Ph.D. (Botany)
3 Years
Post Graduation
Course Detail:
Course I
Research methodology
- Research Methodology-literature review, defining problem, approach and methodology, Documentation and presentation of data, analysis of interpretation of data, manuscript preparation.
- Quantitative methods: biostatistics used for analysis of data
- Computer application :bioinformatics, databases and their application
- Tools and techniques: biochemical and biophysical techniques, microscopic techniques Anatomical and Histochemistry.
- Working and principles of various analytical instruments.
- Pharmacognosy techniques.
Course II
Advances in Botany-I
- Plant-animal and plants-microbes interaction
- Biodiversity: genetic, species, molecular diversity and taxonomy, DNA bar coding, population genetics, conservation of biodiversity and endangered species, Evolution.
- Climate change and carbon sequestration
- Algal Biofuels
- Remediation of degraded/contaminated ecosystem by plants microbes
- Recent nomenclature of Plants
Course III
Advances in Botany-II
- Advanced in plant science w.r.t. secondary metabolite production
- Genetically modified plants for improved tolerance to biotic abiotic stress
- Molecular generics of plant development
- Mechanism of plant hormone action
- Signal transduction in plants
Course IV
Special Course
This course will be handled by Guide/Supervisor of the student. Concerned teacher will assign
topics for review and seminar other than the topic of Ph.D. student will have to submit the
review the seminar write-up to HOD/Coordinator which will be assessed by expert. This will be
followed by presentation and will be assessed by group of teachers.