National Institute of Foundry and Forge Technology (NIFFT) invited applications for admission to various programmes for session 2014-15.
Program Details
1.Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Department of materials and metallurgical engineering (1 Seat): Major research areas include metallurgical engineering, computational materials engineering, materials science, ceramics and nano materials.
Department of applied sciences and Humanities (1 Seat): Major research areas include environmental engineering, nano materials, thin films and applied sciences.
2. Master of Technology (M.Tech- 4 semesters/24 months): Admission will be through centralized counseling in Foundry-Forge Technology, Manufacturing Engineering, Materials science and Engineering, Environmental Engineering.
3. Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech- 8 semesters/4 years): Admission will be through CSAB-2014 in Manufacturing Engineering and Metallurgy & Materials Engineering.
4. Advanced Diploma Course (ADC-3 semesters/18 months): Admission in Foundry Technology and Forge Technology.
How to Apply
Important Dates
Date of Issue of Application Forms:
Last date for receipt of application forms for PhD:
Last Date for receipt of application forms for ADC:
Date of written test for ADC:
Date of Declaration of Result for ADC: