International Human Solidarity Day

Held on 20th December every year

According to the U.N., 'Solidarity' refers to a union of interests, purposes or sympathies among members of a group. Solidarity, as a central pillar of international cooperation, acquires new meaning in the face of globalization and growing interdependence.  In particular, a globalizing world offers new opportunities to forge innovative alliances that can unleash the potential for broader and faster economic and social development. Among the more important aspects of solidarity at the international level are assistance, development aid and cooperation. The United Nations' (UN) International Human Solidarity Day is annually held on December 20 to celebrate unity in diversity. It also aims to remind people on the importance of solidarity in working towards eradicating poverty.

In the Millennium Declaration world leaders agreed that solidarity was a value that was important to international relations in the 21st century. In light of globalization and growing inequality, the UN realized that strong international solidarity and cooperation was needed to achieve its Millennium Development Goals. The UN was founded on the idea unity and harmony via the concept of collective security that relies on its members' solidarity to unite for international peace and security. International Human Solidarity Day was established by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 2005 as an initiative in the fight against poverty. (A/RES/60/209). On December 22, 2005, the UN General Assembly proclaimed that International Solidarity Day would take place on December 20 each year. The event aimed to raise people's awareness of the importance of advancing the international development agenda and promoting global understanding of the value of human solidarity. The assembly felt that the promotion of a culture of solidarity and the spirit of sharing was important in combating poverty.

On International Human Solidarity Day, governments are reminded of their commitments to international agreements on the need for human solidarity as an initiative to fight against poverty. People are encouraged to debate on ways to promote solidarity and find innovative methods to help eradicate poverty. The day is promoted through all forms of media including magazine articles, speeches at official events, and web blogs from groups, individuals or organizations committed to universal solidarity. Activities may include promoting campaigns on issues such as banning land mines, making health and medication accessible to those in need, relief efforts to help those who suffered the effects of natural or human-made disasters, achieving universal education, fighting against poverty, corruption and terrorism etc.

Holiday Status - It is not a public holiday