M.A. (Economics)
2 Years
Graduation or Equivalent
Course Detail
Part - I
- Advanced Economic Theory-I (Compulsory)
- Advanced Economics Theory-II (Compulsory)
- Basic Quantitative Methods (Compulsory)
- A Candidate may offer any one of the following papers (Optional)
- Economics of Agriculture
- Economics of Industry
- Economics of Labour
- Economic History of India, Japan and USSR
- Classical Political Economy
- Economics of Demography
- Economics of Women's Studies
Part - II
- Political Economy of Development.
- Evolution and Structure of Indian Economy
- Paper-III & IV A Candidate may offer any two papers from these options.
- Public Economics
- Money and Banking
- Theory of Statistics
Semester System
Eco- 301 Political Economy of Development
Eco-302 Evolution & Structure of Indian Economy
Eco-303 Public Economics
Eco- 304 -305: Any two papers from any one of the following group:
- International Economics
- Regional Economics and Punjab Economy
- Money and Banking
- Comparative Economics Systems
- Theory of Statistics
- Mathematical Economics
- Computer Applications for Economists-1
- Theory of Statistics
- Econometrics
Eco- 401: Political Economy of Development
Eco-402: Evolution and Structure of Indian Economy
Eco- 403: Public Economics
Eco- 404-405: Any two papers from any one of the following groups (same as selected is Semester-III)
- International Economics
- Regional Economics and Punjab Economy
- Money and Banking
- Comparative Economics Systems
- Theory of Statistics
- Mathematical Economics
- Computer Applications for Economists -II
- Theory of Statistics
- Econometrics