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    Teliar Ganj, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh 211004, India
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    (0532) 2545404, 2545407
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    (0532) 2545341
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  • Approved By: UGC AICTE

B.Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering)


4 Years



Course Detail

Course Code

Course Title

Semester I


Mathematics I

PH 101

Physics I

EX 101

Electrical and Electronics Engg.

HS 101/CH 101

English language and composition/Chemistry

CS 101

Introduction to Engineering Profession

ME 101/  MC 101

Introduction to Manufacturing Process/ Engineering Graphics

Semester II

MA 201

Mathematics II

PH 201

Physics II

ME 201/MC 201

Introduction to Manufacturing Process/Engineering Graphics

CS 201

Computer Programming

HS 201/CH 201

English language and composition/Chemistry

AM 201

Engg. Mechanics

Semester III

CE 301

Environment and Ecology

MA 301


AM 301

Material Science and Engineering

CS 311

Computer Based Numerical and Statistical Techniques

EC 301

Electronics Devices and Circuits

EE 301

Networks & Systems

Semester IV

CS 411

Data Structures and Program Design

EC 401

Digital Electronics

EC 402

Signals and Systems

EC 403

ElectroMagnetic Theory

EE 403

Electrical Machines

EE 404

Measurement & Instrumentation

Semester V

CS 507

Computer Organization

EE 504

Industrial Electronics

EC 501

Antenna and Wave Propagation

EC 502

Electronics Circuit Design

EC 503

Communication Systems

EE 505

Automatic Control Systems

Semester VI

HS 601

Principles of Management

EC 601

Digital Signal Processing

EC 602

Microwave Engineering

EC 603

Digital Communications

EC 604

Microprocessors and its Applications

EC 605

VLSI Technology

HS 602

Soft Skills(Workshop)

Semester VII


Open Elective I


Data Communication&Networks







Semester VIII


Open Elective II

EC 801

MicroElectronics &VLSI Design





EC 802


Professional Elective-I

EC 703

Optical Communication

EC 704

Digital Transimission

EC 705

RADAR and Satellite Communication

EC 706

Digital Hardware Design

Professional Elective-II

EC 707 

MicroComputer Based System Design

EC 708 

Neural Networks

EC 709 

Digital Image Processing

EC 710 

Statistical Signal Processing

Professional Elective-III

EC 803

Advanced Logic Design

EC 804

Switching Circuits and Fault Diagnosis

EC 805

Wireless Communication

EC 806


EC 807

Multimedia Communication

Professional Elective-IV

EC 808

Computer Architecture

EC 809

ATM Networks and B-ISDN

EC 810

DSP Architecture and Applications

EC 811

Embedded Systems

EC 812

Wireless Lan

List of Open Electives

 Introduction to Nano-Technology

 Introduction to Bio-informatics

Introduction to Bio-Engineering

Powder Metallurgy

Optimization Techniques

Engineering Materials and their Applications

Reliability Engineering

Digital Electronics and Microprocessors

Electrical and Electronic Measurements

Data Communication and Networking

Optical and mobile Communication

Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network

Modern Architectural Practices

Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems

Web Technology

Introduction to Robotics

Non-conventional Energy Sources

Statistical Methods in Engineering

Differential Geometry

Graph Theory 

Industrial Psychology

Power Plant Engineering

Knowledge Management

Technology Management

Total Quality Management

Safety Engineering

Value Engineering

Solid State Physics

Condensed Matter Physics

X-ray Spectroscopy

Spectroscopy for Engineers   

Introduction to Biotechnology

Biomaterials Science & Technology

Bio-medical Instrumentation

Introduction to GIS

Micro-electronics and VLSI Technology