B.A. + L.L.B.
5 Years
10+2 or Equivalent
Course Detail Semester System
Semester - I
- English-I
- Punjabi-1 / PHC (Punjab History & Culture-I)
- Political Science-1 (Political Thought)
- History-1 (General History)
- Economics-1 (General and Legal Economics)
Semester - II
- English-II
- Punjabi-II/PHC (Punjab History & Culture-II)
- Political Science-II (Political Theory)
- History-II (Organizational History)
- Economics-II (Indian Economic Development)
Semester - III
- English-III
- History of Courts
- Sociology: General Principles
- Torts and Consumer Protection Law
- Major World Governments
- Environmental Studies
Semester - IV
- English-IV
- History of Legislature & Legal Profession
- Sociology: Society in India
- Legal Language Including General English
- International Relations and Organisation
Semester - V
- Constitutional Law of India-I
- Labour laws
- Human Rights & International Law
- Law of Contract and Specific Relief Act
- Law of Crimes-I
Semester - VI
- Constitutional Law-II
- Law of Crimes-II
- Jurisprudence
- Specific Contracts
- Law Relating to Local Self Government
Note: In the Semester III Paper 6 (Environmental Studies) is not to be included in
the total marks.
Semester - VII
- Family Law-I
- Service Law
- Land Laws
- Arbitration, Conciliation and Alternative Dispute Resolution System
- Administrative Law
Semester - VIII
- Family Law-II
- Law of Property & Easements
- Company Law
- Environmental Law (Including Laws for the Protection of Wild Life and other Living Creatures)
- Any one of the following options:
- Law of Insurance
- Law of Intellectual Property
- Labour Law-II
- Law and Medicine
- Private International Law
- Rent Law
Semester - IX
- Public Interest Litigation-Legal Aid and Para Legal Services
- Civil Procedure Code and Limitation Act.
- Criminal Procedure Code
- Interpretation of Statutes
- Any one of the following options:
- Socio-Economic Offences
- Taxation Law-I
- Cyber Laws
- Law of Religious Endowments
Semester - X
- Law of Evidence
- Professional Ethics, Accountancy for Lawyers and Bar Bench Relation
- Drafting Pleading and Conveyancing
- Moot Court, Pre-Trial Preparation and Participation in Trial Proceedings
- Any one of the following options:
- Women and Law
- Law of Human Rights
- Taxation Law-II
- Election Law
- Criminology and Penology
- Disability Law and the Human Rights
Course Detail Annual System
First Year
- English-I
- Political Science-I
- Punjabi-I/Punjab History and Culture-I
- History
- Sociology
- Economics
Second Year
- English-II
- Political Science-II
- Law Relating to Intellectual Property
- Indian Legal and Constitutional History
- Major World Governments
- Local Self Government
- Environmental Studies
Third Year
- Law of Contract, Specific Contracts and Sales of Goods Act
- Torts and Consumer Protection Laws
- Family Law
- Indian Constitutional Law
- Public International Law and Human Rights
- Jurisprudence
- Interpretation of Statutes
- LL.B (Five Years Course) Annual System
Fourth Year
- Law of Crimes
- Law of Property and Easement
- Law of Companies and Indian Partnership Act
- Administrative Law
- Environment Law
- Land Laws including Ceiling and other Local Laws
- Any one of the following option:
- Law of Intellectual Property
- Commercial Law
- Information Technology and the Law
- Insurance Law
- Labour Laws
- Taxation Law
- Disability Law and the Human Rights
Fifth Year
- Law of Evidence
- Law of Civil Procedure Code and Limitation Act
- Arbitration, Conciliation and Alternative Dispute Resolution System
- Practical II Drafting, Pleadings and Legal Language
- Law of Criminal Procedure, Juvenile Justice Act and Probation of Offenders Act
- Practical III & IV Conveyancing and Professional Ethics and Bench-Bar Relations, Public Interest Lawerying, Legal Aid and Para Legal Services
- Any one option of the following:
- Criminology, Penology and Socio-Economic Offences
- International Organisation
- Women and Law and Law relating to Child
- Health Care Law
- Air and Space Law
- Human Rights, Humanitarian Law and Refugee Law
- Practical-IV (Moot Court, Pre-trial Preparations, Participation in Trial Proceedings and Chamber Training)