PGDJMC - Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication
1 Years
Graduation or Equivalent
Course Detail
Semester - I
Paper- I
Basic Principles Of Communication & Mass Communication - PJC 101
- Communication, Definition, Concept, Elements and process. Different forms of communication, oral, written, upward, downward, horizontal communication, intra-personal, inter-personal, group, crowd, public and mass communication. Feedback and barriers of communication. Non-verbal communication, effective communication. Listening in communication, credibility & perception.
- Various models and theories of communication. Aristotle , Models of Lasswell, Berlo's model, Dance's helical spiral model, Shannon and Weaver, Johnson's model, Wilbur Schramm, Osgood, New Comb, Wesley & MacLean, Other new communication models.
- Communication Theories :- Bullet theory, Sociological:- Cultivation, Agenda Setting, Use and grettification, Dependency Theory. Normative theories: Authoritarian and Free Press theory, Social Responsibility theory, Communist Media theory, Development Communication theory. Democratic Participant Media Theory, New theories in mass media
- Traditional and Modern Media of Mass Communication, Communication Grammar and communication skill. New concepts and trends of mass media.
Paper- II
History Of Mass Media - PJC-102
- Origin, history and growth of human communication and language.
- Origin, history growth of print media with special reference to India. An overview of the history of World Press and Hindi Journalism.
- Origin, history and growth of Broadcasting (Radio & T.V.) with special reference to India.
- Origin, history, growth of Cinema with special reference to India.
- Internet: A historical introduction.
- Present scenario of different mass media in India. Verious Media organizations, institutions and there functions in print and electronic media, eminent personalities.
Paper- III
Reporting and Editing - PJC-103
- News: Definition, concept, elements, types of news, news sources, reporters, types, responsibilities and qualities. Coverage of different crime and accidents.
- Press release, press conference, interviews.
- News writing, styles and presentation. Follow up, news analysis, feature and articles, editorials. New areas and trends in reporting.
- Newsrooms setup, functions of editor, assistant editor, news editor, chief subeditor and sub editor etc.
- Need of editing: Basic techniques, Proof reading, and editing symbols, writing headlines.
- Page make up
- Different Terminology
- Writing letter to editor. Preparing press releases. Taking interviews. News writing on different beats. Organizing press conferences. Editing different types of news. Writing headlines. Writing features and articles. News translation and other related activities. Use of computer in news writing or other practical activates as directed and guided by teachers.
Paper- IV
Media Laws - PJC 104
- Media Laws: Need and importance.
- Freedom of speech & expression, right to information & privacy. RTI
- Various laws: law of defamation, contempt of court and legislature, officialsecret act. copyright act, prasar bharti act, press and books registration act.
- Role of mass media in society
- Press council of India, structure and functions.
- Air & DD's code of broadcasting for news and advertisement.
- Codes of ethics in public relations and advertising.
- Other relevant laws related to mass media.
- Reports of committees and commissions regarding media in India.
- First and second press commissions. Chanda and Verghese committees.
- Introduction to Cyber Laws
Semester - II
Paper- I
PR & Advertising - PJC-201
Public Relations:
- Introduction, concept and definition. Role and importance of PR. Types of PR. Duties and responsibilities of PRO. Different tools of PR. Corporate PR. PR in government departments.
- Media planning for PR campaigns. Press conferences, publicity materials, house journal, newsletters, reports and minutes. Emerging trends in public relations.
- Corporate communication.
- Nature and scope of online Public Relation.
- Introduction, concept and definition. Role and impact of advertisements in different areas. Types of advertisement. Advertising management in newspaper. Advertising agencies and their structure and functions. Media vehicles for advertising. Advertising copy. Creativity in advertising. Appeals and visualization.
- Brand positioning and brand establishment through advertising.
- Advertising and marketing. . Market segmentation & media mix . AIDA Model, DAGMAR.
- Media Selection and Media Planning.
- Advertisement Campaign: Campaign Planning and Process
- Nature and scope of web Advertising
- New trends and technologies in advertising
- Preparing various types of PR materials - press release, backgrounder, publicity materials, house journal, newsletter. Organizing press conferences andother PR events. Preparing classified and display advertisements for newspaper and magazines. Copy writing. Preparing audio-visual commercials. Preparing corporate presentations or as directed by teacher.
Paper- II
Radio, T.V., Film & Photography - PJC-202
- Introduction, characteristics of radio. basic principles for radio writing. Various programmes of radio.
- Writing for different programmes of radio.
- Radio news, radio comparing radio adaptation.
- Radio programmes production, recording, editing and mixing.
- Radio equipment
- Introduction. Characteristics of television. TV scripts and their different formats. Stages in script writing.
- TV programmes production. Studio, functioning, different persons, anchoring for TV, news andher programmes.
Film & Photography: An Introduction.
- Reading for radio, presentation of radio progammes.
- Production of radio programmes
- Writing scripts for different TV programmes
- Indoor and outdoor shooting
- Anchoring for TV programmes
Paper- III
Media Technology - PJC-203
- Computer Basics: Introduction: Introduction to computers, parts of computer system, hardware, software, difference between hardware and software, user, data, processor, memory, input devices, output devices. Generations of Computers: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th generation. Basic computer organization: C.P.U, A.L.U. Keyboard, Mouse, OMR, OCR, BarCode Reader, Scanner, Light pen, Cameras etc. Output Devices: Monitors (CRT, FST and LCD). Impact and non impact printers (Dot matrix, Inkjet,LaserJet), Plotters. Storage Devices: Hard Disk, Floppy disk, CD's, DVD's.
- Operating System: Introduction: Introduction to Operating System, its need and Operating System services; Operating System classification – single user, multi-user, simple batch processing, Multiprogramming, Multitasking, Parallel system, Distributed system, Real time system.
- Office Automation Tools :- Introduction to Office suits, Microsoft Word environment and interface, tools, and menus, document formatting, mailmerge and other tools, e-mail handling, Creating spreadsheets, creating charts and graphs, using functions. Microsoft presentation software environment and interface, creating slides, inserting multimedia objects, transition and custom animation.
- Preparation of different letters in word using mail merge, News letter, Block digram of computer on chart paper. Preparation of different sheetsin excel. Making slide presentations in Power Point on given topics.
Paper- IV
Media Research - PJC-204
- Media Research: Concept, need & importance of research in media. Elements and areas of research. Types of research. Research design. Sampling techniques .
- Research methods, techniques and tools. Data – primary and secondary. Data interpretation and analysis. Preparation of reports.
- Dissertation
The students will have to submit a dissertation on any topic/issues related to media. The dissertation will cover the following headings -
- Introduction
- Review of Literature
- Problem definition
- Hypothesis
- Objective
- Methodology
- Tools for the collection of research data
- Data classification, codification and tabulation
- Data analysis & interpretation
- Data presentation through graphics
- Findings and result
- Brief conclusion and suggestion
- References
- The report will have to be submitted within stipulated time fixed by the Institute.