University of Mysore, Mysore Invites Applications for Admission into PG Programs
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission into following various programmes offered at various colleges for 2013.
- Master of Arts (M.A)
- Master of Social Work (MSW)
- Master of Music (M. Music)
- Master of Dance (M. Dance)
- Master of Education (M.Ed) at Faculty of Arts
- Master of Commerce (M.Com)
- Master of financial Management (M.F.M) at Faculty of Commerce
- Master of Science (M.Sc)
- Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
- Master of Library and Information Science (M.L.I.Sc.) at Faculty of Science and Technology
- Master of Physical Education (M.P.Ed) at the Faculty of Education
Eligibility Conditions
- Candidates should have completed bachelor's degree in respective disciplines from recognized university/college to be eligible for admission.
How to Apply
- The prospectus and the application form may be obtained from 6th Jul, 2013 in person in the office of the administrative officer, Senate Bhavana, Manasagangotri, Mysore- 570006 or from the offices of respective Post-Graduate Centres, on payment of Rs.200 for each application form.
- The candidates can also get application form inclusive of the prospectus through post, by sending demand draft for Rs.300 (Rs.100 towards Postal Charges) drawn in favour of the Finance Officer, University of Mysore, Mysore.
- Candidates may also down-load the application form from the University website
- The filled-in application form in all respects of all programs along with necessary certificates and copies of marks cards and certificate relating to caste/category in case of claim for reservation under such category/caste should be submitted to the
Chairpersons of respective Department of Studies at Manasagangotri, Mysore 570006.
Selection Procedure
- Selection will be done on the basis of Postgraduate Entrance Examination (PGEE) conducted by the university.
Important Dates
- Last date for receipt of completed application form: 5th Aug, 2013 (Monday)
- Date of entrance examination: 17th Jul, 2013 (Wednesday) to 23rd Jul, 2013 (Tuesday)