Contact Information

At LIMRAW Public School ("LPS"), the education we impart prepares our students to be intellectual, innovative & compassionate leaders who are taught to place the welfare of others before themselves. Our students are prepared to embrace the challenges of the century as opportunities to make a difference in the world! At LPS, each child is seen as a capable, competent & active participant in his or her own learning journey.

At LIMRAW, we focus on the complete development of the child encompassing the social, emotional, spiritual, physical & cultural needs alongside their academic and intellectual progress. The driving force of our school is to have a personal touch with our students to understand their personal needs and characteristics in order to devise improved methods for their academic well-being as our prime attention is focused on catering to the different needs of our students.

Our teachers embrace a collaborative approach to learning, supporting diverse interests and enabling a rich learning experiences for our students. Given that our attention is focused on our students, our curriculum and pedagogical decisions begin with understanding our students.

Our teachers observe, listen and research alongside the students, encouraging them to be inquirers - to wonder and pose questions with many opportunities for critical, analytical, creative & reflective thinking, enriched through reciprocal interactions between peers, teachers & the broader community.

LIMRAW also believes that optimal learning outcomes require strong home-school partnerships. Accordingly, we provide clear and continuous communication and encourage the guardian's participation in the teaching-learning environment.

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