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    Teliar Ganj, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh 211004, India
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  • Approved By: UGC AICTE

B.Tech. (Civil Engineering)


4 Years


10+2 or Equivalent

Course Detail

Course Code

Course Title

Semester - I


Mathematics I

PH 101

Physics I

EX 101

Electrical and Electronics Engg.

HS 101/CH 101

English language and composition/Chemistry

CS 101

Introduction to Engineering Profession

ME 101/MC 101

Introduction to Manufacturing Process/ Engineering Graphics

Semester - II

MA 201

Mathematics II

PH 201

Physics II

ME 201/MC 201

Introduction to Manufacturing Process/Engineering Graphics

CS 201

Computer Programming

HS 201/CH 201

English language and composition/Chemistry

AM 201

Engg. Mechanics

Semester - III

CE 301

Environment & Ecology

MA 301  

Mathematics III

CE 302

Building Construction & Materials*

CE 303

Estimation, Costing & Evaluation*

AM 302

Strength of Materials

AM 303

Fluid Mechanics  I

Semester - IV

CE 401

Computer based Numerical Techniques

CE 402

Concrete Technology

CE 403


CE 404

  Engineering Geology

AM 401

Structural Analysis I

AM 403

Fluid Mechanics II

Semester - V

CE 501

Construction Planning & Management

CE 502

Transportation Engineering I

CE 503

Geotechnical Engineering I

CE 504

Concrete Structures I

CE 505


AM 501

Structural Analysis II     

Semester - VI

HS 601

Principles of Management

CE 601

Concrete Structures II    

CE 602

Transportation Engineering II

CE 604

Computer Aided Design (Civil)        

CE 605

Environmental Engineering I

CE  606

Geotechnical Engineering II

CE 607

Survey Camp


Communication skill & Workshop                          

Semester - VII


Open Elective I 

CE 701

Steel Structures I 

CE 702

Water Resources Engineering I

CE 703

Environmental Engineering II

CE 704


CE 705

Professional Elective

Semester - VIII


Open Elective II

CE 801

Steel Structures II

CE 802

Water Resources Engineering II

CE 803

Earthquake Resistant Design

CE 804


CE 805

Professional Elective

List of professional electives (in VII/VIII semesters)

A . Structural Engineering Stream

Prestressed Concrete

Matrix Analysis of Structures

Elements of Cost Engineering

Structural Dynamics

Advanced Concrete Design

Bridge Engineering

Plastic Design of Steel Structures

B. Geotechnical Engineering Stream

Geotechnical Processes

Advanced Foundation Design

Earth and Earth Retaining Structures

Soil Dynamics

Rock Engineering

Geotechnical Engineering Software

Environmental Geotechnology

C. Environmental Engineering Stream

Design of Waste Water System

Design of Water Supply and Treatment   Systems

Environmental Pollution Control

Municipal Engineering

Rural Water Supply and Sanitation

Industrial Air Pollution

D. General Civil Engineering

Computer Aided Design

Finite Element and Finite Difference Methods

Construction Equipment and Techniques

Precast and Modular Construction Practices

Transportation System and Planning

Traffic Engineering

Rural Roads

Analytical Photogrammetic Techniques

Theory of Errors and Adjustment Computations

Elements of Geodesy and Field Astronomy

Remote Sensing in Civil Engineering

Design of Sub-structures