Duration: 1 Years |
Eligibility: Graduation |
Course Details:-
The syllabi of B.Ed. Course will consist of following three parts:
Part-I: Theory
Part-II: Skill in Teaching
Part-III: Sessional Work
(i) Evaluation in this part will be external as well as internal.
(ii) Each theory paper will be of three hours duration. This part will consist of seven papers.
Paper Nomenclature
I Teacher in Emerging Indian Society
II Development of Learner and
Teaching-Learning Process
III Development of Educational System
in India
IV Essentials of Educational
Technology and Management
V (A) Compulsory
Guidance and Counseling
(B) Elective:
Any one of the following:
(i) Elementary Education
(ii) Population Education
(iii) Environmental Education
(iv) Alternative Education (Adult and Non-Formal Education)
(v) Educational Measurement and Evaluation
(vi) Physical Education
(vii) Value Education
(viii) Information and Communication Technology
VI & Teaching Subject-I
VII Teaching Subject-II
Any two of the following options:
(i) Teaching of English or Hindi or Punjabi or Sanskrit
(ii) Teaching of Social Studies or
Teaching of Political Science or
Teaching of Geography or
Teaching of History or
Teaching of Economics
Teaching of Commerce
(iii) Teaching of Mathematics
(iv) Teaching of Physical Science
(v) Teaching of Life Science
(vi) Teaching of Home Science
(vii) Teaching of Art
(viii) Teaching of Agriculture
(ix) Teaching of Music
(x) Teaching of Commerce
(xi) Teaching of Computers
(xii) Teaching of Science
(xiii) Teaching of Physical Education
Part-II : Skill in Teaching
This part will consist of the following :
(i) Five core microteaching skills, in simulation and two lesson in each skill in each subject.
(ii) At least two demonstration lessons in each subject.
(iii) At least two discussion lessons in each subject.
(iv) At least thirty observation lessons, i.e. fifteen in each subject, besides observation of demonstration and discussion lessons.
(v) Teaching practice of thirty working days with a minimum of twenty five lessons in each subject.
(vi) Black board writing and sketch making.
(vii) Preparation of at least two teaching aids in each subject.
At least twenty five percent of the lessons delivered by a candidate should be elaborately supervised and supervisor’s remarks, comments and suggestions on each lesson should be written on the candidate’s lesson note book. The Principal of the college will certify on the lesson note book of the candidates that the above requirements have been completed. Teaching practice will be completed before the commencement of the university examination. As far as possible, the discussion lessons will be supervised by Method Masters.