating.
Preparation of samples for dating. Suitability of minerals for dating. Interpretation of isotope dates. Limitations of isotope dating. Distribution of dates in space and time. Chelogenic and orogenic cycles. Dates from India.
Models for the evolution of Precambrian crust. Cratons, shields and mobile belts. Low-grade and high-grade errains. Evolution of greenstone belts. Evolution of mobile belts. Evolution of Karnataka craton. Precambrian evolution of Kerala. Wynad and Vengad Groups. Vindhyan and Cuddapah Supergroups.
GOL. 508 Field Geology
3 to 4 sessions of field visit s to sites of geological interest relevant to courses.
GOL. 509 Term Paper
Preparation of a review paper (of at least 3000-4000 words length) on a topic, and adjudicated by a team of 3 teachers of the Department.
GOL. 5010 Computational Geology Practical
GOL. 5011 Term Paper
Preparation of a review paper (of at least 3000-4000 words length) on a topic, and adjudicated by a team of 3 teachers of the Department.
GOL. 5012 Field Geology
3 to 4 sessions of field visit s to sites of geological interest relevant to courses.
GOL. 5013 Structural Analysis
Deformation: Translation – Rotation – Dilation – Destortion . Deformation and changes in length and angle. Rheology. Geological significance of displacements. Deformation mechanisms and processes: Cataclastic flow – pressure solution – intracrystalline deformation – recrystallisation – diffusion – grain boundary sliding.
Principles of displacement and strain. Homogeneous and heterogeneous strain. Finite strain theory. Stress-Strain diagrams. Factors affecting stress-strain relations. Concept of strain ellipse. Rapid methods of strain determination. Strain analysis- analysis of strain in linear, initially circular/spherical objects. Various methods of strain analysis. Strain partitioning. Strain in three dimensions.
Simple and pure shear. Shear zones - geometry and classification. Shear indicators. Shear zone rocks - Mylonites and fragmental rocks produced by shearing. Shear sense indicators, Stress-strain relationships in different types of shear zones. Deep crustal fluids and shear zones. Shear zones of south India
Fabric development: Progressive deformation. Rotation , pressure solution, recrystallisation and plastic deformation of grains. Microfabric analysis – sampling techniques. Modern techniques in microstructural analysis – 4-axes Universal stage – X-ray texture goniometry – Transmissiom Electron Microscopy – SEM-EBSD. Fabric symmetry – Cryatallographic Preferred Orientation – Lattice Preferred Orientation. Kinematic analysis.
GOL 51A The Earth (EDC)
GOL 51B Remote Sensing (EDC)
Application of remote sensing on Environment, Land use, Fisheries, Hydrology, Forest and Agriculture studies.
GOL. 51C Geoinformatics (EDC)
Characteristics of maps : Scale, resolution and types of maps. Coordinate system, Map projection.
Remote sensing and Digital Image Processing: Image rectification and restoration, image enhancement, image classification, data merging.
Global Positioning System : Overview of GPS and its applications.
Fundamentals of GIS : Basic concepts, Spatial data and non spatial data, Components of GIS.
Spatial Data : Spatial entities, Spatial referencing, Topology, Raster and Vector data.
Data Input and Editing: Data Sources, Scanning, Digitizing, Georeferencing, GCPs, Coordinate Conversion, Data Editing – Detecting and correcting errors, Re-projection, transformation & Generalization, Edge matching and rubber sheeting.
Spatial Data Modelling: Entity definition, Raster data structures, Vector data structures, Modelling surfaces, Modelling networks, layer based approach.
Data Analysis : Measurements in GIS, Queries, Reclassification, Buffering and neighbourhood analysis, Integrating data by map overlay.