Assam Police Admit Cards 2021 Released


The State Level Police Recruitment Board (SLPRB), Assam will release the Assam Police Constable Admit Card 2021.

The admit card will be uploaded for Constable and Sub-Officer Posts for Physical Eligibility Test (PET) and Physical Standard Test (PST) scheduled from October to December 2021.

How to download?

Candidates can check they're admit cards from the SLPRB official website, i.e.,

Assam Police PET, PST: For Constable and Sub-Officer

The PET shall carry 40 marks.

It will have 2 (two) events:


  • Race: Those who qualify in the PST will be subjected to 3200 meters. race to be completed within 14 minutes (840 seconds).
  • Long Jump: Minimum 335 cm for long jump (3 chances to be given and the longest valid jump rounded off to the nearest cm will be considered for awarding marks).


  • Race: Those who qualify in the PST will be subjected to 1600 meters. race to be completed within 8 minutes (480 seconds).
  • Long Jump: Minimum 244 cm for long jump (3 chances to be given and the longest valid jump rounded off to the nearest cm will be considered for awarding marks).

Important Dates

Admit Cards

  • 25th October 2021 to 20th December 2021