Contact Information

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    Lucknow University Main Building, University Road, Babuganj, Hasanganj, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226007, India
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  • Approved By: UGC NAAC



2 Years


Graduate or equivalent in Law

Course Duration: Two Year (Annual System)

Course Eligibility : Bachelor degree in law with atleast 50% marks or equivalent CGPA.

Admission Criteria: Merit in qualifying examination, subject to eligibility criteria.

Entrance/Eligibility Test: As per University Rules

Programme Mode: Regular

Course Syllabus

Compulsory Paper

Paper I:  Law and Social Transformation in India

Paper II: Indian Constitutional Law -The New Challenges

Paper III: Judicial Process

Paper IV: Research Methodology

Paper V : Dissertation

Optional Papers

Group A: Criminal Law Group

Paper-I:  Comparative Criminal Procedure

Paper-II: Treatment of Offender & Victimology

Paper-III: Drugs Addiction, Criminal Justice & Human Rights

Paper-IV: Privileged Class Deviance

Paper-V: Juvenile Delinquency

Paper-VI: Collective Violence & Criminal Justice System

Group B: Business Law Group

Paper-I:   General Principle of Company Law -I

Paper-II: General Principle of Company Law -II

Paper-III: International Trade Law -I

Paper-IV: International Trade Law -II

Paper-V  : Intellectual Property Law -I

Paper-VI : Intellectual Property Law -II

Group C: Constitutional Law Group

Paper-I: Constitutionalism: Pluralism & Federalism

Paper-II: National Security, Public Order and Rule of Law

Paper-III: Mass Media Law

Paper-IV: Human Rights

Paper-V: Administrative Law

Paper-VI: Administrative Process and Judicial Control

Note: Other groups may be added in future depending on availability of Faculty and other infrastructure.