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    Grand Trunk Road, NH-1, Amritsar, Punjab 143005, India
  • call
    (0183) 2258802, 2258803, 2258804, 2258805, 2258806
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    (0183) 2258819
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  • Approved By: UGC AICTE NAAC

B.A. + L.L.B.


5 Years


10+2 or Equivalent

Course Detail                            Semester System

Semester - I

  1. English-I
  2. Punjabi-1 / PHC (Punjab History & Culture-I)
  3. Political Science-1 (Political Thought)
  4. History-1 (General History)
  5. Economics-1 (General and Legal Economics)

Semester - II

  1. English-II
  2. Punjabi-II/PHC (Punjab History & Culture-II)
  3. Political Science-II (Political Theory)
  4. History-II (Organizational History)
  5. Economics-II (Indian Economic Development)

Semester - III

  1. English-III
  2. History of Courts
  3. Sociology: General Principles
  4. Torts and Consumer Protection Law
  5. Major World Governments
  6. Environmental Studies

Semester - IV

  1. English-IV
  2. History of Legislature & Legal Profession
  3. Sociology: Society in India
  4. Legal Language Including General English
  5. International Relations and Organisation

Semester - V

  1. Constitutional Law of India-I
  2. Labour laws
  3. Human Rights & International Law
  4. Law of Contract and Specific Relief Act
  5. Law of Crimes-I

Semester - VI

  1. Constitutional Law-II
  2. Law of Crimes-II
  3. Jurisprudence
  4. Specific Contracts
  5. Law Relating to Local Self Government

Note: In the Semester III Paper 6 (Environmental Studies) is not to be included in

the total marks.

Semester - VII

  1. Family Law-I
  2. Service Law
  3. Land Laws
  4. Arbitration, Conciliation and Alternative Dispute Resolution System
  5. Administrative Law

Semester - VIII

  1. Family Law-II
  2. Law of Property & Easements
  3. Company Law
  4. Environmental Law (Including Laws for the Protection of Wild Life and other Living Creatures)
  5. Any one of the following options:
    • Law of Insurance
    • Law of Intellectual Property
    • Labour Law-II
    • Law and Medicine
    • Private International Law
    • Rent Law

Semester - IX

  1. Public Interest Litigation-Legal Aid and Para Legal Services
  2. Civil Procedure Code and Limitation Act.
  3. Criminal Procedure Code
  4. Interpretation of Statutes
  5. Any one of the following options:
    • Socio-Economic Offences
    • Taxation Law-I
    • Cyber Laws
    • Law of Religious Endowments

Semester - X

  1. Law of Evidence
  2. Professional Ethics, Accountancy for Lawyers and Bar Bench Relation
  3. Drafting Pleading and Conveyancing
  4. Moot Court, Pre-Trial Preparation and Participation in Trial Proceedings
  5. Any one of the following options:
    • Women and Law
    • Law of Human Rights
    • Taxation Law-II
    • Election Law
    • Criminology and Penology
    • Disability Law and the Human Rights

Course Detail                              Annual System

First Year

  1. English-I
  2. Political Science-I
  3. Punjabi-I/Punjab History and Culture-I
  4. History
  5. Sociology
  6. Economics

Second Year

  1. English-II
  2. Political Science-II
  3. Law Relating to Intellectual Property
  4. Indian Legal and Constitutional History
  5. Major World Governments
  6. Local Self Government
  7. Environmental Studies

Third Year

  1. Law of Contract, Specific Contracts and Sales of Goods Act
  2. Torts and Consumer Protection Laws
  3. Family Law
  4. Indian Constitutional Law
  5. Public International Law and Human Rights
  6. Jurisprudence
  7. Interpretation of Statutes
  8. LL.B (Five Years Course) Annual System

Fourth Year

  1. Law of Crimes
  2. Law of Property and Easement
  3. Law of Companies and Indian Partnership Act
  4. Administrative Law
  5. Environment Law
  6. Land Laws including Ceiling and other Local Laws
  7. Any one of the following option:
    • Law of Intellectual Property
    • Commercial Law
    • Information Technology and the Law
    • Insurance Law
    • Labour Laws
    • Taxation Law
    • Disability Law and the Human Rights

Fifth Year

  1. Law of Evidence
  2. Law of Civil Procedure Code and Limitation Act
  3. Arbitration, Conciliation and Alternative Dispute Resolution System
  4. Practical II Drafting, Pleadings and Legal Language
  5. Law of Criminal Procedure, Juvenile Justice Act and Probation of Offenders Act
  6. Practical III & IV Conveyancing and Professional Ethics and Bench-Bar Relations, Public Interest Lawerying, Legal Aid and Para Legal Services
  7. Any one option of the following:
    • Criminology, Penology and Socio-Economic Offences
    • International Organisation
    • Women and Law and Law relating to Child
    • Health Care Law
    • Air and Space Law
    • Human Rights, Humanitarian Law and Refugee Law
  8. Practical-IV (Moot Court, Pre-trial Preparations, Participation in Trial Proceedings and Chamber Training)