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    MCH No. 8-2-120/86/2, Vamsiram Jyothi Arina, Road No. 2, BNR Colony, Venkat Nagar, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana 500034, India
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  • Approved By: UGC

Certificate Course in ECG


3 Months



Product Name: Certificate Course in ECG

The Medvarsity certificate course in ECG is a 3 months online course which provides Certificate by Apollo Hospitals and Martin Luther Christian University. The certificate course uses highly effective multimedia animations to explain concepts of ECG. The course has been made with detailed modules involving knowledge of ECG, Rhythmic disorders and understanding coronary artery diseases. The certificate course develops the practical understanding about Electrocardiogram, a diagnostic tool to asses electrical and muscular functions of the heart. The course helps you to understand terminology and physiology in ECG or EKG interpretation.   We have 25K+ students (India & international) 45+ courses for healthcare professionals. We provide professionally formatted in-class student material developed from experienced professionals which will be sent to you after registration. Our Learning Management System (LMS) is user friendly, easy and self explanatory navigation through course content delivery platform viz. Textual, videos, animations, case studies, students personal profile, progress report etc.


Eligibility Details:

MBBS graduates, undergraduates and post-graduate students        


Course Objectives:

1) To achieve full utility of ECG as diagnostic and therapeutic Guide.

2) Course material developed by experienced professionals from Apollo Hospital.

3) One week OPTIONAL Contact Programme with clinicians at the end of the course.


Brand Name: Medvarsity & Apollo Hospitals


Accreditation Body: Martin Luther Christian University and Apollo hospitals Education and Research Foundation


LMS Learning & Management System:

Medvarsity online program are well structured to provide updated knowledge in all aspects of Medical field. Our Learning Management System (LMS) is user friendly and helps you to get online materials, write exams, Courses information and provides you good support.


Contact Details:

"For any queries about courses you can mail us at [email protected] for detailed info contact Mail: [email protected] Phone Number: 9701709595 (or) [email protected] 9963288177 and [email protected] contact numbers"