ICMR-National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad invites applications for admission into the two-year M.Sc. (Applied Nutrition) 2020-2022


Applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission into Course at the ICMR-National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), Hyderabad offered under MoU with Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana for the academic session 2020-2022.

Eligibility Conditions

  • Candidates seeking admission into the two-year M.Sc. Applied Nutrition course must have passed in one of the following Under Graduate courses viz., B.Sc. (Nursing), MBBS or B.Sc. with one of the following subjects namely Nutrition, Foods & Nutrition, Home Science (with specialization in Food & Nutrition), Bio-Chemistry, Zoology, Applied Nutrition and Public Health, Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics, Food Science or Nutrition & Dietetics. In addition, the candidate should possess a minimum of 55% aggregate marks in the qualifying examination and SC/ST candidates should possess a minimum of 50% aggregate marks in the qualifying examination. Students who are appearing for the qualifying examination in the year 2020 and are awaiting their results are also eligible to apply. However, the marks memorandum of the qualifying examination has to be produced at the time of counselling

How to Apply?

  • Application forms along with prospectus can be downloaded from the website: nin.res.in

Important Dates

Last date for submission of applications

  • 25th June 2020