Approved By: UGC NAAC
Duration: 3 Years |
Eligibility: 10+2 or Equivalent |
Course Duration: Three Year (Semester System)
Course Eligibility : 10+2 in any stream with atleast 50% marks or equivalent CGPA.
Admission Criteria: Merit in qualifying examination, subject to eligibility criteria.
Entrance/Eligibility Test: As per University Rules
Programme Mode: Regular
Course Syllabus
Semester - I
Course Code |
Course Title |
BCA101 |
Computer Fundamentals |
BCA102 |
Foundation Course In English |
BCA103 |
Software Application Skills (Windows + Office) |
BCA104 |
Fondation Course In Humanities And Social Sciences |
BCA105 |
Operating System Concepts With DOS |
Semester – II
BCA201 |
Programming In C |
BCA202 |
Foundation Course In Mathematics For Computing |
BCA203 |
Introduction to DBMS—SQL |
BCA204 |
Foundation Course in Science and Technology |
BCA205 |
Digital Electronics |
Practicals |
Semester – III
BCA301 |
Programming & Problem Solving Through Visual Basic |
BCA302 |
Data Structure Using C |
BCA303 |
Elements of System Analysis and Design |
BCA304 |
Computer Organization and Architecture |
BCA305 |
Introduction To CAD |
Semester – IV
BCA401 |
C++ and Object Oriented Programming |
BCA402 |
Computer Networking |
BCA403 |
Management Information Systems |
BCA404 |
Computer Oriented Numerical Methods |
BCA405 |
Multimedia Concepts & Application |
Semester – V
BCA501 |
Introduction To Software Engineering |
BCA502 |
TCP/IP Programming |
BCA503 |
Web Designing Concepts- Html, MS Frontpage |
BCA504 |
RDBMS Concept Oracle |
BCA505 |
Computer Graphics and Animation |
Semester – VI
BCA601 |
Introduction To Artifical Intelligence |
BCA602 |
Introduction To Internet Programming (Java, Active-X) |
BCA603 |
Project Work |
Course Detail
BCA101 Computer Fundamentals
Unit I
Introduction to Computer, What is a Computer; Application of Computers; Historical evolution of Computers; Generation of Computers; Classification of computers; characteristics of Computers; Limitations of Computers; Data; Process, Information; Hard ware; software; Firmware; Elements & Block diagram of computer.
Unit II
Computer Organization, Input, Process, Output, Input output organization, Bit, Nibble Byte, Word, Memory size, Input Devices like Keyboard Mouse and their working, Output Devices like Printer, Plotter etc. working of DMP, Inkjet & Laser printer
Unit III
Memory concepts, Basic Memory element; Primary Memory; concept of RAM; ROM; PROM; EPROM; EAPROM; static RAM; Dynamic RAM; SDRAM/RDRAM; Secondary storage Devices; Magnetic Tape, Magnetic Disk, Floppy Disk, Video/optical disk (CD ROM)
Unit IV
Types of software, System & Application software, Operating system Definition; storage and Retrieval software, Translators, Interpreters, compilers; Generation of Languages; high Level languages, Low Level Language; Disk Organization, Disk storage capacity, Diskette compatibility, Physical file system; system area; Data area; Physical storage and Retrieval mechanism; Disk Partitioning. Computer virus
BCA102 Foundation Course In English
Unit I
Reading comprehension, Questions based on comprehension, True and False statements, Contextual reference, Statements, Grammar and Usage, Vocabulary: Word meaning, Word having multiple meanings, Suffixes and Prefixes, one word substitution, Word formation, Word stress, Synonyms, antonyms
Unit II
Grammar- Tenses, Articles, The Passive voice and Active voice, Non finite verbal, Gerunds, Participles, Conversation, Pronunciation, Letters and Sounds, English vowels, English consonant, prepositional phrases, Participial phrases, Phrasal verbs, Relative clauses, Conjunction, Adjectival clauses, Development of paragraphs, Writing a composition, Note taking, Techniques of summarizing
Unit III
Principles of letter writing, Courtesy and consideration, Directness and conciseness, Structures And Layout Of Letters, Elements of structure, Forms of layout, Styles of presentation, Planning A Letter, Importance of planning, steps to planning, Writing letters, Job Application Letter, Importance and function, Drafting, the application, Preparing the resume, Sales Letter, Qualities of a sales letter, Writing a sales letter, Claims And Adjustment Letter, Making claims, Offering adjustments, Social Correspondence, Formal letters, Informal letters.
Unit IV
Characteristics of Reports, Importance of Reports, Types of Reports, Report writing, Structure Of Reports, Front matter, Main body, Preparatory Steps To Writing Report, Collecting data, Organizing materials, Writing the report, Rough draft, Procedure of writing checklist for Reports Reading skills, What is a précis, steps to précis writing, How to abridge sentence, Passage for précis.
BCA103 Software Application Skills (Windows + Office)
Unit I
Windows Basics, Introduction to graphical user Interface; Overview of Different versions of Windows, The Desktop, the taskbar, the start button, the title bar, control panel, wizards, find feature properties, Quick view, Right clicking, Font Management, Entertainment, Fax, Games, System tools, Calculator, calendar, card file, character Map, Imaging, Notepad, Pain WordPad.
Unit II
Windows Features, My computer Icon, Info-center, Explorer, Mobile computing, Plug & play, folders, shortcuts, Long file names Accessibility, High Performance Multimedia, Improved web features, Internet Connection Wizard, Active Desktop channels, Email, Net meeting, front page express, Web browsers, communications.
Unit III
Word Basic, Introduction to Word Processing, Beating, Saving, Printing, Exiting a word document, Opening, typing in a documents selecting text, Editing text, Inserting, Replacing Proofing document spell check grammar check Auto correct auto text auto complete, paragraph alignment, spacing Borders, Shading, Bullets & Numbering Header & Footer.
Unit IV
Wizards and templates creating, Attaching; copying Deleting a template Inserting Pictures, graphics Drawing in Word, Mail Merge creating envelops and Mailing List, Working with tables & charts creating a HTML Document.
BCA104 Fondation Course In Humanities And Social Sciences
Unit I
Social Development of Man, Evolution of Human Kind, Social change and Evolution, Stages of Social Evolution, Domestication of animals and Origins of Agriculture, Indus Valley Civilization, Feudal Societies, Renaissance and Reformation Agriculture, Industrial Revolution,
Unit II
Indian National Movement-I, Indian National Movement-II, Values of the Indian National Movement, Emergence of Independent India, National Integration
Unit III
Characteristic of Indian Economy, Problems of Economic Development, Development: Goals and Issues, Need for Planned Economic Development, Planning Strategies-I, Planning Strategies-II, Population and Development, Problems of National Unity: Colonial Heritage Problems of National Unity: Case and Tribe, Problems of National Unity: Regional Imbalances, Multi Religious Society: The Secular Principle, Political System, The sprit of Indian constitution, Center-state relations: the federal principle, Devaluation of power
Unit IV
Democracy and the underprivileged in India, social transformation, Social and cultural transformation, People's participation in the development process, Place of women in Indian society, Education and social change, India and the world, the struggle for freedom against colonialism, the struggle of freedom against contemporary forms of domination, Problems of peace in nuclear world
BCA105 Operating System Concepts With DOS
Unit I
Operating System, Introduction to OS; Functions of OS-Process Management Device Management, Memory Management, Information Management; Types of an Operating System Introduction to MS DOS; Booting, Components of MS DOS, MS DOS Internal & External commands, Different versions of MS DOS
Unit II
DOS Commands, Directory commands : Working with Directory, Dir, md, cd, rd, Tree, Path. File Management in DOS – Introduction to files, File Management commands : Copy, Del, Rename, Xcopy, Attrib, Backup, Restore General Commands – Type date Time Prompt. Disk Management Commands – Format, Sys, Chkdsk, Diskcopy, Label, Vol.
Unit III
Dos Utility Commands – Move, Deltree, Scandisk, Setver, Undelete, Unformat. Introduction to batch files; running and stopping batch files, Batch file commands Echo, Pause, and REM, Configuring the system: Config.sys, Autoexec.bat files. System Configuration commands: Files, buffer, country
Unit IV
Problem Solving Methods, Problem Analysis, Flow charts, symbols, Decision tables, Pseudo codes and Algorithm with examples, Different files like com, exe, sys, bin, txt, & their uses.
BCA201 Programming In C
Unit I
Fundamentals of C programming, Programming Techniques and concepts, Overview of C, History and structure, C Character set, Identifiers and Keywords, Data-types, Data Types declarations, Constants and variables, expressions and statements and symbolic constants, Basic I/O, Preprocessor command: #include, define, preparing and running a complete C program.
Unit II
Operator and expressions: Arithmetic, unary, logical, bit-wise, assignment, and conditional operators, library functions, Construction of loops and implementation, control statements: While, Do-while, for statements nested loops. If-else, switch, break, continue and go-to statements, comma operator.
Unit III
Functions, function prototypes, Recursion, storage classes, automatic, external and static variables, Pointer: Declarations, Passing to a function, Operations on Pointers
Unit IV
Arrays two dimensional and multidimensional arrays, Arrays of Pointers, Unions: Declarations, File handling: Open, Close, Create, Process, unformatted data file.
BCA202 Foundation Course In Mathematics For Computing
Unit I
Matrix: Operations on Matrices like Addition, subtraction, Multiplication, Adjoint and inverse of Matrix, Application in Solution Of Linear equations, Determinants
Unit II
Calculus: Differentiations of important real valued functions of real valued functions of real variable, product rule, and quotient rule, Differentiations of inverse trigonometric function, Implicit Function, Second order derivatives.
Unit III
Integration, nth derivative, Integration by substitution, Integration through partial fraction, Integration by parts, Definite Integration as limit of sum and its Properties
Unit IV
Differential Equations, Solutions with separation variable, homogenous equation and first order linear differential equation with constant coefficient
BCA203 Introduction to DBMS—SQL
Unit I
Data, Information and Knowledge, Introducing Databases and Different kinds of database users, Concept Of A Database, Interacting With A Database, Architecture Of A Database, Using Relational Databases, Basics Of Relational Databases, Using Relational Databases, Identifiers For Relations, characteristics of database, database system concepts and Data Independence, Content of Data Dictionary, Data administration function, DBMS, Concurrency control, Database security, Database recovery
Unit II
Traditional Data Model – ANSI/SPRC 3-level Architecture, Overview of three Traditional models—Hierarchical, Network and Relational Models, Comparison of these models UNIT III File organization technique—Random file organization technique, Multi key file organization technique, Entity relationship Model, ER Model
Unit IV
Structured Query Language- Introduction, Data definition, views and queries in SQL, Specifying constraints and indexes in SQL, Data Manipulation, Data maintenance, Multiple Table Operations, Transaction integrity facilities,
BCA204 Foundation Course in Science and Technology
Unit I
Science and Man, Science as a Human Endeavor, Science in Ancient World, Iron age, Science in Ancient India, Science in Medieval Times, Science in Modern India, The method of Science and Nature of Scientific Knowledge.
Unit II
Universe, Universe as a system, Solar System, Origin of Species, Evolution of Man, Earth, Environment, Components of Environment, Changing Environment, Factor effecting environment, and Natural resources available on earth, Resource Utilization.
Unit III
Scientific Possibilities and Social Realties in the field of, Food and Agriculture, Food and Nutrition, Health and disease, Role of Science in Solving these Problems
Unit IV
Developments in Science and Technology, Effects of current developments of Science and Technology on Humans, Science and Technology in Industry, Perceptions and Aspirations, Science and Society
BCA205 Digital Electronics
Unit I
Digital Electronics, Number systems, Logic gates: Inverter, AND, OR, NOR, XOR, XNOR, NAND, De Morgan’s Theorems, Karnaugh Map, Boolean Algebra, Combinational and sequential Circuits.
Unit II
Half Adder, full Adder, Binary Adder, Signed Binary numbers, 1’s and 2’s complement, 2’s complement Adder Subtractor Parity generator, Comparators, Encoder, Decoder, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer
Unit III
Flip Flops, RS latches, D-Flip Flop, T-Flip Flop, JK-Flip Flop, JK Master Slave Flip Flop, Edge triggered and Pulse triggered Flip Flops, Registers, shift registers.
Unit IV
Binary Counters, Modulus of a Counter, design of different MOD counter, Random Access Memory, Read Only Memory, Multivibrators- Astable, Monostable, Bistable, Schmitt Trigger, Timer
Semester – III
BCA301 Programming & Problem Solving Through Visual Basic
Unit I
Basics of Visual Basic Language, Requirements for VB 6.0, Tool bars, Menu bars- file, edit, view, project, format, tools, Add- Ins menu, Project explorer, Properties Window, code, form, debug Windows, Immediate debug window, local debug window, watch debug window, tool box window, Adding removing custom control to toolbox, creating and saving a project, Visual Development and event driven Programming, OOPS, Object and classes, Properties, Methods and events
Unit II
Operators, control flow statements, decision making statements, select case statement, iterations: for loop structure, do-loops: do---Until Loops, do ----while, while---wend, With–End With statements, arrays : accessing array elements, double dimensional or multidimensional arrays, dynamic arrays, redimensioning an array Lbound and Ubound statements, option base statements, collections. Procedures and sub procedures.
Interacting with the basic controls: Forms, forms collection, controlling one form within another- MDI forms, command buttons, label controls, text box controls, capturing the key strokes, list box controls, combo box controls, lab assignments More controls: Radio buttons, scrollbars, example program, timer control, running lights application, image control, drive list box, searching a drive, the directory list box, file list box copying a file, deleting a file , renaming a file, moving a file, lab assignments.
Unit II
Creating menu based applications: Menus and the menu editor, designing menus, programming menu commands, manipulating menus at runtime, creating a menu’s control array, dialog boxes: message box; visual basic constants for the message box; using the input box. Procedures and functions: Introduction to procedures, types procedures: sub procedure general procedures event procedures function procedures, creating new procedures, selecting existing procedures, calling sub procedures, calling function procedures, calling procedures in other modules, passing arguments to procedures, passing arguments by value; passing arguments by reference, using optional arguments, using an indefinite number of arguments.
Unit IV
Using new ActiveX controls: Rich text box control, key state control, status bar control, common dialog control, File dialog box, color dialog box, font dialog box, print dialog box, List view control, tree view control, example program, outline control, flat scrollbars, month view, tabbed dialog control, Date Time Picker control.
BCA302 Data Structure Using C
Unit I
Structure, definition, and application, Lists, Basic Terminology, Static Implementation of Lists, Pointer Implementation of Lists, Insertion in a List, Deletion from a List, Storage ofSparse, Arrays using Linked List, Doubly Linked Lists, Circular Linked List
Unit II
Defining Stack and Queue, Stack Operations and Implementation, Array Implementation, Pointer Implementation, Stack Applications, Convert Number Bases by Using Stacks, Infix to Postfix Conversion, Queues: Operations and Implementation, Queue Application, Priority Queues
Unit III
Defining Graph, Basic Terminology, Graph Representation, Graph Traversal, Depth First Search (DFS), Breadth First Search (BFS), Shortest Path Problem, Minimal Spanning Tree, inary Trees, In order Traversal, Post order Traversal, Preorder Traversal, Binary Search Trees, Operations on a BST, Insertion in Binary Search Tree, Deletion of a node in BST, Search for a key in BST, Height Balanced Tree.
Unit IV
Searching and Sorting techniques, Sequential Search, Binary Search, Internal Sort, Insertion Sort, Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, 2-way Merge Sort, Heap Sort
BCA303 Elements of System Analysis and Design
Unit I
System concept, Definition, System study, system analysis, System approach, Characteristics and Types of system, Elements of system analysis, System models and types of models, system environment and boundaries, system analyst, role of system analyst, qualification and responsibilities, System analyst as an agent of change.
Unit II
System Development Life Cycle and its various phases, Preliminary investigation, Determination of system requirements, Development of software, System testing, Implementation, evaluation and maintenance, system documentation and consideration
Unit III
System Planning, Feasibility study and its report and importance, various tools and technique, Software Crisis: From programmer’s point of view, from users point of view.
Unit IV
System design and modeling, state of system design, process modeling, logical and physical design, system flow chart and structured charts, data flow diagrams, file organization and data base design, system testing and quantity assurance implementation and software maintenance.
BCA304 Computer Organization and Architecture
Unit I
Principles of computer design: Software and Hardware, Interaction layers of computer architecture, CPU organization, Architecture of a Microprocessor (ex. 8086)
Unit II
Assembly language programming, Bus architecture, Basic structure of the CPU, An Advanced Structure, Register Organization, Programmer Visible Registers, Status and Control Registers, Micro-Operations, Register transfer Micro-operations, Arithmetic Micro-operation, Logic Microoperations, Shift Micro- operations, Implementation of a Simple Arithmetic, Logic and Shift Unit, Instruction Execution and Micro-operations, ALU Organization
Unit III
A simple ALU Organization, Floating point ALU, Arithmetic Processors, Control Unit Organization, Functional Requirements of a Control Unit, Structure of Control Unit, An Illustration of Control, Hardwired Control Unit, Instruction Format Design, Instruction Length, Allocation of Bits, Variable Length of Instructions, Example of Instruction Set, memory system, storage technology, memory array organization, cache virtual memory
Unit IV
Addressing Schemes, Immediate Addressing, Direct Addressing, Indirect addressing, Register Addressing, Register Indirect Addressing, Displacement Addressing, Stack Addressing Scheme, data transfer techniques
BCA305 Introduction To CAD
Unit I
Introduction to Computer Aided Design, AutoCAD, Settings In AutoCAD: User Defined Settings, Default settings; Limit, Scale, Tile Mode, Blip Mode, Background Color, Grid settings, Measurement Units Decimal, Engineering Scale, File menu preferences, Ortho, Object Snap, Snap, 2D Drawing tool, Line, Arc, Circle, P line, Ellipse, Polygon, Point, Dynamic Text
Unit II
General Tools: Redraw, Regenerate, Undo Zoom, Break, Cancel, Hatch, Solid, Offset, Erase, Rotate, Change property; 3D Drawing Tools: Predefined 3D Objects, 3D Box, Pyramid, Wedge, Dome, Sphere, Cone, Mesh and Dish; Converting 2D Drawing into 3D; Ruled Surface; surface of revolution; Tabulated surface; UCS control; Changing Dimension for an object, Drawing Object in Different dimension
Unit III
3D face; changing properties of objects (elevation, Thickness) In perception of 3D; Grip, Rotate, Move, Scale; 3D polyline; Viewpoints; Dview- Setting camera and Target; Difference between Dview and viewport, Difference between paper space and Model space.
Unit IV
Render; Lights- point, distant, Subtraction of one 2D Object from another- sol sub; Layer controlcreation of new layer; Management of existing layer; transferring objects from one to another layer; Layer commands- thaw, freeze, lock, unlock etc.; Analysis features of AutoCAD; Inquiry: List Objects, status, area, mass property, area calculation; Designing of Housing Complex – Outline Plan ( walls roofs and floors); - Inside Plan (Apartment Boundaries, Doors, Windows, Elevator, Gallery, Stairs); - Interior Design (Apartment plan)
Semester – IV
BCA401 C++ and Object Oriented Programming
Unit I
OOP concept, Procedural vs OOP programming, OOP terminology and features, Tokens, Character set, Keywords, Data-types, Data Types declarations, Constants and variables, expressions, Standard Library and header files. Operator and Expressions: Arithmetic Operator, Increment/Decrement Operator, Relational Operator, Logical Operator and conditional operators, library functions, Logical Expressions, C++ shorthand,
Unit II
Flow of control statements: Selection statements, Iteration statement, Jump statement, Construction of loops and implementation, While, Do-while, For statements nested loops. If-else, switch, break, continue and Goto statements. Classes and Objects: Need for Classes, Declaration of Classes, referencing class Members, Scope of class and its members Nested Classes, Functions in a class: Inline Functions, Constant Member functions, Nesting of Member Functions, friend function, Memory allocation of objects, Arrays of objects, Static Class Member
Unit III
Functions, function definition, Default arguments, Constant arguments, Call by value, Call by reference, Calling functions with arrays, returning from a function, storage class specifier and variables, storage class specifier and Functions automatic, external and static variables, Pointer: Declarations, Passing to a function, Operations on Pointers
Unit IV
Arrays two dimensional and multidimensional arrays, Arrays of Pointers, Pointers and functions, Constructors and Destructor: Declaration, Definition and characteristics, Function Overloading, Inheritance: Need, Different forms, Single Inheritance, Multilevel Inheritance, C++ Memory Map: Dynamic and Static Allocation of Memory, Stacks Queues and Linked Lists, Declarations, File handling: Open, Close, Create, Process, Detecting EOF.
BCA402 Computer Networking
Unit I
Computer networks, Network Hardware—Local Area networks, Metropolitan Area networks,, Wide Area networks, Wireless networks, Internetworks, Network Software: Protocol Hierarchies, Design and Issue for layers, Interfaces and services, Connection oriented and Connection less Services
Unit II
Reference Models, and OSI Reference Model, Networks Layers: The Physical layer: Maximum data rate of a channel, Transmission Media: Magnetic Media, Twisted Pair, Baseband and broadband Coaxial cable, Wire less transmission, Structure of telephone system, Switching, Multiplexing, ISDN Services and interface, Satellite communication,
Unit III
Data Link Layer, Error control, Flow control, Sliding Window Protocol, Channel Allocation Problem, Multiple Access Protocol: ALOHA, CSMA protocol, Collision Free protocol, Polling, FDM, TDM, Network layer: Routing Algorithm, Congestion Control Algorithm, IP Protocol, IP Addresses, subnets
Unit IV
Transport layer: Addressing, Establishing and releasing a connection, Multiplexing, Crash Recovery; TCP service Model, TCP protocol, The Application Layer: Network Security, Domain Name System, Email: Architecture and Services, Message formats, Message transfer
BCA403 Management Information Systems
Unit I
Introduction, Meaning and role of MIS, Definition of MIS, and System approach to MIS, MIS Organization, Development of Organizational Theory, Management and Organizational Behavior.
Unit II
Evolution of Information system/ Basic Information Systems/ Decision Making and MIS, MIS as a technique for making Programmed Decisions, Appropriate MIS response, MIS planning, General Business planning, Derivation of MIS plan, Prioritization and development strategies.
Unit III
Conceptual design of MIS, Definition of problem, System Objective and constraints, Analysis of info source, alternate system deigns and selection, conceptual system design and document.
Unit IV
Detailed system design and implementation, application of basic system design concept to MIS, Involvement of ND user and role of MIS department and system analyst, role of top management during design and implementation, system evaluation, review and update, Pit falls in MIS development
BCA404 Computer Oriented Numerical Methods
Unit I
Numerical system and error and types of error, Floating point Arithmetic, source of error, Zeros of transcendental equations and polynomials, system of non linear equations, Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental functions- Bisection Method, Iteration Method, Method of false position, Newton Raphson method, Generalized Newton’s method.
Unit II
Solution of system of linear equation, Guassian elimination method, Guass Jordon method, pivoting, iterative methods of Jacobi and Guass Seidel Methods, Matrix Inversion method, Method of factorization.
Unit III
Interpolation, Errors in Polynomial Interpolation, Finite Differences, Forward Differences, Backward Differences, Central Differences, Newton’s formula for Interpolation, Guass’s central difference formula, Stirling’s Formula, Bessel’s formula, Lagrange’s Interpolation Formula, Error in Lagrange’s Interpolation Formula.
Unit IV
Numerical Differentiation, Errors in Numerical Differentiation, Cubic Spline method, Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3 rule, Simpson’s 3/8 rule, Romberg’s Interpolation, Numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations: Solution by Taylor’s series, Euler’s Method, Runge- Kutta Methods.
BCA405 Multimedia Concepts & Application
Unit I
Multimedia concepts, Introduction to basic techniques of multimedia development and delivery, Process of multimedia Production, Hardware/Software requirement for multimedia, Components of multimedia: Textual information, images, Animation, Digital Audio, Digital Video, Planning and Design of Multimedia, Production of multimedia, Distribution of Multimedia
Unit II
Multimedia development Tools, Features of Software required for Multimedia: Integrating Multimedia Elements, Script Language Programs, Icon based programs, DLL, Hypertext, Cross Platform Capability, Runtime player for distribution, Authoring tools: author ware, Everest Authoring System, Icon author, Image Q, QuickTime
Unit III
Elements of Hypertext: Nodes, Links, Annotations, Buttons, Editors, Browsers, Trails; Application of Hypertext: Business Applications, Computer Applications, Educational Applications, Entertainment and Leisure Applications; Planning Multimedia Program/Application: Goal, Outlining, Logic Flowchart, Program Story board, Creation of Building blocks, Copyright issue and management
Unit IV
Developing multimedia building blocks: Text, Graphics, Sound and Video in multimedia applications, Application areas of Multimedia: Entertainment, Edutainment, Business Communications, Public Access, Knowledge transfer; Multimedia- an interactive system for Teaching and Learning: Simulations, Composition; Multimedia- as a technological challenge for developers.
Semester – V
BCA501 Introduction To Software Engineering
Unit I
The Evolution of software, Software Crisis, Software Engineering Paradigms The Changing Nature of Software Development, The Role of the Software Engineer, The software life cycle, The relationship of software engineering to other areas of computer science, Programming Languages, Operating Systems, Database, The evolving role of software, An Industry Perspective, Some Initial Solutions
Unit II
Requirements Analysis, Analysis Tasks, The Analyst, Problems in Requirements Analysis, Communication Techniques, Analysis Principles, Requirements Analysis Methods, Data Structure Oriented Methods, Formal Specification techniques, Automated Techniques for Requirement Analysis, Important qualities of software product and process, Correctness, Reliability, Robustness, User Friendliness, Verifiability, Maintainability, Reusability, Portability, Data Abstraction, Modularity, Principles of software engineering
Unit III
Structured Methodologies, Major Influencing factors, Evolution of End-User Computing, Emergence of CASE Tools, Use of Prototyping 4GL Tools, Relational Databases, Using the methodology, Choosing the Right Methodology, Implementing a Methodology, Current generations of software Development tools, Fourth Generation, Fifth Generation, Fourth Generation Languages, End -user computing, Prototyping, Non-procedural, Considerations in applications development, Problem in Applications Development, Limitation Of 4GLS, Impact OF 4GLS, Why study systems investigations?, The life cycle of an information system , Phase of Systems investigation, The people involved in a system investigation, Problems in System Investigations, General Principles of Systems Investigations
Unit IV
Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT), Methodology and standards, Expression of a Need, Perception of a Problem, Defining the problem, Relating the Problem to the domain of the Computer, Formalizing the Need, Stages in the Systems development life cycle, Specification Of Requirements, System Design, Programming, System Testing, Implementation, System Review, What is wrong with current development methods? Software and its increasing cost, Software errors and their impact, An Engineering Approach to Software, Case Tools, Generation of CASE Tools, Categories of CASE Tools, Selecting Case Tools, Deft Case Tools, Factors Affecting Software Development
BCA502 TCP/IP Programming
Unit I
Overview of TCP/IP Components, Tel net, File Transfer Protocol, Simple Mail, Transfer Protocol, Domain Name System, Simple Network Management Protocol, Transmission Control Protocol, User Datagram Protocol, Internet Protocol, TCP/IP History, The Internet: The Structure of the Internet, The Internet Layers, Internet work
Unit II
The Internet Protocol (IP), The Internet Protocol Datagram Header, Version Number, Header Length, Type of Service, Datagram Length (or Packet Length), Identification, Flags, Fragment Offset, Time to Live (TTL), Transport Protocol, Header Checksum, Sending Address and Destination Address, 128-Bit IP Addresses
Unit III
TCP and UDP, What Is TCP?, Following a Message, Ports and Sockets, TCP communications with the Upper Layers, Passive and Active Ports, TCP Timers Transmission Control Blocks and Flow Control, TCP Protocol Data Units, TCP and Connections, User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Gateways, Gateways, Bridges and Routers, Gateway Protocols, Routing Daemons, Routing, The IGP and EGP Gateway Protocols, Gateway-to-Gateway Protocol (GGP), The External Gateway Protocol (EGP), Interior Gateway Protocols (IGP), , Telnet and FTP, Telnet, File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Unit IV
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP), Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), The Berkeley Utilities, TCP/IP Configuration & Domain Name service, TCP/IP Configuration, Configuration Files, Setting the Host Name, The Loopback Driver, Managing ARP, Using ipconfig, The inetd Daemon, The netstat Command, The ping Utility, Tracing a Connection, Domain Name Service, DNS Structure, The Name Server, Resource Records, IN-ADDR-ARPA, Messages, The Name Resolver, BOOTP Protocol
BCA503 Web Designing Concepts- Html, MS Frontpage
Unit I
Internet, Evolution of Internet, Internet Applications, Internet Technologies, Clients and Servers, Hosts and Nodes, Internet Services, Getting connected, different types of connections; Dialup, Leased, VSAT, Internet Service Providers, Choosing an ISP, Address in internet: DNS system, IP addresses, connecting to dial-up internet accounts, Intranets. E-Mail: Basics, E-mail networks, mail protocols: SMTP, POP, IMAP, MIME, S/MIME, Accessing the mail system, E-mail working, understanding internet e-mail address, Format of an E-mail message, e-mail software, Abbreviations, Basic E –mail functions, E-mail clients Netscape Navigator, Outlook 98 and Outlook Express, E-mail Security, Mailing lists
Unit II
The components of HTML, A short history of World Wide Web, Keeping up with HTML standards extensions, and Difference, HTML Document Life Cycle: Developing Documents, Publishing Documents, Testing Published documents, Maintaining documents. Creating First HTML Document: Understanding basics of HTML Tools, Entering tags and attributes, Applying Structures tags, Linking documents, URL Anatomy, Types of URL's, Constructing Link Anchors, Inserting E-Mail, Links, Using Style Sheets, Implementing Style Sheets, Including Images, Developing images, Adding images, Using images as links, Creating Image maps, Using background images, Developing tables, Creating basic tables, Spanning rows & columns, Adding captions, Formatting tables, Adding and formatting, borders
Unit III
HTML forms, Developing HTML forms, Determining form content, Creating Forms, Processing forms, Creating frames, Understanding frames, deciding to use frames, Creating frames, Accommodating Nonframed browsers, Enabling effective navigation, Adding Java Script, What is Java script, Adding Java script to your Document, Adding Event Handlers, Tracking visitors Using Cookies, Bringing Pages to life with DHTML, What is DHTML?, Creating a collapsible Document, Converting Document to HTML
Unit IV
Generating HTML from a database, why generate HTML from a datable, Deciding to use a database, Choosing software, Generating static HTML from Database, Maintaining pages generating from database, making your Web site Searchable, Enabling visitors to search within your site, Finding and implementing search engines, Features of Ms-front page, utility of it using over HTML, Designing a site, Understanding and using Web ServersAn overview.
BCA504 RDBMS Concept Oracle
Unit I
Relational model concept, constraints, properties, relational algebra, CODD’s 12 rule or equivalent, concept of keys, tuple relation calculus, simple and complex queries using relational algebra.
Unit II
Interpreting Data, Entities And Relationships, Using E/R Diagrams, Reducing E/R Diagrams, Reducing E/R Diagrams To Relations, Normal form (1NF to 3NF and BCNF), lossless join dependencies, Client server database and knowledge based database, Domain Key, Normal Key.
Unit III
Functional dependencies, Multivated and Join dependencies and denormalization, acid properties of transaction, Storing & Retrieving Data, Language Support For An RDBMS, Organizing A Database, Interacting With A Database, End User's View Of A Database, Restricting Access To A Database
Unit IV
Ensuring Integrity Of Data And Database Architecture, The Concept Of Data Integrity, Grouping Commands Related to A Task, Controlling Concurrent Data Access, Oracle, Architecture, Oracle As A RDBMS, Architecture of Oracle
BCA505 Computer Graphics and Animation
Unit I
Application and introduction to various DTP packages, Graphics devices, Drawing geometry- mathematics for computer graphics, line drawing
Unit II
2D transformation, various line algos, curve and circle, clipping, panning, dragging, Filling, Character generation, Generation of Bar and Pie chart
Unit III
3D graphics transformation, Parallel projection, perspective projection, Hidden surface removal algorithm, back face removal algorithm, floating horizon technique.
Unit IV
Animation, Tweeking, morphing, Introduction to GKS primitive, Multimedia application
Semester – VI
BCA601 Introduction To Artifical Intelligence
Unit I
Introduction, General issue in A.I. problem solving, Production system, control strategies, various research
Unit II
Strategies of AND/OR graphs, Heuristics function, Minimax search approach
Unit III
First order predicate calculus, skolemisation, resolution principle, Unification
Unit IV
Sementic networks, frame system, value inheritance scripts, introduction to PROLOG
BCA602 Introduction To Internet Programming (Java, Active-X)
Unit I
Java programming language overview, Referring to applets and applications, The first step in writing Java application, Basic Java application, Primary application components, Class code block, Data (variables), Method code block (main in example program), Using semicolons and braces, Compiling and running a program, Requirement for your source file, Compiling, Running the program
Unit II
Java Primitive Types and Reference Types: Integral primitive types, Floating point primitive types, Textual primitive types: char, Logical primitive types: Boolean, Variable identifier conventions and rules, Picking a variable identify, Variable identifier naming rules, Variable identifier naming conventions, Using variables in a program, Constants, How primitives and constants are stores in memory, Using the string class as a data type, Using string and the new modifier, Using string without the new modifier, Values you can assign to string, How string are stores in memory, Using string reference variables, Using the main method
Unit III
Object References, Declaring an Object Reference, Creating Objects, Using Object Reference, Strings, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Using Inheritance, Containment Classes Abstract classes and Inheritance, Java2 Platform Class Library packages, Grouping classes in packages, Coding structure, Source file layout, Filenames, Java Methods & Object Interaction, Java Methods, Declaring methods, Invoking Methods, Types of methods, Passing Arguments, Method overloading, Constructors, Writing constructor, Object Interaction, Association, Composition, Composition and lifetime, Association and lifetime, Custody of an object, Typecasting, Promotion of expressions, Logical operations Arithmetic Conceptions, Arithmetic operators, Operators precedence, Increment and decrement operators, The if construct, The while loop, The for loop, while versus for, Th e do loop, The switch construct, The break statement, The continue statement, Java keywords
Unit IV
Graphical user interface development, The Java. AWT Package Class Hierarchy, GUI Project, Frame, Adding a button, Creating panels and complex lay out, ActiveX Technologies & Implementation, ActiveX-based architecture, ActiveX controls, ActiveX documents, ActiveX code components, Implementing Client-Side Solutions, Introduction to scripting, Client-side scripting, Implementing ActiveX controls, Implementing Server-side Solutions, Introducing server-side scripting, Authoring active server pages (ASP), Reading a hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) request, Creating an HTTP response, Saving user information, Using ActiveX server components, Using ActiveX design-time controls, Programming Interfaces, Other application programming interfaces (APIs), Messaging API (MAPI), Systems network architecture (SNA') APIs, Crypto API, Telephony API, License Service API, Speech API
BCA603 Project Work