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    Jalandhar - Kapurthala Highway, VPO - Ibban, Jalandhar, Punjab 144603, India
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    (01822) 662533, 662535, 662582 / phone_iphone (Toll Free No. 1800-266-2501)
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  • Approved By: UGC AICTE

B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering)


4 Years


10+2 or Equivalent

Course Detail

Semester – III

  1. Computer Architecture
  2. Discrete Structures
  3. Digital Circuits & Logic Design
  4. Data Structures & Programming Methodology
  5. Written & Oral Technical Communication
  6. Object Oriented Programming Using C++
  7. Software Lab- I (DSPM)
  8. Institutional Practical Training
  9. Hardware Lab -I (DCLD)
  10. Software Lab-II(OOPS)

Semester – IV

  1. Operating System
  2. Mathematics – III
  3. Data Communication
  4. Microprocessor & Assembly Language Programming
  5. Systems Programming
  6. Software Lab - III (OS)
  7. H/W Lab. II (DC)
  8. H/W Lab. III (Microprocessor & Assembly Language Programming)
  9. Software Lab-IV(SP)

Semester – V

  1. System Analysis and Design
  2. Computer Networks
  3. DBMS
  4. Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  5. Computer Graphics
  6. Computer Peripherals and Interfaces
  7. Software Lab.(DBMS Lab )
  8. H/W lab-IV (Computer networks)
  9. Software Lab VI(Algorithms)
  10. S/W Lab VII(Computer Graphics)
  11. Industrial Training

Semester – VI

  1. Relational Database Management System-II
  2. Introduction to Business System
  3. Asynchronous Transfer Mode
  4. Software Engineering
  5. Elective –I
    • Computer Vision
    • System Hardware Design
    • Real Time Systems
    • Operation Research
    • Language Processor
    • Natural Language Processing
  6. Open Elective
  7. H/W Lab-V(ATM)
  9. S/W Lab-IX(S/W Engg.)
  10. S/W Lab-X (Business System)

Semester – VII / Semester – VIII

  1. 6-month Industrial Training
  2. Expert System
  3. Formal Language & Automata Theory
  4. Project
  5. Principles of Engineering .Economics & Management Techniques
  6. Environmental Sciences
  7. Department elective –II
    • Organisational Structure
    • Overview of IT Materials
    • System Simulation and Modelling
    • Emerging Technologies and Current IT- Trends
  8. Department Elective-III
    • Graphical User Interface
    • Advanced Microprocessor
    • Symbolic Logic & Logic Processing@
    • Image Processing & Pattern recognition
  9. Department Elective-III Lab
    • Graphical User Interface
    • Advanced Microprocessor
    • Expert System.
    • Image Processing & Pattern recognition
  10. Software Lab –XIII (Sl&LP)