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    Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 221005, India
  • call
    (0542) 2368938, 2368339, 2307222, 2368558
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    (0542) 2368418, 2369100, 2369951
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  • Approved By: UGC NAAC NCTE

M.A. (Psychology)


2 Years



Course Detail

Course Code

Course Title

Semester - I


PSM 101

Attention and Perceptual Processes

PSM 102

Research Methods and Experimental Designs

PSM 103

Advanced Physiological Psychology

PSM 104

Applied Social Psychology

PSM 105


PSM 106M

Minor Elective: Basic Psychological Process (for the students of other PG


Programmes) Minor Elective (for Psychology Students)

Semester - II


PSM 201

Language, Memory and Thinking

PSM 202

Non­experimental & Correlational Methods

PSM 203


PSM 204

Cross­cultural Psychology

PSM 205


PSM 206


Minor Elective: Applications of Psychology in Human Life (for the students of other PG Programmes)


Minor Elective (for Psychology Students)

Semester - III


PSM 301

Applied Psychological Assessment

PSM 302

Affective Processes

PSM 303

Diagnostic Techniques/ Organisational Behaviour/ Child Development /Comparative


PSM 304

Psychopathology/ Stress-Management/ Child Psychopathology/ Psychopharmacology

PSM 305


(b) Comprehensive Viva-Voce

PSM 306


Minor Elective: Stress Management (for the students of other PG  Programmes) Minor Elective (for Psychology Students)

Semester - IV


PSM 401

Therapeutic techniques/Human Resource Management/Psychology of Adolescence

PSM 402

Neuro­Psychology/Organisational Development & Change/Psychology of Adulthood

& Ageing.

PSM 403

Psychology of Personality/ Psychology of Rehabilitation/Organisational

Communication/Psychology of Sports

PSM 404

Health Psychology/Drugs and Behaviour/Counselling/Human Factors

PSM 405


PSM 406

Comprehensive Viva­Voce

Note :

# M.A./M.Sc. Psychology students will opt 3 minor electives (of 3 credits each in Semester I, II, & III) offered by the Department of Psychology.