Contact Information

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    P.O. NIT Campus, Calicut, Kerala 673601, India
  • call
    (0495) 2286102 (Director), 2286106
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  • Approved By: UGC AICTE

M.Tech. (Electronics Design and Technology)


2 Years




Course Duration : Two Years


Semester – I

Subject Code

Name of the Subject

ECB 601

Design of Digital Signal Processing Systems

ECB 602

System Design using Embedded Processors

ECB 692

System Design using Embedded Processors Laboratory

ECB 691



Elective 1


Elective 2


Elective 3

Semester – II

Subject Cod

Name of the Subject

ECB 611

Electronics System Design

ECB 693

Electronics System Design Laboratory

ECC 612

VLSI Design

ECC 695

VLSI Design Laboratory


Elective 1


Elective 2


Elective 3

Semester – III

Subject Code

Name of subject

ECB 798

Project work

Semester – IV

Subject Code

Name of the Subject

ECB 799

Project Work

List of Electives

ECD 602

Digital Communication Techniques

ECD 603

Information Theory

ECE 603

Multi Rate Signal Processing

ECE 622

Image & Video Processing

ECB 621

High Speed Digital Design

ECD 604

Communication Networks

ECC 601

Semiconductor Device Theory and Modelling

ECC 602

VLSI Technology

ECC 603

Digital Integrated Circuit Design

ECC 604

Analog Integrated Circuit Design I

ECC 621

Advanced Circuit Analysis

ECD 611

Theory of Error Control Coding

ECD 612

Estimation and Detection Theory

ECE 631

Wavelets : Theory & Construction

ECD 621

Wireless Communication

ECB 622

Digital System Design

ECD 622

Optical Communication

ECD 635

Selected Topics in Networks

ECD 623

Secure Communication

ECC 611

Analog IC Design II

ECC 622

MOS Device Modelling

ECC 623

Compound Semiconductors: Properties & Applications

ECC 624

Micro Electro Mechanical Systems

ECC 625

Foundation of VLSI CAD

ECC 626

Testing & Verification of VLSI Circuits

ECC 627

Semiconductor Power Devices

ECE 611

Adaptive Signal Processing